
quán tiān
  • all day;whole day;all day long
全天 [quán tiān]
  • [whole day] 一整天

全天[quán tiān]
  1. 天太热,我们不得不全天开着电扇。

    It was so hot that we had to have the electric fan on all day long .

  2. 在大多数孩子坐在电视前看稚气的儿童节目时,小小年纪的他们就已经看起了《饮食网》(foodnetwork)一个全天播出烹饪节目的频道。

    Where most children watch kiddy shows on television , they learnt early in their little lives to switch on the food network , which has cooking shows all day long .

  3. 他们全天供应早餐,而且价钱公道。

    They served breakfast all day and sold it cheap .

  4. 这张大碟收录了“远大前程”全天秀的现场录音。

    The LP features live recordings from the ' Great Xpectations ' all-day show .

  5. 不管你是一次性摄入全天的卡路里限量,还是在一天内分次摄入,结果好像没有多大差别。

    There seems to be little difference whether you eat all your calorie allowance in one go , or spread it over the day

  6. 全天工作她恐怕吃不消。

    A full-time job may be too much for her .

  7. 既要照顾家庭又要全天工作,我不知道她是如何对付的。

    I don 't know how she copes with looking after her family and doing a full-time job .

  8. 我们的酒吧全天营业,供应鸡尾酒、咖啡、啤酒和白葡萄酒。

    Our bar is open all day , and serves cocktails , coffee , beer , and white wine .

  9. 说明:我们宏伟的银河系蜿蜒穿过这幅高企图心之全天影像

    Explanation : Our magnificent Milky Way Galaxy sprawls across this ambitious all-sky panorama .

  10. 毕竟,已有的研究表明早餐可以增加饱腹感,减少能量总摄入,并让我们全天都可以更好地选择食物。这可能是因为我们的早餐吃得好,如富含纤维、营养丰富的食物。

    After all , previous research has shown that breakfast increases satiety14 , reduces total energy intake and sets us up to make better food choices throughout the day , likely because we start out with better breakfast options like fiber - and nutrient-dense foods .

  11. B是的,安排。你需要全天的翻译吗?

    B Yes , it does . Do you need a translator all day ?

  12. 检测服用前后全天血糖谱胰岛素、C肽及糖化血红蛋白情况。

    Glucose tolerance , insulin , C peptide and HbA1c were measured before and after treatment .

  13. CNN.com和Facebook将全天报道总统的发言。

    CNN.com Live and Facebook will have special coverage of the president 's address throughout the day .

  14. 然而,在伊朗国家电视台全天对该事件保持缄默的情况下,伊朗英语频道presstv否认发生袭击事件。

    But , while state television remained silent on the matter all day , the attack was denied by the English-language channel Press TV .

  15. 合成孔径雷达(SAR)可以有效获得大面积的高分辨率的雷达图像,且具有全天候、全天时的成像特点,这些优点使得其在民用和军事的各个领域应用十分广泛。

    Synthetic Aperture Radar ( SAR ) has been widely applied to gain large-area and high-resolution images , all-day and all-weather .

  16. 用24h回顾法进行全天膳食和活动调查,采用WHO报告的要因加算法估算总能量消耗量。

    The energy requirements were estimated by the factorial calculation according to WHO report .

  17. 基于PGA的全天自主星图识别算法研究

    Research on All-sky Autonomous Star Field Identification Algorithm Based on PGA

  18. 为了满足天文导航研究的需求,需要设计一个基于CCD星敏感器的全天时自主星图导航信息处理原理仿真系统。

    For the astronomic navigation research , it is required to develop an all-sky autonomous star-field identification simulation system based on CCD star sensor .

  19. 合成孔径雷达(syntheticApertureRadar,SAR)图像由于其全天侯、全天时、分辨率高等优点,在军事和民用领域中都得到了应用。

    SAR ( Synthetic Aperture Radar ) images get the rapid development and wide application because they can be obtained any-time , any-weather and with high resolution .

  20. 简单来说,AU的紫外线消毒器将在3-5天时间内清理干净您的污水,大多数时候会全天保持这种处理状态。

    Simply put , Aqua Ultraviolet sterilizers will clear your water in3 to5 days , sometimes overnight and keep it that way .

  21. 目前,GPS动态测量技术以其全天候、全天时等优良特性已经成功应用于诸多动态测量领域。

    For the moment , GPS kinetic surveying has been applied in many realm of surveying successful because of the advantages such as all-weather , all-time and so on .

  22. 合成孔径雷达(syntheticApertureRadar,简称SAR)因具有全天时全天候的工作特点,在溢油检测中就发挥了很大的作用。

    Synthetic Aperture Radar ( Synthetic Aperture Radar , referred SAR ) due to work with all-time characteristics of the oil spill detection , played a significant role .

  23. 高羊茅草坪冠气温差值全天与RH和VPD显著相关。

    Tall fescue turf canopy-air temperature difference significant in with RH and VPD correlation .

  24. 合成孔径雷达(SAR)作为一种利用微波成像的遥测手段,具有全天时、全天候的优点,在军事、民用方面有着广泛的应用前景。

    As a microwave remote sensing tool , Synthetic Aperture Radar has all-sunlight and all-weather features . It has great potential applications in the fields of military and civilian .

  25. 合成孔径雷达(SAR)以其特有的全天时、全天候成像能力,在对地观测领域中发挥着重要的作用。

    Synthetic Aperture Radar ( SAR ) , with " all weather ", day or night imaging capabilities , is an important role in the domination of Earth observation .

  26. 由于具有全天候、全天时等优点,合成孔径雷达(SAR)在地球观测、环境监测及军事侦察等方面具有重要意义。

    With the ability of all-day and all-climate observation , synthetic aperture radar ( SAR ) plays an important role in earth observation , environment monitor and reconnaissance fields .

  27. 采用合成孔径雷达(syntheticApertureRadar-SAR)技术能够获得全天候、全天时、远距离的高分辨雷达图像,因而具有广阔的应用前景。

    Synthetic Aperture Radar ( SAR ) can achieve long range , high resolution imagery in all weather conditions , day and night . So it has been used in many regions .

  28. 星载合成孔径雷达(SAR)基于其全天时、全天候工作模式的独到优势,已成为微波遥感领域中发展最迅速和最有成效的传感器之一。

    For its work mode of all-day , all-weather , space-borne SAR has become one of the most rapidly growing and most effective sensors in the field of microwave remote sensing .

  29. 缺血性ST段下移有明显的昼夜分布规律,上午6&10时为发作高峰,占全天总次数32%。

    There was a circadian variation of ischemic ST segment depression . The frequency of change peaked at 6-10 Am . It accounted for 32 % of all the day .

  30. 合成孔径雷达(SAR)是一种可以工作在全天候、全天时条件下,能够进行目标区域高分辨率微波成像的雷达。

    Synthetic Aperture Radar ( SAR ) is a kind of radar in microwave remote sensing which can obtain high-resolution image of target area with the capability of all-weather and all-time operations .