
  • 网络Service Access Point;SAP;LSAP;TSAP
  1. ISO/OSI参考模型中数据流水线及服务访问点的分类

    The Data Pipeline in ISO / OSI-Reference Model and the Classifying to Service Access Point

  2. Astoria使用了RESTful服务,并提供了一个URI作为服务访问点。

    Astoria uses RESTful services and offers an URI as service access point .

  3. 服务访问点的延迟绑定(latebinding)是目前UDDI注册中心的常见用途之一。

    Late binding of a service 's access point is one use of an UDDI registry that is common today .

  4. 它提供Web服务的访问点和实现细节。

    It provides the access point and implementation details of a web service .

  5. 为群集服务提供的访问点。

    An access point for the clustering service .

  6. 服务层以单一访问点的形式提供服务,并且可以帮助逐步对服务的实现者进行物理合并。

    The services layer provides a service as a single point of access and can help the gradual physical consolidation of the implementers of that service over time .

  7. 服务集成器向其他的冗余服务提供单一访问点。

    The service integrator provides a single point of access for otherwise redundant services .

  8. 在客户端的服务调用期间,查询UDDI注册中心来获得服务的访问点(URL)。

    During the client 's service invocation , the UDDI registry is queried to obtain the access point ( URL ) of the service .