
quán xī ɡuānɡ shān
  • holographic grating
  1. 基于全息光栅的CCD位移传感器

    CCD displacement sensor based on holographic grating

  2. 高频高衍射效率H-PDLC体全息光栅的研究

    The study of H-PDLC volume holographic grating with high diffraction efficiency

  3. CCD用于全息光栅常数实时测量研究

    Study on using CCD in real-time measurement of hologram grating constant

  4. 基于线阵CCD的全息光栅位移自动测量系统的研制与开发

    Manufacture and exploiture of holographic grating displacement auto-measuring system based on linear CCD

  5. 该传感器主要由单色光源、全息光栅、透镜和CCD组成,其中,关键的器件&全息光栅应用激光全息技术制作而成。

    The holographic grating , which is made by technology of laser holography , is key component in this sensor .

  6. 影响KNSBN∶Cu晶体中全息光栅读取时间长短的因素

    The Influence on the Reading Time-length of Holographic Gratings in a KNSBN ∶ Cu Crystal

  7. 本文讨论了在制造全息光栅过程中,CCD实时测量全息光栅常数的方法。

    The method of using CCD to measure the constant of hologram grating in real-time when the grating is under manufacturing is discussed .

  8. VCD和DVD用全息光栅衍射效率的分析

    Analysis of Diffraction Efficiency of the Holographic Optical Elements in VCD and DVD

  9. 如果用CW激光制作全息光栅,便可用这种技术研究固体物理光化学。

    If a CW laser is used to produce the hologram one can use the technique to investigate solid state photochemistry .

  10. 双掺杂LiNbO3:Fe:Mn体全息光栅的时空衍射特性

    Time-space diffraction properties of volume holographic grating in doubly doped LiNbO_3 : Fe : Mn

  11. 另外,全息光栅热固定研究还显示,双掺铌酸锂晶体比单掺Fe的铌酸锂晶体具有更优良的热固定性质:快固定时间、高固定效率、长固定寿命等。

    The other experimental results show that doubly doped lithium niobate crystals have better thermal fixing properties than mono-doped LN ∶ Fe crystal , that are faster fixing time , higher fixing efficiency , and longer life time .

  12. 双掺杂LiNbO3:Fe:Mn晶体局域光折变体全息光栅形成及衍射特性

    Formation and Diffraction Characteristics of Local Volume Photorefractive Holographic Gratings in Two Doped LiNbO_3 : Fe : Mn Crystals

  13. 本文报道以无透镜傅里叶全息术变换记录的全息光栅作掩膜,应用反应离子束入射角控制光栅闪耀角,选择了合适刻蚀工艺参数,制得衍射效率为67%的SiO2全息闪耀光栅。

    The SiO2 holographic blazed grating with good quality and high diffraction efficiency have been developed by reactive ion beam etching and holographic grating mask made by lensless Fourier transform holography recording .

  14. 采用反射式光学元件设计记录光路,制作满足特定空间频率的全息光栅,并利用质心法计算得到CCD采集面上光斑的中心坐标。

    The holographic grating with specifically spatial frequency is fabricated using a record beam path composed of reflecting optical element . The coordinate of the center of the laser spot on the CCD collection plane is obtained using mass center method .

  15. 利用电子扫描显微镜和极化光学显微镜,研究了全息光栅液晶向列(LC)排列的性质和厚度之间的关系。

    Using scanning electron microscope and polarizing optical microscope , the author investigates the relationship between the alignment properties of a nematic liquid crystal ( LC ) and the thickness of the LC layers on a holographic grating .

  16. Seya-Namioka单色仪中全息光栅设计

    Design of Holographic Grating in Seya-Namioka Monochromator

  17. 我们实验研究了bR膜中普通全息光栅的衍射效率,首次发现衍射效率依赖于记录光的光强而变化,并对这一现象给出了定性的解释。

    We studied experimentally the diffraction efficiency of normal gratings in bR film , and discovered for the first time that the diffraction efficiency depends on the intensity of writing beam and then explained it briefly .

  18. 提出利用平面倾斜条纹(Slanted-fringe)透射体全息光栅等光强的0级和1级衍射光实现蝶互连网络中的直连和交连。

    Using two equal intensity beams of 0 and 1st diffracted order through a planar slanted fringe volume holographic grating ; one can implement the straight forward link line and the other can implement the crossover link line in the butterfly interconnection network .

  19. 通过这种全息光栅,实验上产生拓扑数从一阶到高阶的Laguerre-Gaussian模,同时观察到高阶模的空间不稳定特性。

    Laguerre-Gaussian ( LG ) modes with topological indices from the lowest to higher order have been observed in the experiment . We also noticed the higher order modes are spatial unstable .

  20. bR膜是一种优良的非线性光学材料,利用bR膜中的全息光栅的记录光、读出光及衍射光三者偏振状态之间的关系,在bR膜中实现了全光布尔逻辑操作。

    BR film is one kind of excellent nonlinear optical materials . In this paper , we realized all optical Boolean logic based on the relationship among the polarization states of the recording beams , the reading beam and the diffraction beam for the holograms in bR film .

  21. 波分复用器件采用的技术从薄膜到光纤光栅、全息光栅、阵列波导光栅(AWG)等技术,其中AWG器件被认为是最有前景的DWDM器件。

    The technologies of WDM devices include thin film , fiber grating , hologram grating , arrayed-waveguide grating ( AWG ), in which AWG is considered to be the most promising DWDM device . SOI ( Silicon-On-Insulator ) is a kind of applicable material .

  22. 介绍了聚合物分散液晶(PDLC)材料及体全息光栅的特性,提出了基于全息聚合物液晶(H-PDLC)电控光栅多极串联式动态增益均衡器的设计。

    The characteristics of polymer dispersed liquid crystal ( PDLC ) and holographic polymer dispersed liquid crystal ( H-PDLC ) volume grating are introduced . Based on the novel H-PDLC volume gratings , series-connecting dynamic gain equalizer design is provided .

  23. 为了检测全息光栅掩模槽形,运用严格耦合波理论(RCWT)分析镀铬基片光栅光刻胶掩模反射0级衍射效率光谱曲线与槽形参量的关系。

    In order to detect the profile of holographic photoresist grating mask made on top of chrome stack , rigorous coupled wave theory ( RCWT ) was applied to analyze the relationship between zero order reflected spectrum and the profile of grating mask .

  24. 全息光栅衍射效率与空间频率的定性研究

    Qualitative Investigation to Diffraction efficiency Versus Spatial Frequency of Hologram Grating

  25. 位相全息光栅折射率调制度的一种结算方法

    A Method for Estimating the Index Modulation of Phase Holographic Grating

  26. 产生拉盖尔&高斯模的全息光栅实验研究

    Experimental Study of the Holographic Grating to Produce the Laguerre-Gaussian Modes

  27. 高衍射效率的体积相位全息光栅优化设计

    The optimized design of high diffractive efficiency volume phase holographic grating

  28. 超环面全息光栅记录参数的选取

    Procedure of determining the proper recording parameters of toroidal holographic gratings

  29. 以及三维成象初步结果。利用阿贝成像原理制作全息光栅的理论分析

    Theoretical Analysis of Holographic Grating Fabrication Based on Abbe Imaging Principle

  30. 全息光栅光谱烧孔系统和材料特性的研究

    Study on Materials Characteristics of Holographic Grating Spectral Hole-Burning Storage System