
  • 网络Global Project;Project Global;Project Worldwide
  1. 华盛顿资助着一个又一个全球项目。与此同时,却允许其他国家抢走我们的就业,

    Washington funded one global project after another while allowing other countries to drain our jobs ,

  2. 看起来不可避免的大规模灭绝事件开始转变为相互关怀的全球项目。

    And the mass extinction event that had looked inevitable began to shift into a global project of mutual care .

  3. IRP作为一个全球项目,将支持那些世界顶尖大学中的研究人员。

    This global program supports researchers in some of the world 's best technical universities .

  4. ChristopherHowson是“10美分行动”(MarchofDimes)负责全球项目的副主席。

    Christopher Howson is the vice president for global programs at the March of Dimes , a nonprofit group .

  5. 例如,一个致力于培育更有营养的主粮作物的全球项目HarvestPlus正在几乎完全避免转基因技术,而使用传统的育种方法。

    For example , HarvestPlus , a global programme aimed at creating more nutritious staple crops , is avoiding GM technology almost entirely and using conventional breeding instead .

  6. 这确实是一个全球项目。

    You know , it 's a worldwide project .

  7. 负责主持今晚活动的并不是一位真正的牧师,而是TechHub的全球项目总监。

    Overseeing the evening 's proceedings is not a real vicar but TechHub 's director of global projects .

  8. 谷歌创业支援团队也于今年推出了一个叫做#40Forward的全球项目,与40个合作伙伴一道,推进女性在40个创业社区所占的比例。

    Google for Entrepreneurs launched the global \# 40Forward effort this year to increase representation of women in 40 startup communities with 40 partners .

  9. 一个评估地震风险的全球项目的初步结果将于本周(6月3-4日)在美国举行的一场会议上公布。

    Preliminary results of a global project to assess earthquake risk are being presented at a meeting in the United States this week ( 3 – 4 June ) .

  10. 一个新的全球项目将产生和分享帮助全世界最贫困和最脆弱的社区适应气候变化影响的策略的技术诀窍。

    A new global initiative will generate and share knowhow on strategies to help the world 's poorest and most vulnerable communities adapt to the impacts of climate change .

  11. 其全球艾滋病项目把捐款发放给各国政府。

    Its Global Programme on AIDS funnelled money from donors to governments

  12. 从这个单一学科起步,勒费夫尔开始开发全球MBA项目。

    From that single subject , Dr Lefevre started developing the Global MBA .

  13. 皮尤全球态度项目(pewglobalattitudesproject)的最新调查结果显示,在西欧,人们对中国的态度也发生了明显恶化。

    The latest pew global attitudes project survey shows a marked deterioration of sentiment towards China in Western Europe , too .

  14. 全球MBA项目的学员需要支付3.2万英镑的学费。

    Global MBA students pay £ 32000 .

  15. 《金融时报》全球MBA项目排名所收集到的数据,证实了这一信心。

    Data collected for the Financial Times ranking of global MBA programme bears out these beliefs .

  16. 全球MBA项目的教学通过勒费夫尔团队研发的名为Hub的系统实施。

    Teaching on the Global MBA programme is via the Hub developed by Dr Lefevre 's team .

  17. 首先,全球MBA项目的学员来自更大范围的不同产业;

    The Global MBA students come from a much wider range of industries , for one thing ;

  18. 她领导着一个由为女性赋权的非盈利组织“关键声音”(VitalVoices)参与组织的女性领导者全球指导项目。

    She heads a global mentoring programme for women leaders co-organised with Vital Voices , a non-profit organisation for empowering women .

  19. 本论文主要以公司现有项目为背景,即研究V集团动力系统部门的在全球采购项目中的供应商质量保证系统。

    This paper is based on the current project which is the supplier quality assurance system of V group powertrain department in global sourcing project .

  20. 全球MBA项目招收的学员与申请帝国理工传统MBA项目的学生有所差别。

    There are differences between the Global MBA intake of students and those that apply to Imperial 's traditional MBA .

  21. RationalUnifiedProcess(RUP)基于全球数千项目所采用的最佳实践,是能够针对具体项目进行方便定制的软件开发流程。

    Based on best practices adopted by thousands of projects worldwide , the Rational Unified Process ( RUP ) is a software development process that can easily be tailored for specific projects .

  22. 皮尤全球态度项目(pewglobalattitudesproject)的一项民意调查表明,92%的中国人表示自己比父母在同样年龄时更加富足。

    A survey of public opinion from the Pew Global Attitudes Project found that 92 per cent of Chinese report being more prosperous than their parents at a similar age .

  23. 首先,全球MBA项目的学员来自更大范围的不同产业;年龄分布更广;而性别比例更加平衡。

    The Global MBA students come from a much wider range of industries , for one thing ; have a wider age range ; and have a more balanced gender split .

  24. 谷歌全球招聘项目主管凯尔&12539;尤因(KyleEwing)说,内部研究发现SAT得分与工作表现之间的关联极小。

    Internal studies found ' very little correlation between SAT scores and job performance , ' said Kyle Ewing , head of global staffing programs at Google .

  25. 世界卫生组织全球流感项目的负责人KlausStöhr解释说:“在一个大流行毒株出现之前,疫苗的生产就无法开始”。

    " Production cannot start before a pandemic strain of flu emerges ," explains Klaus St ö hr , head of the World Health Organization 's ( WHO ) global flu programme .

  26. Bellagio和Milligan均拥有十五余年的SCM经验,而且在参与IBMRational全球客户项目的团队工作中积累了丰富的知识。

    Bellagio and Milligan each draws on more than fifteen years of SCM experience , as well as knowledge they gained through working with IBM Rational field teams in customer engagements worldwide .

  27. 这压倒性的选票对于这些鲨鱼物种及蝠鲼而言是一个非常成功的日子。”TRAFFIC组织全球海洋项目负责人格伦·桑特说道,这是一个关注生物多样性保护和可持续发展的非政府组织。

    It was a very successful day as far as these shark species go and the manta rays with quite overwhelming votes on all of them , said , " said Glenn Sant , global marine program leader for TRAFFIC , an NGO concerned with biodiversity conservation and sustainable development .

  28. 但皮尤全球态度项目(PewGlobalAttitudesProject)发现,对中国崛起成为与美国抗衡的力量,人们也不太乐观。过去两年,在15个存在可比数据的国家中,有9个国家对中国的好感也出现了下降。

    But the Pew Global Attitudes Project found little enthusiasm for the rise of China as a counterweight to the US , with favourable opinions of the country having fallen over the past two years in nine of the 15 nations where comparable data existed .

  29. 这是5年来非合办EMBA项目首次跻身前5名,全球EMBA项目前5名的名次非常稳定。

    It is the first time in five years that a single programme broke into the top five , so strong was the hold of the main five global EMBAs .

  30. UPC编号是一个包含12个数字的编号,全球贸易项目代码(GTIN)的一部分,该代码编码到条形码中。

    The UPC number is a12 digit number , a component of a Global Trade Item Number ( GTIN ), which is encoded into a bar .