
  • 网络political regulations
  1. 杜佑《通典》是一部历史性典章制度政书。

    The Tong Dian of Du you is a historic cultural establishments system political book .

  2. 编纂于清末的《皖政辑要》就是这样一部具有资政色彩的地方政书。

    Compilation of the WAN ZHENG JI YAO in the late Qing Dynasty is a senior local certificate with color .

  3. 兵家著作既是兵书和政书,又是管理哲学书,包含了丰富的管理学思想。

    Works of military strategists are books on military science and politics as well as management philosophy , which contain rich management thoughts .

  4. 正因为此,《皖政辑要》以其珍贵的文献价值,理应在中国的政书发展史上占有重要的地位。

    Because of this , WAN ZHENG JI YAO with its precious literature value , supposedly in China Certification development occupies an important position in the history .

  5. 文章通过考察有关杀虎口的档案材料、地方志以及一些清朝政书、专著等,对杀虎口税关作了一个比较全面的论述。

    The paper discuss Sha Hu Kou customs through the inspection the file , Local chronicle as well as some Qing Dynasty government book 、 monograph and so on .

  6. 史部政书类是关于政治制度、经济制度、法律制度、文化制度等方面的史书,其中有极其珍贵的科技思想资料。

    The administrative books compiled by Shi Ministry , which are the historical records about the systems of politics , economy , law and culture , contain invaluable information of scientific and technological ideology .

  7. 该书史料的汇辑,融入了编纂者对政府档案文献、地方史志和政书典籍的广泛搜集之功,这为下一步具体组织材料、记载历史打下了良好的基础。

    The book historical repertoire , into the compilation of government documents , local records and certificates of books widely collected work , the next step for specific tissue material , recorded in history to lay a good foundation .