
  • 网络political speech
  1. 真的,这个空间充满了政治言论,有左翼也有右翼的。

    Indeed , the space is filled with political speech , on both the right and the left .

  2. 大多数美国人认为,激励的政治言论对亚利桑那州枪击案的影响非常小,如果有影响的话。

    A majority of Americans believe heated political speech played little if any part in the Arizona shooting .

  3. 新网站将与Facebook形似,拥有信息流和群组分类,不过将允许用户把包含度假照片、政治言论和娱乐视频的个人资料屏蔽在工作之外。

    The new site will look like Facebook , with a news feed and groups , but will allow users to keep their personal profile with holiday photos , political rants and silly videos separate from work .

  4. 欧洲各地关于谷歌的政治言论极其强烈,以至于如果韦斯塔格尔不提起诉讼,她的政治地位就可能遭到削弱。“可能会危及她调查其他高调反垄断案件的能力,”桑福德·伯恩斯坦公司(SanfordC.Bernstein)分析师卡洛斯·基里纳尔(CarlosKirjner)说。

    The political rhetoric around Google in Europe has been so heated that had Vestager decided not to bring a case , her political standing might have been weakened , " probably compromising her ability to pursue effectively other high-profile antitrust cases , " wrote Carlos Kirjner , an analyst with Sanford C. Bernstein & Co.

  5. 我并不想使自己与极端主义的政治言论有何联系。

    I 'd rather not associate myself with extremist political statements .

  6. 当今的政治言论常常让我穿越时空,回到种族隔离时代。

    Political talk today often sends me drifting back to apartheid .

  7. 这就说明了为什么鲜明的政治言论退出了评论版。

    This explains the retreat of explicit political statements to the editorial pages .

  8. 在一些地方,政治言论可能与投资现实相吻合。

    In a couple of places the political rhetoric might match investment reality .

  9. 而唯一应该做的是努力工作,而不仅是政治言论修辞。

    And the only thing should be done is to work on them and not only political rhetoric .

  10. 但是,关于团体在政治言论方面是否与自然人享受同样的自由却仍然是一个问题。

    But there was still a question about whether corporations could have the same freedom of political speech as real people do .

  11. 自上世纪40年代起,美国团体和企业的政治言论的传统地位必须通过政治行动委员会的批准。

    Since the nineteen forties , the traditional place for political speech by American unions and companies has been through political action committees .

  12. 但除去跟行动主义和政治言论有关的部分,中国的网络世界其实充满激烈的竞争,有时甚至处于无政府状态。

    But outside the realm of activism and political speech , the online world in China is fiercely competitive and anarchic at times .

  13. 它采用一种幽默与讽刺相结合的方式,从本质上讲,它属于政治言论的符号空间里的边缘层。

    They use a combination of humor and irony , in essence , they belong to the edge of the layer in the symbolic space of political speech .

  14. 过去一年,中国政府的整治行动影响了微博作为政治言论场所的声望,但金宝表示,它仍是一种极为宝贵的营销工具。

    While a government crackdown has damped Weibo 's popularity as venue for political discourse over the past year , Mr James says it remains invaluable as a marketing tool .

  15. 随着中国网民数量的上升以及网民上网时间的增多,互联网已成为了中国人可以肆意发表社会与政治言论的平台。

    As the number of China 's netizens swells and the time they spent online increases , Internet has become a platform for Chinese people to vent their social and political opinions .

  16. 我们跟政治言论毫无关系而且我们根本不关心政治。因为我认为,政治和音乐,至少对于我们来说,是不会混淆的。“

    We 've got nothing to do with this and we 're trying to be as apolitical as possible , ' cause I think politics and music , at least for us , don 't mix . "

  17. Facebook在中国被屏蔽,由于对网络用户政治性言论的深度封锁,该网站近期在中国开放的可能性很小。

    Facebook is blocked in China , and amid a deep freeze on political commentary by online posters , it looks highly unlikely that the site will open any time soon .

  18. 区分政治性言论与商业言论并在此基础上予以区别对待的做法,不仅会面临言论类型化缺乏可行性的难题,而且还会遭遇经济自由权利崛起的挑战。

    To differentiate political speech and commercial speech and give them different treatment may not only bring the dilemma of speech classification lack of feasibility but also meet the challenge of the rising of economical liberties .

  19. 通常快餐观点是政治或神学言论。快餐观点常常来源于畅销书籍,或是有政治动机的有线电视节目。

    It is generally political , or theological in nature . Fast food opinions often originate from best selling books , or from politically motivated cable television shows .

  20. 甚至可能出现关于民盟参加政治活动的言论。

    It might even lead to talks about the NLD 's joining the political process .

  21. 弘文政策的实施迅速改变了这一观念,尤其是太宗文学与政治分开的言论,使文学的感性色彩在一定程度上得到了恢复。

    The implementation of " Culture-Advocating Strategy ", especially the claim of separating Tai Zong literature from politics , swiftly changes this notion and the geist color of literature is restored to some extent .

  22. 辜鸿铭的这三种政治情感支配着他去发表一系列政治言论、从事政治活动。

    These three kinds of political emotion dominate him to express a series of political statements and engage in political activities .

  23. 第二,苏联事实上实行的指导性政治参与为政治笑话这种存在着一定危险性的政治言论行为的出现提供了可能性。

    Second , the guidance of political participation provides the possibility for the emerge of Soviet political jokes in the Soviet Union .