
jī dú
  • crack down on drug trafficking;arrest drug traffickers
  • seizure of drugs and traffickers;suppression of drug trafficking
  1. 与小说《教父》一样,本书故事进展也由人物之间的关系推动,美国缉毒局特工阿特·凯勒和毒枭米格尔·安赫尔·巴雷拉之间的友情逐渐瓦解,演变成一场血腥纷争。5.LAConfidential18byJamesEllroy詹姆斯·艾尔罗伊的《洛城机密》

    as in The Godfather , it 's the personal relationships that drive the narrative15 as the friendship between DEA7 agent Art Keller and narco kingpin Miguel Angel Barrera disintegrates16 into a blood feud17 .

  2. THz技术的兴起,为缉毒和药品检查工作提供了一种全新的检测手段。

    The mushroom of THz technology provides a new approach of inspection for illicit drugs and medicine .

  3. 事实上,这个所谓的Farc叛军组织是为美国美国缉毒署工作的密探。

    In fact , the so-called Farc rebels were informants working for the US drug enforcement agency .

  4. 7月7日,极不受欢迎的海地总统约弗内尔·莫伊兹被一群伪装成缉毒局(DEA)特工的枪手暗杀,这个消息震惊了全世界,也令全世界感到害怕。

    When Jovenel Moise , a deeply unpopular President of Haiti , was assassinated on July 7 by a squad of gunmen posing as DEA agents , the news stunned and horrified the world .

  5. 上周另一部新上映的影片《破坏者》(Sabotage)开局不利。动作影星、前加州州长阿诺德・施瓦辛格(ArnoldSchwarzenegger)在片中饰演一位美国缉毒局(DEA)特工。

    The week 's other new release , ' Sabotage ' starring action star and former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger as a DEA agent , was busted on arrival .

  6. 没错,我去缉毒部门查查。

    That 's right , I 'll run it through narco .

  7. 美国外交政策对缅甸缉毒行动的影响

    American Foreign Policy : Its Impact on Myanmar 's Anti-narcotic Operations

  8. 他们垮台时我在缉毒署做卧底。

    I worked undercover with narcotics when all that went down .

  9. 我提过昨晚和一缉毒探员睡觉的事吗?

    Did I mention I slept witha DEA agent last night ?

  10. 胡说,我不是你的缉毒犬。

    Shut up ! I 'm not your sniffer dog .

  11. 美国缉毒局介入了他们突击搜查了我们住的地方

    The D.E.A. busts in . They raid the place .

  12. 所以你就假装缉毒、演这么一处好让我就范吗?

    So you set up a pretend drugs bust to bully me ?

  13. 我问他抓住他的缉毒警察长什么样子。

    I asked him what the narc who busted him looked like .

  14. 你是怎么了?以前缉毒的时候。

    What 's gotten into you ? When you were working narcotics .

  15. 你是缉毒组的不是凶杀组的。

    You 're narco , jack , not homicide .

  16. 增加缉毒科技含量;

    5 , Improve technical elements in drug inspection ;

  17. 可能他想借此证明自己能干缉毒。

    It was like he had to prove himself .

  18. 有人泄露给缉毒的警员。

    Someone 's been talking to the drug police .

  19. 他在缉毒组大楼的4602号室。

    He 's in the D.E.A.Building , room 4602 .

  20. 刑事技术在缉毒中的应用

    How to Apply the Criminal Technique to Drug Control

  21. 美国技术缉毒策略新动向探析

    Exploration and Analysis on the New Trends of Technological Drug Control in America

  22. 这是缉毒行动,赫德森夫人。

    It 's a drugs bust , Mrs Hudson .

  23. 缉毒局没有金姬诺亚的记录。

    The DEA has no record of any ginger iknowles working for them .

  24. 等等,你们报了缉毒警!

    Wait , you guys narc 'd on us !

  25. 没事,那女人不是缉毒局的。

    Never mind . That woman is not DEA .

  26. 缉毒犬没有发现吗?

    So the dogs hit on the boxes ?

  27. 是的名字叫考克林他是个缉毒警

    Yeah . Name 's Conklin . He 's a narc out of Wilshire .

  28. 所以你就以缉毒为借口向我施压吗?

    What ... so you set up a pretend drugs bust to bully me ?

  29. 缉毒小组被召集起来。

    The drugs squad has been called in .

  30. 某位高人,刚办了个大案子,从缉毒组提拔来的。

    Some hotshot , just made a big bust , got promoted from narcotics .