
  • 网络all-air system;All Air System;VAV;AHU
  1. 二层为大厅、餐厅等大空间房间,采用全空气系统。

    First and the second for the hall , dining room and other large spaces , all-air system .

  2. 以6个实际工程空调系统为例,对全空气系统、风机盘管加新风系统、多联机系统设计工况下的能效比进行了分析计算。

    Taking six air conditioning projects as example , analyses the EER of all air system , fan coil unit plus fresh air system and multi-couple unit system under design conditions .

  3. 介绍了定风量全空气系统全年多工况分区的基本方法。

    Presents the basic method of determining the multi operating mode of a CAV system .

  4. 结合工程实例,总结出全空气系统舒适、节能、低成本的特点。

    With a project example , the full-air systems features such as comfort , energy efficiency and low cost are pointed out .

  5. 给出了全空气系统、风机盘管系统和各类窗式、柜式空调器在防治非典时期的应急措施和相关建议。

    Presents emergency measures and correlative suggestions to prevent SARS from spread for central air conditioning systems , FCU systems and air-conditioners .

  6. 提出了变风量系统的一种更为具体的定义,阐述了其在全空气系统族谱中的地位,系统的分类、特点和应用范围,简要描述了两个工程实例。

    Defines the concept of VAV systems , traces their position in the hierarchy of all air systems , describes their classification , characteristics and application , and presents two examples .

  7. 简单介绍户式集中空调系统的由来,分析了制冷剂系统、风机盘管加新风系统、全空气系统3种类型的优缺点。

    This paper simply introduces the origin of household central air conditioning , and analyses the advantage and disadvantage of refrigeration system fan - coil unit and fresh air system , and full - air system .

  8. 针对邮电大楼中邮电机房对空调参数的特殊要求,探讨了邮电机房的几种可行空调控制方式,提出并实际验证了采用定风量全空气系统在邮电机房中使用的优点与可行性。

    Considering the special need of die air conditioning in the communication plant , discusses four kinds of air conditioning control scheme and points out that the Constant Air Volume Air-Conditioning System should be the best air conditioning control scheme of the communication plant .

  9. 变风量系统(variableairvolume)是利用改变送入室内的风量来实现对室内温度调节的全空气空调系统,它的送风状态保持不变。

    Variable air volume is a full air-condition system that moderates the indoor temperature by changing the indoor blowing rate and keeping its blowing state .

  10. 本文采用MATLAB软件对某百货大楼的全空气空调系统进行了运行及控制的动态仿真。

    In this paper , the MATLAB software is introduced to simulate the operation and control of a central air-conditioning system of a department store in Baoding city .

  11. 有回风全空气空调系统全新风运行送风的可行性研究

    Investigation in Feasibility of All Fresh Air Supply in All-air System

  12. 某银行办公楼全空气空调系统测试与诊断分析

    Testing and Diagnosis of All-air Conditioning System in a Bank Office Building

  13. 全空气空调系统分区精确恒温控制

    Accurate Zoning Thermostatic Control of General Air Conditioning System

  14. 以一别墅小区空调系统设计为例,介绍了采用燃气暖风炉&电制冷一体机和地板送风口的别墅住宅全空气空调系统设计经验。

    Describes the design experiences of the all air air conditioning systems with a gas burned warm air furnace and electric compressive refrigeration unit and floor air supply registers in villas .

  15. 介绍了应用全空气空调系统的意义,分析了全空气空调系统中全新风运行方式所带来的节能与净化的两大问题;

    Introduces the significance of application of all-air air conditioning system and analyzes the two problems about energy - saving and purifying of using all outdoor-air in all-air air conditioning system .

  16. 认为全空气空调系统是较好的空调系统,将蒸发(除湿)冷却技术、热回收技术、变风量控制技术相结合的蒸发冷却新风空调集成系统具有广阔的应用前景。

    Points out that all-air air conditioning system is a better one and that the integrating evaporative cooling and outdoor air conditioning system to consist of evaporative ( dehumidify ) cooling , heat-reusing and technology of VAV controlling have wide foreground of application .

  17. 以我们判断,它是市场上最好的全方位空气净化系统。

    In our judgment , it is the best whole-house air purification system on the market .

  18. 本文通过重庆某试点工程的实践,探讨在现有的低矮地下建筑中采用全空气诱导器系统的经验。

    This paper introduces the practice of application of all air induction unit sy-stem in the low underground building in Chongqing .

  19. 全空气集中空调系统必须借助风量调节阀来调节和平衡末端送风口的风量。

    The airflow of the terminal discharge air outlet must be adjusted and balanced by air flow adjusting valve in all air district air-conditioning system .

  20. 全船通用压缩空气系统

    General service compressed air system