
  • 网络Sulfur pollution;sulphur pollution;pollution by sulfur
  1. 全面分析锡槽内的硫污染提高浮法玻璃质量

    Analyzing Sulfur Pollution in Tin Bath to Improve Float Glass Quality

  2. 燃煤硫污染及固硫研究

    Study on SO_2 Pollutant from Coal Combustion and Fixed-sulphur Technology

  3. 包裹法对民用高氟石煤氟硫污染的防治作用

    Expiration of prevention action of coating technique on fluoride and sulfur pollution from civilian high-fluorine stone coal

  4. 即使如此,硫污染减半仍然有其后果:它将很快带来明显的全球变暖。

    Even so , halving sulfur emissions has its own consequences : it would make global warming noticeable sooner .

  5. 在大气硫污染引起全球范围内高度重视的同时,农用土壤硫缺乏问题也逐步得到重视。

    At the time of global area paid high attention to atmospheric sulfur pollution , the problem of S-deficient soils in agricultural have got attention step by step .

  6. 用钨尾矿作生产水泥熟料的原料之一,既可提高水泥熟料的产量和质量,节省能耗,又可减少水泥窑氟硫污染,具有较好的经济效益和社会效益。

    Wolfram tailings acting as one of raw materials can improve the output and quality of cement clinker , decrease the production cost and lighten the pollution of fluorine sulphur . It has both economic benefit and social benefit .

  7. 重金属污染、POPs、DECs等有毒有害人为化学品污染,大气人为硫源污染等一直是环境化学研究的主要内容,而二次污染、复合污染是环境科学探索的前言。

    Heavy metal pollution , man-made chemicals pollution , such as POPs and EDCs , man-made sources of sulfur in the atmosphere are always the main research topics of environmental science . And secondary pollution and compound pollution are the frontier of environmental science .

  8. 太原市大气环境中降尘和硫氧化物污染特征分析及防治对策

    The Analysis and Preventive Countermeasures of the Fall Dust and Pollution Features of Sulphur Oxide in Atmospheric Environment of Taiyuan

  9. 其中,许多工业废水、农业污水和城市污水中都有含硫污染物,废水排放所致的硫素污染严重威胁着人类健康和生态安全。

    The wastewaters from industry , agriculture and housing settlements contain sulfur compounds . Sulfur pollution has already posed hazardous effects on human health and ecological safety .

  10. 污染专家表示,有技术措施可以减少空气污染,但是那将遭遇强大利益的阻挠,其中包括提供高硫重污染气体的国家石油公司。

    Pollution experts say the technology exists to reduce air pollution , but it will mean confronting powerful interests including rich state oil companies that distribute high sulphur heavy polluting gas .

  11. 加工高硫原油恶臭污染及其控制对策

    Odour pollution in processing high sulfur-containing crude and Its Countermeasures

  12. 运用油松年轮揭示承德市硫及重金属污染的历史

    The application of Pinus tabulaeformis tree rings in revealing the pollution history of Chengde City

  13. 论文分析了我国硫氧化物的污染现状、硫氧化物产生的原因;

    This article analyzed pollution present situation and the reason produced of sulfur oxide compound in our country ;

  14. 金属硫蛋白作为重金属污染生物标志物的研究进展

    Researching Advance in Metallothionein and Its Biomarker of Heavy Metal Contamination

  15. 13种花卉植物受硫氧化物混合气体污染的伤害症状及其抗性表现

    Pollution Symptoms of Sulfur Oxides Mixed Gas on 13 Species Ornamental Plants and Their Resisting Performance

  16. 近些年来,人们越来越重视工业气体产生的污染,尤其是工业气体中硫产生的大气污染和酸雨。

    Recently , the pollution caused by industrial exhaust gas , especially , the air pollution and acid rain resulting from the sulfur of exhaust gas , is increasingly drawing people 's attention .

  17. 内燃机油中磷对尾气转化器的催化剂有毒害,硫的氧化物将污染空气,因此降低内燃机油的硫、磷含量是抗氧剂的发展方向。

    Phosphorus in the engine oil is harmful to the catalytic converter and the Sulfur oxides causes air pollution . So reducing the content of sulfur and phosphorus is the development direction of antioxidants .

  18. 动物的排泄物释放出的气体,例如氢化硫、氨气、污染了农场周围的空气,同时,甲烷和一氧化氮则是导致全球变暖的主要元凶。

    Animal excrement emits gases , such as hydrogen sulfide and ammonia , that poison the air around farms , as well as methane and nitrous oxide , which are major contributors to global warming .

  19. 本文研究结果证实硫能减少镉污染土壤中水稻对镉的吸收,其对于减少尾矿区的高硫高镉水稻土中镉向食物链传递具有重要的理论和实践意义。

    The present research demonstrated that sulfur could decrease the Cd uptake by rice in soils contaminated by Cd , which had important theoretical and practical meaning to decrease the Cd transportation from paddy soil with high level of sulfur and Cd in mining area to food chains .

  20. 中国煤中硫的分布及控制硫污染的对策

    The distribution of sulfur in Chinese coal and the means controlling sulfur pollution

  21. 通过提高干气和液态烃的脱硫效果及提高酸性气体的硫回收率来控制大气的硫污染;

    Reduction of sulfur emission can be achieved via strengthening the desulfurization efficiency of the refining dry gas and LPG and increasing the sulfur reclamation of the sulfur recovery unit .

  22. 如何增大硫丹在土壤中的溶解能力,提高其生物有效性,在降解硫丹的同时去除高毒代谢产物硫丹硫酸盐,成为发展硫丹污染土壤修复技术、提高修复效率的重要研究内容。

    How to increase the solubility and bioavailability in soil and simultaneously remove endosulfan sulfate becomes an important topic for the development of remediation technology for endosulfan-contaminated soil and improvement the remediation efficiency .