
  • 网络Propylene sulfide;Allylic Sulfides;allyl sulfide;thietane
  1. 大蒜具有很强的抗菌作用,其中的有效成分主要是一些硫化丙烯类化合物,俗称为大蒜素(Allitridum)。我们可以从大蒜中提取或者利用化学方法进行合成来获得这一类化合物。

    Garlic has strong antibacterial effect and its main active ingredients are some propylene sulfide substances , commonly known as allicin , which can be extracted from garlic or obtained by chemical methods of synthesis .

  2. 科学家感兴趣于洋葱所富含的多酚以及含硫化合物,比如槲皮素和硫化丙烯,它们或许能降低某些癌症的患病风险,维护心脏健康和免疫功能。

    Scientists are interested in onions ' abundant polyphenol and sulfur-containing compounds , such as quercetin and allyl sulfides , that may lower the risk of some cancers and help maintain heart health and immune function .