
  1. 日后若想起今年这个感恩节,我们也许会记得,这一餐吃得五味杂陈。

    We will probably remember this Thanksgiving as a banquet of mixed emotions .

  2. 当我写“亲爱的篮球”时,我内心真的是五味杂陈。

    I was really personal about it when I wrote " Dear Basketball . "

  3. 他的支持者奉他为共和党五味杂陈的一帮候选者中人气最旺的。

    His people tout him as the most acceptable candidate to the broadest range of Republicans .

  4. “现在这一切结束了,我的感觉是五味杂陈的,”他说道。

    " I 'm feeling a mixture of things now that it 's over ," he says .

  5. 你想让你的嘴变成炒勺吗?五味杂陈,如火如荼。

    Would you like some flavors that make your mouth come alive something to let your mouth on fire ?

  6. 对于一位相信自由市场和提倡放松监管的人而言,这可能会是一个让他五味杂陈的传奇故事。

    For a believer in free markets and deregulation , it may be a legacy he has mixed feelings about .

  7. 视觉上的冲击与情感的复杂,将观众从初始的彷徨迷惑带入五味杂陈的绝望与希望之中。

    The visual impact and emotional complexity lead the viewers from the initial confusion to a mixed feeling of hope and desperation .

  8. 这个声明,对于从2010年《唐顿庄园》首登屏幕起就追随它的全球观众来说,是一个五味杂陈的时刻。

    The announcement is a bittersweet moment for the worldwide audience that has followed this serialized drama from its debut in 2010 .

  9. 悠悠的情,有了悠悠的四季作伴,便如陈酿好酒,入口,五味杂陈,回味无穷。

    Azure sentiment , with well-hidden four seasons , and if ordained aged good wine , entrances , mixed emotions , and memorable .

  10. 布拉特最终发布的演说五味杂陈,掺杂了悲伤、决心与坚定的乐观情绪。他在其中呼吁国际足联及会员谨守分寸。

    The final product struck a mixed tone . One part sadness , one part resolve , one part unyielding optimism , Mr. Blatter 's speech urged FIFA and its members to do a better job policing themselves .