
  • popper;Popcorn Maker;Popcorn Machine
  1. 首先把玉米放进爆米花机里。

    First , put the popcorn into the popcorn popper .

  2. 但那不是一台爆米花机吗?

    But isn 't that a hot air popcorn popper ?

  3. 酷!但那不是一台爆米花机吗?

    Cool ! But isn 't that a hot air popcorn popper ?

  4. 商用食品机械&爆米花机,热狗机,烤箱等;

    Carnival Food Equipment – Popcorn Machine , Hot-dog Machine , Toast Oven , etc. ;

  5. 接着打开爆米花机。

    Next turn on the popper .

  6. 从一开始,敏捷就强调对于不同环境的需求&开发空间、从墙到墙的白板、大型可见图表,甚至是爆米花机和冰箱。

    From the very beginning , Agile emphasized the need for a different kind of environment-open space , wall-to-wall whiteboards , big visible charts , and even popcorn machines and refrigerators .