
  • 网络Servant Leadership
  1. 我一直采用服务型领导的方式管理项目。

    I had always taken a servant leadership approach to managing projects .

  2. 第三,组织认同在服务型领导行为与建言行为之间起完全中介作用。

    Third , organizational identification total mediates the relationship between servant leadership and voice behavior .

  3. 格林利夫是“服务型领导”思想的提出者和推广人。

    Greenleaf is the man who proposes and spreads the idea of servant leadership .

  4. 在复杂多变的信息社会,只有“服务型领导”才能够完成管理者的使命。

    In a complicated information society , only servant leaders can carry out the mission of supervision .

  5. 服务型领导管理对提高护士的工作满意度,落实以人为本的护理行为和规范,达到个人和机构目标具有重要意义。

    It also has some contributions to nurses job satisfaction , humanistic nursing behaviors and the relating standards so as to reach personal and institutional goals .

  6. 对于服务型领导的研究已经成为当今管理哲学界的一个热点,但是服务型领导思想并非是现代社会所特有的。

    Nowadays , the research of servant leadership has already become hot in management philosophy field . But this kind of management thought is not the unique characteristic of modern society .

  7. 在服务型领导哲学的指导下,结合当代管理实践的成果,可以把服务型领导实践的基本内容确定为建立愿景、建设发展型组织、授权与激励。

    With the guide of servant leadership philosophy , combining contemporary management practice achievements , we can divide base servant leadership practice into building common vision , constructing developing organization , authorizing and stimulating .

  8. 现代科技、教育和职业的发展使得知识工作者崛起并为具有高科学化水平和高人性化水平的服务型领导方式提供了充分的科学化条件和人性化条件,适应了知识社会对于管理的要求。

    The development of modern science , technology and education leads to the rising of knowledge workers and provide scientize and personalization condition sufficiently for the servant leadership which has high scientize and personalization level .

  9. 面对知识社会对于管理的要求,知识工作者即拥有较高科学文化知识和技术并将所掌握的科学文化知识和技术应用于生产的人的崛起使服务型领导方式成为必然。

    Facing the request of knowledge society management , the rising of knowledge workers who own higher science and technology knowledge and apply the science and technology knowledge into working make servant leadership become necessity .

  10. 服务型领导方式作为至今为止最高级的管理形态具有最高水平的服务性,因此,服务型领导哲学明确把管理的本质规定为服务;第二,管理者与被管理者是主体间的关系。

    Servant leadership as the highest management form has the highest service characteristic . As a result , servant leadership philosophy takes the service as the nature of management . Secondly , the relationship between managers and employees is inter-subjects relationship .

  11. 围绕着这些服务,我们对知识社会中对企业、政府和非营利组织的管理都提出了相应的新的要求,以期充分考虑到不同类型组织的具体情况,努力实践服务型领导。

    Through these services , we bring forward new corresponding requests to enterprise , the government and administration of nonprofit organization in knowledge society . We should take concrete conditions of different organizations into account sufficiently and effort practice servant leadership .