
  • 网络Service Operators;Service Provider
  1. 就在NexusOne发布和客服代表培训结束不久,他们和美国的服务运营商T-Mobile迅速召开了一场紧急会议。

    The companies , along with service provider T-Mobile USA , held an emergency meeting soon after the Nexus One launch and ended up retraining their customer service representatives .

  2. 但是在网络服务存储系统中,有限的边缘存储服务运营商与庞大的用户存储数据量之间相互牵制。

    However , in the cloud storage system , the amount of data transmitted by users is very large , but the number of storage service provider is limited .

  3. SaaS模式下,成熟的服务运营商一般采用单实例多租赁(SingleInstanceMulti-Tenancy)的方式,使用同一个实例为不同租户提供服务,即多租户应用。

    Single instance multi-tenancy is the common way adopted by the service providers , by which one instance could serve multiple tenants .

  4. BOSS系统是中国移动从单一的移动电话服务运营商向提供多种电信服务运营商发展所必须的新一代电信业务运营支撑系统。

    Business & Operation Support System ( BOSS ) is a new business support system which is necessary to China Mobile to change itself from single service business supporter to multi-services business supporter .

  5. 无线局域网(WLAN)应用主要是服务运营商在人群密集或流动性大的热点地区为公众提供无线接入因特网或企业内部网的服务。

    Wireless LAN ( WLAN ) application mainly refers to the wireless access Inter-net or enterprise Intranet service that ser-vice operators provide for the public at hotspot area with large population or float-ing population .

  6. 如何防止租户的数据隐私泄露,不被服务运营商非法使用,是SaaS模式亟待解决的问题。本文首先介绍了SaaS模式的相关概念。

    How to prevent the data privacy of the tenants from being disclosed is an urgent problem of the SaaS model . First , this paper introduces the concept of SaaS model .

  7. 另有消息称,所有美国制造的飞机的主要安全监管机构&美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)去年末曾通知航空服务运营商说,波音777存在一个潜在的结构性缺陷,可能导致飞机在空中解体。

    It has also emerged that the US Federal Aviation Authority , the lead safety regulator for all US-built aircraft , had made operators aware late last year of a potential structural weakness in Boeing 777 aircraft that could lead to the aircraft breaking up in mid-air .

  8. 服务运营商可能会收取额外费用。

    Additional charges could apply , depending on carrier service plan .

  9. 电子邮件服务运营商无限期地保存用户信函和联系人信息。

    The companies that host e-mail hold copies of their users ' correspondence and contacts indefinitely .

  10. 而租听服务运营商的垄断地位,进一步压缩了唱片公司的谈判空间。

    That the subscription-service operators are a powerful oligopoly further reduces the labels ' bargaining power .

  11. 并以此为依据对旅游服务运营商提出了相应的管理改进建议。

    And as a basis for tourism service providers put forward the corresponding management recommendations for improvement .

  12. 手机实名制实施后,电信增值服务运营商也将面临利润减少的压力。

    Telecom value-added service providers are also expected to see their profits drop after the new system takes effect .

  13. 他补充道,已经有一些停车服务运营商表示对他们公司的汽车库存管理系统感兴趣。

    He has been approached by developers interested in using the company 's Automotive Inventory Management System for parking services , he added .

  14. 油猴建立于1978年,是美国、墨西哥及中国第一大独立汽车服务运营商之一。

    Grease Monkey International was founded in1978 and is now one of the largest independently owned and operated automotive service providers in the USA , Mexico and now China .

  15. 这对油猴汽车快修来说是具有历史意义的一步,油猴汽车快修立志成为中国最大的独立汽车服务运营商。

    It was this milestone that put Grease Monkey on the Shandong map and established our desire to be the number one independently owned operator of automotive service centers here in China .

  16. 通过分析我国通讯服务运营商的几种主要定价策略和收取服务基本费的定价方法,提出对用户、运营商和社会福利的经济影响分析。

    This paper has briefly discussed main pricing strategies of telecommunication companies , and analyzed some of the principal economics effects of a fixed service fee on the customers , suppliers and social welfare .

  17. 但去年12月印度电信部修改了移动服务运营商的执照许可条件,要求它们上交一切进口电信设备的采购计划,接受审查,以获取“安全通行证”。

    But in December , the Department of telecommunications amended its licence conditions for mobile service providers , requiring them to submit all plans for procurement of telecoms equipment from foreign vendors for screening for " security clearance " .

  18. 以13岁以下的儿童为目标用户的网站或在线服务运营商必须满足联邦政府关于收集和分享个人信息的要求,包括名字、照片、视频或长期身份,比如用户名。

    Websites and online service operators that target users under 13 must meet federal requirements regarding the collection and sharing of personal information , which is defined broadly to include names , photos or videos , or persistent identifiers , such as usernames .

  19. 里昂证券(CLSA):百度将成为谷歌退出中国的直接受益者,因为它是唯一一家能够提供可堪与谷歌相比的服务的运营商。

    CLSA : 'Baidu will be the immediate beneficiary of Google exiting China as it is the only operator that can provide comparable services .

  20. WhatsApp的上述优点或许可以部分解释为何它在美国本土不太流行。美国多数包月移动套餐都包含了无限量短信,向用户传递出一种“随便发”的信号,而在很多国家都没有这种服务,运营商对短信按条收费。

    The problems WhatsApp solves could , in part , also explain why it is less of a big deal at home in the U.S. Most monthly mobile plans here include unlimited text messaging , creating an all-you-can-eat mentality around sending SMS that didn 't exist overseas , where operators often charged per message .

  21. 为了维持竞争力和提供创新服务,运营商日益以新的方式组合数据。

    In their push to remain competitive and offer innovative services , operators are increasingly combining data in new ways .

  22. 此外,中国电信还试图发挥自己的独特优势该公司是中国唯一既提供固定电话、又提供移动服务的运营商。

    In addition , China Telecom is trying to exploit its advantage of being the sole provider with fixed-line and mobile services .

  23. 为了保证企业的稳健经营,通信工程企业正在经历着从以前靠服务传统运营商,向服务信息和媒体产业经营转型的过程。

    In order to ensure the sound operation , the company has through a process of service from the previous traditional carriers to information and media industries .

  24. 低成本旅游热潮极大地改变了亚洲民航领域的状况,一大批廉价航空公司的发展速度远远超过提供全面服务的运营商。

    The low-cost travel boom has significantly altered the airline landscape in Asia , with a proliferation of budget carriers growing at a much faster pace than their full-service operators .

  25. 最终的应用使用者&用户和位置服务的运营商对系统的服务质量和精度做出了更高的要求,也就对位置服务的中心基础定位平台有了进一步的要求。

    The terminal user and the providers of the services that based on location information have asked for information that is more precise and reliable , this is also a request to the base location center of the LBS.

  26. 比如,Three是唯一一家免费为客户升级到4G服务的英国运营商。

    It is , for instance , the only British operator to offer its customers an upgrade to 4G without charge .

  27. AT&T是唯一没有Wifi服务的手机运营商。该器件允许多个Wi-Fi设备共享一个单一AT&T公司的3G连接。

    It was the only major cellular carrier that didn 't have one . This is a mobile 3G device that brings your Wifi data over AT & T 3G network .

  28. WhatsApp用户可以通过互联网免费发送文本讯息,从而绕过了可能向用户收费提供讯息发送服务的无线运营商。

    WhatsApp allows users to send text messages free over the Internet , bypassing wireless carriers that may charge users to send messages over their networks .

  29. 面向移动增值服务的移动运营商选择

    Selecting Mobile Operator Oriented Mobile Value-added Service

  30. 在这种情况下,先进的质量管理方法如何更好的服务于电信运营商,已经成为一个急需解决的问题。

    In this case , advanced quality management methods to better serve the telecom operators , has become an urgent problem .