
  • 网络political law
  1. 政治法建设是多种力量的合力互动。

    The construction of political law is the union of many forces .

  2. 政治法理论试探

    A Probe on the Political Law Theory

  3. 这种政治法理论发展的重要性、必要性与可能性三位一体,充分显示出政治法理论拥有自身发展的内在逻辑。

    The importance , necessity , and possibility of the theory has full manifested its innate logics .

  4. 政治法在法律体系中的独立部门法的名位提供了政治法理论研究的独立性的法理与学理基础,实行依法治国、建设法治国家的宏观环境创造了政治法理论发展的外部条件。

    And the macro-environment of " administrating nation by law " has provide a necessary outer condition for the development of it .

  5. 在古典自然法学派学者所阐述的有关自然法的理论中,蕴含着丰富的民法思想。民法是一个与政治法相对应的法律部门,调整的是公民与公民之间的社会关系;

    Civil law is a part of classical natural law theory , which is relative with political law and adjusts the relations of citizen .

  6. 当然,这种缓解是初步的,它需要政府及非平权的政治法的进一步规制。

    It is on guard market asymmetric information preliminary only and it is more important for the government and the political law to set square further .

  7. 政治法足调整政治关系的法律,因而需要以法律与法学为基础性资源,联系和运用法律与法学规律和原理开展政治法理论研究。

    The political law are laws that regulates the political relations , therefore , law and the science of law are the basis of it , and we need to make use of the general principle of law and science of law .

  8. 对是否应该修改政治避难法展开了一场全国性的大辩论。

    There was a nationwide debate on whether the asylum laws should be changed .

  9. 论差异思想政治教育法

    Tittle : On The Method of different ideological And Political Education

  10. 阴阳五行学说的政治辩证法思想

    The Political Dialectics Thought of the Doctrine of Yin and Yang and the Five - element

  11. 研究女性历史的学者应该尽量避免因过分关注政治修辞法对于女性的看法,而忽略其他同等重要的因素对于女性的影响。

    Scholars of women 's history should refrain from focusing on the influence of political rhetoric on women 's perceptions to the exclusion of other equally important factors .

  12. 论《晏子春秋》中的政治辩证法思想西子是春秋战国时期越国著名的美女。

    On the conceptions of political dialectic in Yanzi Spring-Autumn ; Xi shi was a famous beauty of Yue kingdom during the Spring and autumn period of Chinese history .

  13. 本文吸收借鉴了层次分析法、地缘政治分析法、历史分析法等研究方法。

    Some research method , such as the method of level analysis , the method of geopolitics analysis and the method of history analysis have been absorbed in the thesis .

  14. 重塑国际政治与国际法的关系&国际问题研究的一个前沿切入点

    Cooperation between International Relations and International Law : A Cross-Disciplinary Exploration

  15. 正义是法的价值基础,也是法律的理想,正义在人类政治哲学以及法哲学史上可谓是最有生命力的话题之一。

    Justice is the value foundation of law , also is the legal ideal .

  16. 大众文化与政治的辩证法&英国文化马克思主义的发展主线

    The Dialectics of Popular Culture and Politics & the Main Line of British Culture Marxism

  17. 提高《中学思想政治课教学法》教学质量的实践与探索

    How to Improve the Teaching Quality in the Methodology of the Politics Lesson in Middle School

  18. 在国际政治和国际法领域里,自决权是一个难以明确界定的有争议的概念。

    Both in international politics and international law , self-determination is a contentious and hard-to-define concept .

  19. 高等师范《中学思想政治课教学法》教学改革浅探

    Study on the Teaching Reform in " the Methods of Teaching Thought-Politics in High-School " in Teachers-training Colleges and Universities

  20. 如何培养学生的实践能力和创新精神&思想政治课教学法初探

    About How to Train Students ' Ability of Practice and Innovation & A Primary Probe into Pedagogy in Ideological and Political Course

  21. 共同利益是破解国际政治与国际法、国际法与国内法相互关系诸问题的关键。

    Common interest is the key to probe into mutual relation between international politics and international law , between international law and municipal law .

  22. 它试图针对时代变迁所引起的一系列问题及资本主义社会内部传统的左右政治意识两分法建立起一种政治理论和政治运作模式。

    It has tried to create a kind of political operative model , being aimed at solving a series of problems resulted from era changes .

  23. 本文主要从政治哲学、法哲学和道德哲学等多学科背景分析了美国当代著名学者德沃金的权利理论。

    This article is mainly in the background of multi-subject of political philosophy , legal philosophy and moral philosophy , analyzing the famous American scholar Dworkin 's Rights Theory .

  24. 不久他因重要的人员优势控制了广西南部,但此时情势已变,忠于他的政治组织没法再重建。

    He soon had control over the south with its important pool of manpower , but the situation had changed and his localistic political organization could not be rebuilt .

  25. 《中学思想政治课教学法》课程教学改革必须从教学观念、教学内容、教学模式和教学考核评价方式上进行全面的改革。

    It has an important characteristic-practicality , so the teaching methods must be overall improved in teaching ideas , teaching contents , teaching models and teaching assess and appraisal .

  26. 法治政治是观察法与政治之间关系的新视角,是认识社会政治现象的“广义政治”的思维方式。

    Rule of law politics is a new perspective of exploring the relationship between law and politics , and it is also a new mode of thinking of understanding social political phenomenon .

  27. 这种仁的安置与前秦儒家在沟通天人上有很大的不同。天人感应突出天之权威作用,而实际的最终落脚点则是人。纲常人伦、王道政治都由法天对应而来。

    This placement of " benevolence " is very different from the Former Qin Confucians in contacting heaven and man . " Heaven-Human Induction " stresses the authority of the heaven , but actually , the ultimate goal is human .

  28. 探寻民法法典化的基础,应以罗马法的历史为出发点,从社会形态、经济体制、政治模式、法哲学、法理论研究及法文化等几个主要方面展开论证。

    Based on the history of Roman Law , the study mainly focuses on the social state , the economical system , the political model , legal philosophy , study of legal theory and legal culture in order to explore the foundations of codification of Civil Law .

  29. 思想政治教学;教学法;研究性学习。

    Thought political teaching ; Teaching method ; Research study .

  30. 在此种情形下,只有加紧政治训练的一法。

    In these circumstances the only solution is to intensify political training .