首页 / 词典 / good

  • clothes;dress
  • dress;take;serve;bear

  • dose
  • 衣裳:~装。制~。

  • 穿衣裳:~丧。~用(a.指穿衣服、用器物;b.吃药)。

  • 作,担任:~务。~刑。~兵役。

  • 顺从:信~。佩~。降(xiáng )~。~辩(旧指认罪书)。~膺(牢记在胸中,衷心信服)。

  • 习惯,适应:不~水土。

  • 吃(药):内~。

  • 乘,用:~牛乘(chéng )马。

  • 姓。

  • 量词,指中药(亦作“付”):两~药。


(衣裳) clothes; dress:

  • 制服


  • 礼服

    formal dress


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 服虔

    Fu Qian


(穿衣服) dress:

  • 服丧

    put on mourning dress


(吃药) take (medicine):

  • 口[内]服

    take medicine orally;

  • 日服三次,每次两片。

    To be taken three times a day, two (tablets) each time.


(担任; 承当) serve; take; bear:

  • 他服了五年的徒刑。

    He has served five years of his sentence.


(服从; 信服) obey; be convinced:

  • 心服口服

    be sincerely convinced;

  • 你说的有道理, 我服了。

    What you've said is reasonable. I'm convinced.


(使信服) convince:

  • 说服

    persuade; convince;

  • 以德服人

    convince by kindness or generosity


(适应) be accustomed to:

  • 不服水土

    not accustomed to the climate; not acclimatized


(用于中药; 剂) dose:

  • 一服药

    a dose of medicine

  1. 她又换上了工作服。

    She changed back into her work clothes .

  2. 一位身着牧师袍服的男子进行了宗教布道。

    A man in priestly clothes offered spiritual guidance .

  3. 我穿着运动服在家里晃荡了一整天。

    I hung around the house all day in my sweats .

  4. 医生让我服一个疗程的止痛药。

    The doctor put me on a course of pain-killing drugs .

  5. 曾经有个时期,罪犯可以被判服劳役刑。

    Criminals could at one time be sentenced to penal servitude .

  6. 我服了一片阿司匹林,疼痛逐渐缓解了。

    I took an aspirin and the pain gradually subsided .

  7. 他们全都身着滑雪服。

    They were all togged up in their skiing gear .

  8. 他的宗教信仰不允许他服兵役。

    His religious beliefs precluded him / his serving in the army .

  9. 多数男生直接去服兵役了。

    Most of the boys went straight into the services .

  10. 他因吸服海洛因和可卡因一步一步地把身体搞垮了。

    He systematically abused his body with heroin and cocaine .

  11. 他已经服完30年的现役。

    He 's completed 30 years of active military service .

  12. 身着防暴服的警察到场实施预防行动。

    Police in riot gear were in attendance as a precautionary measure .

  13. 如果需要,12小时后再服一剂。

    Repeat the dose after 12 hours if necessary .

  14. 他在自己惯常坐的椅子上舒舒服服地坐下来。

    He settled himself comfortably in his usual chair .

  15. 他们有足够的钱舒舒服服地安度晚年。

    They had enough money to live in comfort in their old age .

  16. 参加葬礼的人都身着黑服。

    Everyone at the funeral was dressed in black .

  17. 他试图服安眠药自杀。

    He tried to kill himself with sleeping pills .

  18. 心脏病使他不符合服兵役的条件。

    A heart condition disqualified him for military service .

  19. 多数病人服了大剂量镇静药。

    Most of the patients are heavily sedated .

  20. 服两片扑热息痛,好好睡一觉。

    Take two paracetamol and try to sleep .

  21. 她必须服兵役。

    She has to do her military service .

  22. 她因盗窃罪正在服两年徒刑。

    She is serving two years for theft .

  23. 我们舒舒服服地坐进了前排。

    We installed ourselves in the front row .

  24. 她给自己服了一些维生素片。

    She dosed herself up with vitamin pills .

  25. 工人应该穿着全套防护服。

    Workers should wear full protective clothing .

  26. 这笔交易对该镇每况愈下的经济是一服最好的强心剂。

    This deal would offer the best possible pick-me-up to the town 's ailing economy .

  27. 她在医务部队服过役。

    She served in the medical corps .

  28. 舒舒服服洗个澡放松一下。

    De-stress yourself with a relaxing bath .

  29. 头痛服两片阿司匹林。

    Take two aspirin for a headache .

  30. 他们净让她服止痛药。

    They pumped her full of painkillers .