- Oliver;Jamie Oliver;Laurence Olivier

Even Oliver felt a tiny spark of excitement .
She cried when she spoke of Oliver .
When not producing art of his own , Oliver was busy advancing the work of others .
A halfway house between the theatre and cinema is possible . Olivier created one in his imaginative ' Henry V ' in 1945 .
The rise of the word is related to the rise of iconic celebrity3 chefs like Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsay whose British TV series are hugely popular and inspirational for a growing number of men to see cooking as a great hobby , making Oliver and Ramsay great role models for gastrosexuals .
He loved the chicken sandwich with watercress and tomatoes at Olive 's on Prince Street .
So says Garrett Oliver , editor-in-chief of the Oxford Companion to beer , but then he takes it back .
Oliver Morris , south London
In an age when many entrepreneurs claim their motivation is to help others or improve society , Michael Oliver is old-school .
Oliver saved his most potent vitriol for NBC 's Todaywhich " lives for scientific studies " according toits own self-description .
The fundamental challenge facing newspapers , says Mark Oliver of Oliver & Ohlbaum Associates , a consultancy , is how to get readers to pay for news online .
Sabrina Oliver 's inner-city Baltimore neighborhood was so crime-ridden , she would come home to find drug dealers on her porch .
Barbara Samuels , a housing attorney at the American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland , which helps oversee the Baltimore program , said Ms. Oliver 's story isn 't unusual . '
They include Jim McNerney at Boeing , Tidjane Thiam of Credit Suisse , Oliver B ä te at Allianz and Vittorio Colao at Vodafone .
This latest statement comes after the recent announcement from EA about their intended'Online Pass'and after Blitz Games co-founder Andrew Oliver referred to them as a problem worse than piracy .
The top names for 2013 were Oliver and Amelia , followed by Olivia , Emily , Ava and Isla , and Jack , Harry , Jacob and Charlie .
' Our view remains that the cash rate will still fall further , but it may not be till closer to Christmas , ' said Shane Oliver , chief economist at AMP Capital .
In fact , Ben Luscombe , founder of Henleys Clothing in Manchester , made £ 10.3m , but Mr Oliver is not a man to argue with .
For example , under the Baltimore Housing Mobility Program , Ms. Oliver was able to leave Baltimore altogether and move to Anne Arundel County , something she couldn 't have done under the Moving to Opportunity initiative .
Who they are : Green Arrow , now most famous as the star of the CW series Arrow , is Oliver Queen , a billionaire playboy who , after being stranded on an island at sea , came back as an arrow-slinging vigilante .
Dr Oliver said : " There are literally hundreds of publications describing the potential role of Cdc42 in malignant disease but our work is the first to show that HPV can activate this protein . "
AKIKO | Toshis wife is another of Olivers Hong Kong caretakers , and is herself highly skilled in martial arts .
The next one will be Unwin . Anyway , Oliver Twist is now old enough to the workhouse.Bring him here , please . "
Directed by Sir Nicholas Hytner and written by John Hodge , previously best known as the screenwriter for " Shallow Grave " and " Trainspotting , " the production will soon transfer to the National 's main Olivier stage after opening at the smaller Cottesloe .
Oliver Samwer , the billionaire chief executive , told staff in 2011 that he was " the most aggressive guy on the internet " who would " die to win , " and expected the same from them ( he apologised later ) .
Mrs. Queen ! What are you ... It 's oliver .
O liver began to recover and slowly regain his strength .
As he worked , Olive looked through the barn window .
It is not the same for Dayron Robles and Oliver .
I know Oliver 's religiously against admitting he 's wrong .