
  • 网络service socialization
  1. 优化高校的资源配置实现后勤服务社会化

    Optimizing Resources Disposition in Higher Learning Institutions Realizing Rear Service Socialization

  2. 公共服务社会化对行政组织文化创新的影响

    The Influence of Public Service Socialization on the Innovation of Administrative Culture

  3. 最后要加快推进税收服务社会化。

    Finally , to accelerate the promotion of social tax service .

  4. 浅议农业高校图书馆服务社会化

    Discussion on the socialization of the service of agricultural university libraries

  5. 构建高校后勤服务社会化的新模式

    New Pattern for the Socialization of Rear Service in Colleges and Universities

  6. 医院后勤服务社会化、产业化改革的探索

    The study on socialization and enterprization of hospital logistics services

  7. 医院后勤服务社会化的财务管理实践

    Practice on financial management in socializing logistics services of hospital

  8. 对高校图书馆信息服务社会化问题的思考

    University Library Information Service on the Issue of Social Thought

  9. 龙岗区妇幼保健院后勤服务社会化管理模式分析

    Analysis of Hospital Logistics to Serve the Community Management Model

  10. 再论医院后勤服务社会化的可行性

    A reexamination of the practicability of the socialization of hospital rear service

  11. 医院后勤改革的方向及后勤服务社会化须重视的几个问题

    Direction Of Reforming Hospital Logistics and Issues of Its Socialization

  12. 实行后勤服务社会化,提高运行效率。

    Outsourcing logistic service so as to improve operating efficiency .

  13. 医院后勤服务社会化管理现行模式的探讨

    Study on the current schema of the socialization of hospital logistic administration

  14. 实施人事、分配及后勤服务社会化;

    To socialize personnel service , distribution and logistics service ;

  15. 高校财务管理工作适应后勤服务社会化的对策

    Countermeasures of Financial Affair Management Adjusting Socialization of Logistics

  16. 稳步推进后勤服务社会化改革

    Steadily promoting reform in the outsourcing of logistical services

  17. 高校后勤服务社会化的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice of Logistics Socialization in Higher School

  18. 医院后勤服务社会化绩效考核研究

    Research of performance evaluation on social hospital logistic services

  19. 后勤服务社会化与物业管理的联系与区别

    On the Association and Difference between the Socialized Rear-Service and the Property Management

  20. 高校后勤服务社会化的实现模式及设想

    The realization mode and assumption of socialization of logistic service in higher institution

  21. 中外高校图书馆信息服务社会化比较研究

    Comparative Study on Socialization of Information Service Between Chinese and Foreign University Libraries

  22. 网络环境下高校图书馆信息服务社会化探微

    A Research on the Socialization of Information Service in Academic Library under Network

  23. 如何从理论与实践高度认识高校后勤服务社会化

    How to Realize the Rear Service in Universities

  24. 当前我国推行公共服务社会化的途径选择

    Current Proper Choice on the Methods of Making Public Service Socialized in our Country

  25. 对高校后勤服务社会化产权界定和属性的认识

    On the Property Rights and Attributes in the Socialization of the College Life-service Department

  26. 论社会保障管理与服务社会化改革

    Social Security Management and Reform of Service Socialization

  27. 高校餐饮服务社会化战略实施研究

    A Study on the Implementation of Socialization Strategy for Catering Service in Higher Educational Institutions

  28. 二是医院后勤需要服务社会化;

    Secondly , the service be socialized ;

  29. 医院被服洗涤服务社会化保障的现状与发展

    Status Quo and Prospect on Social Support of Bedding and Clothing Cleaning Service in Hospital

  30. 服务社会化是高校图书馆发展的必然趋势。

    The socialization of the service is the inevitable trend of the development of university library .