
  1. 散文题材共分为五类:政论文、叙事文、游记、序跋、传记。

    Proses is divided into five categories : political essays , narratives , travel notes and sages ' works , the biography .

  2. (五)律、政法规规定由监察机关履行的其他职责。

    Fulfil other functions required of supervisory organs as stipulated by laws and administrative rules .

  3. 欧阳修在那儿写了《新五代史》。在10世纪的五代时期,政乱几乎持续了整个世纪。

    There he wrote the Xin Wudai Shi ( " New History of the Five Dynasties " ) , a history of a period of political chaos lasting through almost the entire 10th century .