
  • 网络fcc;federal communication commission;The Federal Communications Commission
  1. 美国联邦通讯委员会(FCC)对电磁场技术有不少规定,WiTricity自称它的设备都符合FCC的要求。

    The FCC has set limits for magnetic fields , and WiTricity claims its devices fall well below that threshold .

  2. 问题在于,若允许AT&T和T-Mobile合并,就会破坏无线市场的竞争公平——这就是为什么司法部和联邦通讯委员会都反对它们合并。

    The snag is that allowing AT & T and T-Mobile to merge would stifle competition in the wireless market - which is why both the Department of Justice and the FCC oppose it .

  3. 在6月份,联邦通讯委员会对美国电话电报公司处以1亿美元的罚款,指控该公司在顾客使用一定数量的数据后私自降低无线网速。

    Back in June , the Federal Communications Commission fined AT & T $ 100 million over accusations that the carrier secretly reduced wireless speeds after customers consumed a certain amount of data .

  4. 在美国,通讯法是由FCC(联邦通讯委员会)执法。

    In the United States , communication law is enforced by the Federal Communications Commission .

  5. 联邦通讯委员会(cc)理广播和电视的传递以及州际电话和电报。

    Commission ( FCC ) covers radio and TV transmission and interstate telephone and telegraph .

  6. 波音公司(BoeingCo.,BA)日前向美国联邦通讯委员会(FederalCommunicationsCommission,简称FCC)提交申请,计划推出一款针对防务及安全应用的安全智能手机。

    Boeing Co. has filed plans with the U.S. Federal Communications Commission for a secure smartphone designed for defense and security applications .

  7. 本月,Facebook还挑选了美国联邦通讯委员会(FederalCommunicationsCommission)前主席凯文·马丁(KevinMartin)来为公司在华盛顿和布鲁塞尔等地方游说。

    This month , the company also chose Kevin Martin , a former chairman of the Federal Communications Commission , to champion its cause in Washington , Brussels and beyond .

  8. 不过,美国联邦通讯委员会(FCC)为寻求解决方案所作的努力发挥了先锋带头作用。谷歌和Verizon的谈判就是由此而来。

    Yet efforts by the US Federal Communications Commission to forge a solution are in the vanguard , and the Google-Verizon talks grew out of that .

  9. 直到1987年,NHK(NHK:日本放送协会)得到一个展示FCC(FCC:FederalCommunicationsCommission,美国联邦通讯委员会认证)的机会,甚至是在华盛顿特区的政治家也认为高清电视无所不能。

    It wasn 't until 1987 that NHK got the opportunity to show the FCC , and even politicians in Washington , D.C. , what HDTV could do .

  10. 这项要求是在联邦通讯委员会考虑批准时代华纳与Comcast接管破产的Adelphia通信时是否应该与应该设置多少限制时提出的。

    The request comes as the FCC considers what , if any , limits to set in approving the bid by Time Warner and Comcast to take control of bankrupt Adelphia Communications .

  11. 美联邦通讯委员会(FCC)主席JULIUSGENACHOWSKI,将无线通讯频段称为“维持移动通讯设备工作的氧气”,但与氧气不同的是,如今电信公司用来传输无线讯号的波段比以往更加短缺。

    JULIUS GENACHOWSKI , the head of America 's Federal Communications Commission ( FCC ) , has called wireless spectrum " the oxygen that sustains our mobile devices . " Yet unlike oxygen , the airwaves over which telecoms companies transmit their wireless signals are in ever shorter supply .

  12. 美国法律使联邦通讯委员会有权控制与广播电台所有权相关的某些方面。

    U.S.law authorizes FCC control over some aspects of broadcast station ownership .

  13. 美国联邦通讯委员会为各种使用者分配不同的无线电频率。

    In the u.s. , the Federal Communications Commission assigns users to specific frequencies .

  14. 美国联邦通讯委员会以3票赞成,2票反对通过了新的条例。

    A divided Federal Communications Commission approved the new rules by a vote of3 to2 .

  15. 联邦通讯委员会说这词太下流了。

    The FCC says it was indecent .

  16. 这些人表示,互联网正在蓬勃发展,而联邦通讯委员会只是在处理一个根本就不存在的问题。

    They argue that the Internet is thriving and that the FCC is addressing a problem where none exists .

  17. 美国联邦通讯委员会主席汤姆·惠勒表示,委员会的决定可能不会使中断各项体育赛事的情况结束。

    FCC chair Tom Wheeler says the agencys ' decision may not spell an end of all sports blackouts .

  18. 全部的三位法官认定,联邦通讯委员会并无法律依据而要求康卡斯特如何行事。

    All three judges agreed that the Federal Communications Commission had no legal basis to tell Comcast what to do .

  19. 美国媒体所有权放宽管制的政策制定:联邦通讯委员会媒体所有权法规最新一轮审议的案例研究

    Media Ownership Deregulation Policymaking in the United States : A Case Study of the FCC 's Latest Media Ownership Policy Review

  20. 首先,联邦通讯委员会我也是其中之一必须正视这个问题。

    To begin with , the Federal Communications commission of which I am a member must face up to the problem .

  21. 美国联邦通讯委员会表示希望结束所谓的“中断体育节目”的规定。

    The Federal Communication Commission is saying it wants to bring an end of so-called " blackout of sporting events . "

  22. 美国联邦通讯委员会将再拨款20亿美元为更多的教室和图书馆连接高速网络。

    The Federal Communications Commission is putting another $ 2 billion to connect more classrooms and libraries to high speed internet .

  23. 美国联邦通讯委员会赞成在五年内逐渐取消手机运营商必须提供模拟服务的要求。

    The Federal Communications Commission has voted to phase out over five years the requirement that cellular telephone carriers must offer an analogue service .

  24. 联邦通讯委员会已经警告说手机的电磁波可以造成医院的电子医疗设备停用。

    The Federal Communications Commission has even warned that electronic medical devices in hospitals may be shut down by electromagnetic waves from cell phones .

  25. 联邦通讯委员会觉得可行,它已起草一项提案建议说服电视公司出让它们的部分波段。

    The FCC thinks so . It has come up with a proposal to persuade TV companies to part with some of their airwaves .

  26. 美国联邦通讯委员会已经保证,所有的电视节目都将在2006年前以高清晰度信号播出,而日本和韩国也即将推出这一服务。

    The US Federal Communications Commission has promised all TV broadcasts would be in high definition by 2006 , and rollouts9 of the service are underway in Japan and Korea .

  27. 美国联邦通讯委员会主席和反垄断监管人员曾表示,他们不希望看到全美大型无线运营商从四个减少至三个。

    The federal communications commission chairman and antitrust figure leaders , have said they do not want to see the number of major national wireless carriers go from four to three .

  28. 联邦通讯委员会主席表示在客运航班禁止使用手机过时守旧而且具有限制性,他提议允许在超过10000英尺的高空使用手机。

    The Federal Communications Commission chairman says the ban on cell phone use on passenger flights is outdated and restrictive , and he 's proposing allowing cell phone use above 10000 feet .

  29. 2003年6月2日,联邦通讯委员会通过了一项决议:以更为宽松的媒体所有权政策代替以往的管制政策。对这一案例的研究有助于更好地理解美国媒体所有权的政策制定。

    A case study of the FCC 's decision on June 2 , 2003 to replace previous ownership restrictions with more lenient rules facilitates the understanding of the complex issue of media ownership policymaking in the United States .

  30. 电台由管制公共无线电的联邦通讯管理委员会(f.c.c)批准。

    The station is licensed by the Federal Communications Commission which polices the public airwaves .