
háo táo dà kū
  • cry bitter tears;break into violent lamentations;burst into loud sobs;cry aloud;cry one's eyes out;wail
嚎啕大哭 [háo táo dà kū]
  • [cry ones eyes out;wail] 大声哭叫

  • 他颓然地躺在安乐椅上,情不自禁地嚎啕大哭

嚎啕大哭[háo táo dà kū]
  1. 她对着父亲的遗体嚎啕大哭。

    She wailed over her father 's remains .

  2. 您这样嚎啕大哭,就连石头听了都会心疼的呀。

    Thou weepest so that even a stone would show pity .

  3. (爱尔兰语)送葬的哀乐用大声嚎啕大哭唱歌。

    ( Irish ) a funeral lament sung with loud wailing .

  4. 事故发生的时候有个人痛得嚎啕大哭。

    Someone was howling in pain when the accident happened .

  5. 那女孩一看见母亲,便嚎啕大哭。

    Instantly the girl saw her mother , she burst out crying .

  6. 艾德丽安今天在班上忽然就开始嚎啕大哭。

    Adrienne suddenly started crying and screaming in class today .

  7. 我听见背景里你在嚎啕大哭。

    I hear you 're in the background bawling .

  8. 一个小女孩在嚎啕大哭。

    A little girl was crying her eyes out .

  9. 大伙突然大笑起来,但小男孩却嚎啕大哭了。

    Everyone burst out laughing , and the little boy burst out crying .

  10. 过了不到两分钟,一个嚎啕大哭的男婴降生了。

    In less than two minutes , they delivered a howling baby boy .

  11. 一辆车碾了她的猫,使得她嚎啕大哭。

    She cried inconsolably when her cat was run over by a car .

  12. 他站在那里,惊讶地看着约瑟芬嚎啕大哭。

    He stood amazed at Josephine 's piercing cry ;

  13. 妇女们围拢在一起,开始嚎啕大哭。

    The women gathered around and began to wail .

  14. 相信你的伴侣,甚至可以相互嚎啕大哭。

    Trust your partner enough to cry together .

  15. 当护士拿著针筒走过来时,孩子便嚎啕大哭起来。

    The child started to wail when the nurse come over with a syringe .

  16. 我巡回收票时,那小孩子正嚎啕大哭。

    When I went around to take up the tickets the child was bawling .

  17. 现在可别倚在我身上嚎啕大哭。

    Don 't fall apart on me now .

  18. 她醒过来后嚎啕大哭,质问他丈夫这是怎么回事。

    She woke up and wailed and asked what had happened to her husband .

  19. 他气得嚎啕大哭。

    He was crying & mainly from rage .

  20. 为什么我总是躺在嚎啕大哭的婴儿旁边

    Why is it I always get the seat next to the crying baby ?

  21. 你也可以听到他们嚎啕大哭。

    You can hear them crying out aloud .

  22. 德莱已经开始嚎啕大哭了。

    Dudley began to cry loudly .

  23. 一开始,婴儿很难接受来到新的世界,他会因不愿离开那狭小的空间而嚎啕大哭。

    At first the infant finds it very difficult to reconcile itself to its new existence .

  24. 毕业生犯的最大错误就是在嚎啕大哭之前一遍又一遍地重复一种求职策略。

    The biggest mistake graduates make is repeating one job-hunting strategy again and again before wailing .

  25. 送葬的人都嚎啕大哭。

    The mourners were wailing loudly .

  26. 她坐在那里,凝视着远方,泪流满面,嚎啕大哭。

    She sat there ,( while ) staring into the distance , with tears flooding her face .

  27. 哇啊!我不知道这老兄一喝酒,就会嚎啕大哭。

    Gee ! I do not know this guy will cry so much when he 's drunk .

  28. 突然,他们听到房子侧面用人屋里传来嚎啕大哭的声音。

    Suddenly they heard loud cries coming from the servants ' rooms , at the side of the house .

  29. 妇女们都围到了棺木前,开始嚎啕大哭,那是当地的风俗。

    The women gathered around the coffin and began to wail , as was the custom in the region .

  30. 一些新生代员工在经理对其工作给予负面评价后,居然嚎啕大哭,甚至辞职走人。

    Some managers have seen millennials break down in tears after a negative performance review and even quit their jobs .