
  • 网络Championship of National Martial Arts
  1. 为备战全国武术锦标赛,对安徽省女子优秀武术套路运动员赛前大强度训练阶段安静状态下的血常规、CK、BU、T和C等指标进行了监测。

    In order to prepare for the national Wushu championship , Biochemistry indexes ( Whole Blood 、 CK 、 BU 、 T and C ) of Anhui female elite routine athletes were measured .

  2. 2004全国武术锦标赛男子枪术套路编排及难度动作选用状况分析

    Analysis of Movement of Men 's Spear in 2004 National Men 's Routine Championships

  3. 全国武术锦标赛女子太极剑难度动作相关因素分析

    Analysis of Relevant Factors for Level of Difficulty of Women 's Taiji Sword in National Wushu Championship

  4. 集体项目在近几年的全国武术锦标赛上有了新的发展。

    The team event which has new movements and individual layout can get high marks and excel in the match .

  5. 对全国武术锦标赛集体项目编排的探讨可编译按各州和各县细分的全国范围的编目单。

    Analysis of Team Event Layout at China Martial Arts Championship ; It permits compilation of a nationwide inventory subdivided into states and countries .

  6. 运用马腾斯的CSAI-2问卷,对参加全国武术套路锦标赛的部分男女运动员的竞赛焦虑水平进行测试。

    Using the CSAI-2 questionnaire of Martens , the thesis contains the testing results of the level of mental worry of part of the male and female athletes who have taken part in the national series competition of martial art .

  7. 99'全国武术散打锦标赛运动员损伤的调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Athletes ' Injuries in Chinese National Wushu Sanda Championship in 1999

  8. 全国大学生武术锦标赛对高校武术发展的启示

    Analyse the Influence of Holding the National University Students ' Championship of Martial Arts on the Development of University Martial Arts

  9. 对68名参加第七届全国大学生武术锦标赛的运动员的赛前情绪状态及其临场应激应对方式进行了调查与研究。

    This paper made investigation on emotion of pre-competition and coping style on stress of sixty-eight wushu athletes who participating in the 7th National University Wushu Championship .

  10. 对2004年全国男子武术套路锦标赛的思考

    Pondering over National Men 's Martial Art Routine Championship in 2004

  11. 2006年全国女子武术套路锦标赛长拳项目扣分原因的调查分析

    A Study on the Deducted Points of Long Boxing at the 2006 National Women Wushu Championship