
  • Oliver;Jamie Oliver;Laurence Olivier
  1. 连奥利弗都感到一丝兴奋。

    Even Oliver felt a tiny spark of excitement .

  2. 她提起奥利弗的时候哭了。

    She cried when she spoke of Oliver .

  3. 奥利弗在不搞自己的艺术创作时,就会忙着帮助别人完成作品。

    When not producing art of his own , Oliver was busy advancing the work of others .

  4. 想找一种介乎戏剧和电影之间的艺术形式是可能的。奥利弗在1945年创作的富于想象力的《亨利五世》即是这样一部作品。

    A halfway house between the theatre and cinema is possible . Olivier created one in his imaginative ' Henry V ' in 1945 .

  5. 这个词的兴起与英国的国际名厨奥利弗和高登·兰西在英国电视厨艺节目的广泛流行有关,在这类节目的启发和影响下,越来越多的男性把烹饪当作其最大的兴趣爱好,而奥利弗和兰西也成为了“性感美食家”的代表。

    The rise of the word is related to the rise of iconic celebrity3 chefs like Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsay whose British TV series are hugely popular and inspirational for a growing number of men to see cooking as a great hobby , making Oliver and Ramsay great role models for gastrosexuals .

  6. 他喜欢王子街(PrinceStreet)奥利弗餐馆(Olive’s)的番茄豆瓣菜鸡肉三明治。

    He loved the chicken sandwich with watercress and tomatoes at Olive 's on Prince Street .

  7. 《牛津啤酒指南》(TheOxfordCompaniontoBeer)一书的主编加勒特•奥利弗如是说,但他随即将收回了这个论断。

    So says Garrett Oliver , editor-in-chief of the Oxford Companion to beer , but then he takes it back .

  8. 奥利弗•莫里斯(OliverMorris),来自伦敦南部

    Oliver Morris , south London

  9. 在这个许多企业家都声称自己创业是为了帮助他人或改善社会的时代,迈克尔奥利弗(michaeloliver)算得上是一个守旧派。

    In an age when many entrepreneurs claim their motivation is to help others or improve society , Michael Oliver is old-school .

  10. 奥利弗把最猛的火力留给了NBC电视台《今日》栏目。根据该栏目的自我描述,它就是“为了科学研究而活”的。

    Oliver saved his most potent vitriol for NBC 's Todaywhich " lives for scientific studies " according toits own self-description .

  11. 一家咨询公司——奥利弗和欧哈巴姆联合公司(Oliver&OhlbaumAssociates)的马克·奥利弗(MarkOliver)表示,报纸公司所面临的根本挑战在于如何让读者为在线新闻付费。

    The fundamental challenge facing newspapers , says Mark Oliver of Oliver & Ohlbaum Associates , a consultancy , is how to get readers to pay for news online .

  12. 塞布丽娜•奥利弗(SabrinaOliver)原先居住在巴尔的摩市中心,这一带的犯罪活动十分猖獗,她回家时还会在自家的门廊上撞见毒贩。

    Sabrina Oliver 's inner-city Baltimore neighborhood was so crime-ridden , she would come home to find drug dealers on her porch .

  13. 美国公民自由联盟(AmericanCivilLibertiesUnion)马里兰州分会的房地产律师芭芭拉•塞缪尔斯(BarbaraSamuels)参与监管了巴尔的摩流动住房计划的实施,她认为奥利弗的经历并不为奇。

    Barbara Samuels , a housing attorney at the American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland , which helps oversee the Baltimore program , said Ms. Oliver 's story isn 't unusual . '

  14. 他们包括波音(Boeing)的吉姆•迈克纳尼(JimMcNerney)、瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)的迪德简•蒂亚姆(TidjaneThiam)、安联保险集团(Allianz)的奥利弗•拜特(OliverBäte)以及沃达丰(Vodafone)的维托里奥•科劳(VittorioColao)。

    They include Jim McNerney at Boeing , Tidjane Thiam of Credit Suisse , Oliver B ä te at Allianz and Vittorio Colao at Vodafone .

  15. 这个是继EA实施网上验证,和BG工作室的创始人奥利弗认为二手市场比盗版危害更甚的问题之后,又一个厂商发表的声明。

    This latest statement comes after the recent announcement from EA about their intended'Online Pass'and after Blitz Games co-founder Andrew Oliver referred to them as a problem worse than piracy .

  16. 2013年最受欢迎的名字顺次为奥利弗(Oliver)和阿米莉亚(Amelia)、奥利维亚(Olivia)、艾米莉(Emily)、伊娃(Ava)、伊斯拉(Isla)、杰克(Jack)、哈利(Harry)、雅各布(Jacob)和查理(Charlie)。

    The top names for 2013 were Oliver and Amelia , followed by Olivia , Emily , Ava and Isla , and Jack , Harry , Jacob and Charlie .

  17. 澳大利亚基金公司AMPCapital首席经济学家奥利弗(ShaneOliver)说,我们依旧认为会进一步下调利率,但可能在接近圣诞节的时候才会下调。

    ' Our view remains that the cash rate will still fall further , but it may not be till closer to Christmas , ' said Shane Oliver , chief economist at AMP Capital .

  18. 事实上,曼彻斯特HenleysClothing的创始人本勒斯科姆(BenLuscombe)那年赚了1030万英镑,但奥利弗是一个容不得争论的人。

    In fact , Ben Luscombe , founder of Henleys Clothing in Manchester , made £ 10.3m , but Mr Oliver is not a man to argue with .

  19. 举例来说,正是有了巴尔的摩流动住房计划,奥利弗全家才得以从巴尔的摩市搬到安娜•阿伦德郡(AnneArundelCounty),而搬家寻找新机会项目在这一点上根本帮不了她。

    For example , under the Baltimore Housing Mobility Program , Ms. Oliver was able to leave Baltimore altogether and move to Anne Arundel County , something she couldn 't have done under the Moving to Opportunity initiative .

  20. 他们是谁:绿箭侠,如今是CW电视台连续剧《绿箭侠》里的大明星,他原名奥利弗·奎恩,是坐拥亿万家产的花花公子,曾落难于海上荒岛,后回到家中成为了一名箭侠义警。

    Who they are : Green Arrow , now most famous as the star of the CW series Arrow , is Oliver Queen , a billionaire playboy who , after being stranded on an island at sea , came back as an arrow-slinging vigilante .

  21. 奥利弗博士表示“描叙Cdc42蛋白在恶性疾病中的潜在作用的文字论文有数百篇,但是我们的工作是第一个证明HPV能够激活这个蛋白。”

    Dr Oliver said : " There are literally hundreds of publications describing the potential role of Cdc42 in malignant disease but our work is the first to show that HPV can activate this protein . "

  22. 秋子(AKIKO):菊池的妻子,同时也是另一位在香港照顾奥利弗的人。她对武术非常精通。

    AKIKO | Toshis wife is another of Olivers Hong Kong caretakers , and is herself highly skilled in martial arts .

  23. 下一个叫恩温(Unwin)。不管怎么说,奥利弗已经长大了,该回到济贫院去了。请把他带到这儿来。”

    The next one will be Unwin . Anyway , Oliver Twist is now old enough to the workhouse.Bring him here , please . "

  24. 导演是NicholasHytner,编剧是JohnHodge,之前凭借《浅坟》和《猜火车》为人所知。这部新剧在Cottesloe开演之后,很快会转至更大的国家奥利弗主剧院演出。

    Directed by Sir Nicholas Hytner and written by John Hodge , previously best known as the screenwriter for " Shallow Grave " and " Trainspotting , " the production will soon transfer to the National 's main Olivier stage after opening at the smaller Cottesloe .

  25. 该公司首席执行官奥利弗•扎姆韦尔(OliverSamwer)是一位亿万富翁。2011年,他告诉员工,自己是“互联网上最好斗的家伙”,“为了获胜会不惜性命”,并期待员工们能像他一样(他后来为此言道了歉)。

    Oliver Samwer , the billionaire chief executive , told staff in 2011 that he was " the most aggressive guy on the internet " who would " die to win , " and expected the same from them ( he apologised later ) .

  26. 奎恩夫人,你怎么…是奥利弗

    Mrs. Queen ! What are you ... It 's oliver .

  27. 奥利弗慢慢地恢复了,气力也恢复了。

    O liver began to recover and slowly regain his strength .

  28. 当他工作时,奥利弗透过牛棚的窗向外看去。

    As he worked , Olive looked through the barn window .

  29. 这跟戴龙罗伯斯和奥利弗情况不同。

    It is not the same for Dayron Robles and Oliver .

  30. 我知道奥利弗绝不会承认他错了。

    I know Oliver 's religiously against admitting he 's wrong .