
  • 网络popcorn
  1. 用SSR标记对云南爆裂玉米地方种遗传多样性的研究

    Genetic Diversity of Popcorn Landraces in Yunnan by SSR Markers

  2. 基于SSR标记的云南糯玉米、爆裂玉米地方种质遗传多样性研究

    Genetic Diversity of Waxy Corn and Popcorn Landraces in Yunnan by SSR Markers

  3. 利用高代回交方法定位爆裂玉米膨化倍数QTL

    Mapping QTL of Popping Fold with Advanced Backcross Method in Popcorn

  4. 爆裂玉米3膨爆特性的非条件和条件QTL分析

    Unconditional and Conditional QTL Analysis about Popping Characteristics in Popcorn

  5. TP爆裂玉米的品种特性

    The Characteristics of TP Popcorn

  6. 普通×爆裂玉米RILs构建及主要性状QTL分析

    Construction of Normal Corn × Popcorn RIL Population and QTL Analysis for Main Traits

  7. 利用SSR标记可以进行爆裂玉米自交系遗传多样性研究和类群划分。

    Therefore , SSRs might be a valuable complementary tool to traditional field trails for identifying heterotic groups and can be used to study the genetic diversity of popcorn inbred lines .

  8. 利用Mapmaker3.0作图软件和183个共显性SSR分子标记构建了一张爆裂玉米分子标记连锁图,图谱总长度为1762.2cM,相邻两标记间的平均距离为9.63cM。

    One hundred eighty-three pairs SSR markers were selected to construct a genetic linkage map of popcorn with the genetic distance of 1762.2 cM ( centimorgan ) and on an average of 9.63 cM using Mapmaker 3.0 .

  9. 结果表明:1.供试的56个爆裂玉米自交系间存在较丰富的SSR多态性,根据SSR标记遗传距离划分为6个类群,分类结果与育种实际及大多数自交系的系谱来源相一致。

    The results showed that : 1.There were rather plenty SSR polymorphism among the 56 popcorn inbred lines , and a cluster analysis using the SSR genetic distance placed the 56 inbred lines into 6 clusters , which corresponded with breeding practice and most of their pedigree .

  10. 不同溶液浸泡处理对爆裂玉米微波真空膨化的影响

    Effect of Popcorn Dipped in Different Liquors on Microwave Vacuum Popping

  11. 爆裂玉米籽粒品质及淀粉粒形态分析

    Analysis on Kernel Characteristic and Starch Granule Shape of Pop Corn

  12. 硅钙肥对爆裂玉米品质和生理指标的影响分析

    Analysis of Silicon-Calcium Fertilizer on Pop Corn Qualities and Physiological Index

  13. 我国爆裂玉米的品种评价与区域性分析

    Evaluation and Regional Analysis of New Popcorn Hybrid in China

  14. 爆裂玉米与普通玉米微波真空膨化特性比较

    Characteristic Comparison of Microwave Vacuum Popping of Popcorn and Maize

  15. 水分对微波真空膨化爆裂玉米的影响

    The effect of moisture on microwave vacuum popping of popcorn

  16. 爆裂玉米的标准化栽培技术及应用前景分析

    The Standardization Pop Corn Cultivation Technology and Application Prospect Analysis

  17. 爆裂玉米性状相关分析与高产育种

    Correlation analysis of agronomic traits and its implication in breeding for high-yielding popcorn

  18. 美国爆裂玉米在山西省的试验研究

    Test and Study on American Popcorn in Shanxi Province

  19. 在硬粒型玉米、马齿型玉米、爆裂玉米3类种质中,硬粒型玉米与爆裂玉米自交系亲缘关系较为接近。

    Among the three germ plasms , flint corn is more closed to popcorn .

  20. 爆裂玉米的微波膨化特性研究

    Puffing characteristics studies on popcorn in microwave oven

  21. 爆裂玉米胚乳数量性状的遗传研究

    Genetic Studies of Endosperm Quantitative Traits of Popcorn

  22. 爆裂玉米爆裂品质研究

    Studies on the Popping Quality of Popcorn

  23. 爆裂玉米的水分含量对其油炸膨化率和微波膨化率的影响

    The Effects of Moisture Content in Popcorn on the Expanding Rate of Oil Frying and Microwave

  24. 究了爆裂玉米籽粒含水量与其膨爆效果的相关性。

    The correlation between moisture content of popcorn kernels and effect of popping corns was studied .

  25. 爆裂玉米的爆裂品质

    Popping quality of the pop corn

  26. 爆裂玉米爆裂特性的研究

    Studies on Popping characteristics of popcorn

  27. 对爆裂玉米的膨爆机理、膨爆特性、影响膨爆的因素及高产育种进行了综述。

    The expansion mechanism , characteristics and effect factors of popcorn were summarized in this paper .

  28. 爆裂玉米研究现状

    Research Situation of the Popcorn

  29. 由于爆裂玉米种质资源较少,严重着制约育种水平和效率的进一步提高。

    Breeding level and efficiency in popcorn is seriously restricted due to its quite few germplasm resource .

  30. 实验证明,经过质量分数为10%的食盐溶液处理的爆裂玉米能够获得较好的微波真空膨化效果。

    The fact was found that popcorn which soaked in 10 % salt solution could be obtained optimum microwave vacuum popping effect .