
  1. 万般无奈之下,在卡债到期的前一天,郑涛拨通了妈妈的电话。

    Just a day before his card payment was due , he dialed his mom ` s number .

  2. 在我们的帮助和其他人的努力下,郑涛的情况有很大的好转。

    In our help and other people ' ; s efforts , Zheng Tao of a great upturn .

  3. 在刚办完信用卡后的几个月里,郑涛疯狂购物、下馆子吃饭,丝毫不担心手头没钱。

    For the first several months , Zheng bought things and meals with no worries about being short of cash .

  4. 与此同时,前文中提到的郑涛已经恢复了老样子&用现金消费。如今,他花钱变得比以前更加理性了。

    Meanwhile , the cardless Zheng is getting back to the old way of doing things with cash and now finds his spending becoming more rational .

  5. 通过跟郑涛的接触,我们也开拓了视野,他会经常跟我们讲一些最新的消息或是产品,让我们了解了很多东西。

    Zheng Tao through with the contact , we also develop a vision , He would always tell us to express some of the latest news or products that enable us to understand a lot of things .