
zhènɡ zhì bù
  • Political Department;political section
  1. 他起先拒绝调往政治部。

    He initially resisted his transfer to the political section .

  2. 总政治部负责管理全军党的工作,组织进行政治工作。

    The General Political Department administrates the army 's Party work and organizes and conducts its political work .

  3. 谷歌政治部主管史蒂芬•格罗夫说,YouTube为那些携带照相机的普通市民提供了一个平台探讨问题并表达他们的观点。

    Google Political Director Steve Grove says YouTube is a platform for ordinary citizens with their cameras to explore issues and express their ideas .

  4. 现在有人认为取消政治部就是不做政治工作了。

    Some people think that closure of the political departments means that political work is not necessary .

  5. 军兵种政治部负责军兵种部队预备役军官的有关管理工作。

    The political departments of the army forces shall be responsible for the administration of reserve officers in their respective forces .

  6. 在一次类似的空袭过后我们团的团支部书记受伤了,政治部命令我临时代理团支书。

    After one such raid the regiment 's komsorg ( KOMSOMOL organizer-trans . ) was wounded and the political department appointed me acting komsorg .

  7. 7月4日下午,我校政治部和学报编辑部联合组织召开了大学生思想政治教育理论与实践座谈会。

    On the afternoon of July 4th , the political department and editorial board organized and held symposium on college student political education theory and practice .

  8. 坚持三支队伍一起抓努力为司法行政工作改革发展提供可靠的组织保证和人才支持&司法部党组成员、政治部主任张苏军同志访谈

    Adhering to the joint management of the three professions , and endeavoring to provide trustworthy organizational guarantee and personnel support for the reform and development of the judicial administrative work

  9. 在总政治部领导下,各大军区、军兵种一定要把这件事情办好。

    We must see to it that , under the leadership of the General Political Department , all the greater military regions and all services and arms do well in this work .

  10. 比如,总参谋部、总政治部、总后勤部三大总部为什么机构这样大?

    For example , why should the three general departments , the Headquarters of the General Staff , the General Political Department and the General Logistics Department , all have such big establishments ?

  11. 对落实教育部、总参谋部、总政治部制订的《学生军事训练工作规定》文件精神,促进高校军事课质量的提高是大胆有益的探索,具有较强的应用价值。

    It is of benefit to implement the spirits of the documents formulated by the General Staff Headquarters and General Political Department , and improve the teaching and learning of the Higher education military courses .

  12. 中央军委通过总参谋部、总政治部、总后勤部、总装备部对全军实施作战指挥和建设领导。

    Through the General Staff Headquarters , the General Political Department , the General Logistics Department and the General Armaments Department , the CMC exercises operational command over the whole PLA and leadership for the development of the PLA .

  13. 针对基什内尔的评论家们持怀疑态度,他们认为科学革新部要么是个政治营销部,要么是个被说客所用到处拉赞助的工具罢了。

    Many of the Kirchners'critics were sceptical , seeing the ministry either as a political marketing ploy or as a soft touch for lobbyists seeking unjustified subsidies .

  14. 我很喜欢政治,这部戏就是关于政治的。

    I 'm into politics , and this series is all about politics .

  15. 不得为节约政治点更换司令部。(?)

    No changing HQ units in order to save PP.

  16. 泰国的政治抗议和南部省份的叛乱暴力活动也伤害了泰国旅游业。

    Thailand 's tourism industry also has been hurt by the country 's political protests and insurgent violence in the southern provinces .

  17. 她拒绝详述影响的性质,把这次攻击称为一次政治事件,国防部对此没有发表评论。

    She declined to specify the nature of the impact , saying that as a matter of policy , the department does not not comment on operational matters .

  18. 此书以西汉的经济政策为主题,尤以盐铁是否官营专卖为核心,辩论盐铁酒类专卖以及均输平准等措施的存废,它是了解西汉社会经济政治问题的一部重要文献。

    This works is an important document for understanding the economic and political issue of the Western Han Dynasty , with the topic of the economic policy of the Western Han Dynasty and particularly the core of issue in selling the salt and iron by the government or not .

  19. 其中关于政治工作部分,由该军政治部主任起草,经司令员、政治委员审查修改,并且共同署名。

    The section dealing with political work should be drafted by the director of the army 's political department , examined and corrected by the commander and political commissar and then jointly signed by all three .

  20. 政治机关制度规定,军队团级以上部队和单位设立政治部(处),全军设总政治部;

    The political organ system stipulates that a political department ( section ) shall be set up in a unit at or above the regiment level , and a general political department for the PLA ;

  21. 第一部分,黄埔军校思想政治教育在借鉴苏联红军建军模式的基础上,创立了军校党代表制度和政治部。

    The first part , the Whampoa Military Academy ' ideological and political education established the military academy party representative system and the political department in the foundation of profits from the Soviet Red Army founding an armed force pattern .