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  • Sniffer Dog;drug dog
  1. 胡说,我不是你的缉毒犬。

    Shut up ! I 'm not your sniffer dog .

  2. 缉毒犬没有发现吗?

    So the dogs hit on the boxes ?

  3. 不,安德森是我的缉毒犬。

    No , Anderson 's my sniffer dog .

  4. 查缉“人体携毒”的缉毒犬训练程序和方法研究

    Research on anti-drug dogs training procedure and methods of hunting down " persons with drugs "

  5. 缉毒犬的秘密

    The secrets of sniff dogs

  6. 缉毒犬能力受法庭质疑

    Court Questions Canine Competence

  7. 那头曾替警方立下不了汗马功劳的缉毒犬,一直竖起耳朵,保持高度警觉。

    The sniffer dog , who had achieved fabulous feats for the police , was on high alert and remained prick-eared .

  8. 曼彻斯特机场是英国第三大机场,有六只缉毒犬和新狗舍,共花费125万英镑。

    The airport , the UK 's third largest , has six detector dogs and new kennels , which cost £ 1.25m .

  9. 一个充满活力的狗通常不与一名年轻的缉毒犬而一名年纪处理器可能需要特别小心的伙伴。

    A very energetic dog typically does well with a young handler , while an older handler may need an especially careful partner .

  10. 其中一只虽然能“准确探测”,但多数情况下找到的却是奶酪或香肠。报告称,与这群缉毒犬每年的花费比起来,这样的回报少得可怜。

    One dog made " accurate detections " - but most were of cheese or sausages , which the report said was a poor return on the annual cost of running the canine team .

  11. 韩国的一个实验室曾制造了世界上第一只克隆狗。本周二,实验室官员称目前他们正在为克隆犬类寻找商机,而第一站是:克隆缉毒犬。

    A South Korean laboratory that produced the world 's first cloned dogs is looking to get into the business of cloning canines , first by cloning drug-sniffing dogs , a lab official said on Tuesday .