
  • 网络Full rate;full-rate
  1. 仿真结果证明,所提方案不仅能实现全速率传输以及获取全分集增益,且该方案比单天线全速率协作中继方案误码性能更佳,因此具有良好的实用价值。

    The simulation result shows that the scheme can achieve full rate transmission and obtain the full diversity gain , but also have better BER performance than the full-rate cooperative relay scheme with the single-antenna . So the scheme has a great and practical value .

  2. 本文设计的分布式双向传输方案与传统分布式编码方案相比扩展性好,编码过程简单且易于设计,能够实现全速率传输且检测复杂度低,具有很高的实用价值。

    In this paper , the design of distributed bidirectional transmission scheme , compared with traditional distributed scalable coding scheme , the coding process is simple and easy to design , to achieve full rate transmission and detection of low complexity , with high practical value .

  3. 本论文将通过对线性复数域编码与循环延迟分集(CDD:CyclicDelayDiversity)技术的有机融合,研究具有低检测复杂度的全速率双向协作中继传输方案。

    This thesis will focus on the study of a full-rate two-way cooperative relay transmission scheme with low detection complexity by the combination of linear complex field coding and cyclic delay diversity technique .

  4. 全速率语音编码系统

    Full - Speed Speech Coding System

  5. 该文研究了一种在发射端已知信道状态信息条件下的四个发射天线、全分集、全速率编码方案。

    In this paper a new rate 1 coding scheme which exploits Channel State Information available at the emitter with full diversity for 4 transmit antennas is proposed .

  6. 在上述全速率无线协作中继传输模型的基础上,通过适当的改进,运用基于误符号率最小的、带有确认和退避机制的机会中继选择算法来实现该传输方案中两个中继节点同时选择。

    Through the combination of above full-rate wireless cooperative relay transmission scheme , by appropriate improvement , this thesis based on the lowest symbol error rate and backoff mechanism to achieve optimal double relay selection simultaneously in this transmission scheme .