
  • 网络miami airport;MIAMI
  1. 在原版本中,可以看到Branson在迈阿密机场走过一个金属探测器后转过身的镜头。

    In the original film , Branson can be seen turning around after walking through a metal detector at Miami Airport .

  2. 世界上最大的飞机,今天将于迈阿密机场公诸于众

    " The largest airplane in the world will be unveiled today at Miami airport . "

  3. 忽然间,很难想象前街(FrontStreet)乏味的商铺、迈阿密机场的豪华轿车有什么意义。

    Suddenly , it is hard to imagine how any of it-the dull shopping on Front Street , the MIA limos-really matters .

  4. 他当晚在迈阿密机场上班。

    He was working night shift at Miami International airport .

  5. 凯蒂佩里在迈阿密机场被拍。

    Katy Perry is sighted at the Miami International Airport in Miami , Florida .

  6. 与亚特兰大机场相比,今年取代纽约机场成为美国国际客运量大佬的迈阿密机场,在人文、人口以及航班数量方面与拉丁美洲和加勒比地区形成了无人匹敌的联系网。

    Miami , whose airport overtook JFK for the top spot this year , has unrivalled connections-culturally and demographically , as well as simply in the number of flights-with Latin America and the Caribbean .

  7. 迈阿密国际机场,记住了麽?说一遍。

    The international terminal in miami , all right ? Say it .

  8. 迈阿密国际机场地面交通指挥塔发生了一起火灾,造成一名工人受伤。

    One worker has been injured by a fire at Miami International Airport 's ground traffic control tower .

  9. 佛罗里达州迈阿密政府称,一辆巴士撞上了迈阿密国际机场的一座立交桥上,造成2人死亡,3人重伤,受伤人数达27人以上。

    Authorities in Miami , Florida say a bus crashed into an overpass at Miami International Airport today . Two people died and three others were badly injured . Twenty-seven more people are hurt .