
  • 网络University at Albany;University of Albany;University at Albany--SUNY
  1. 据奥尔巴尼大学教授黄友琴估计,中国有13%的城市家庭至少拥有两套房。

    University at Albany professor Youqin Huang has estimated that 15 percent of urban households in the country own two or more houses .

  2. 在奥尔巴尼大学进行的一项研究中,发现这些罪行的季节性犯罪率在夏季达到顶峰。

    In a study conducted by the University of Albany , it was found that these crimes have a seasonal pattern , peaking in the summer .

  3. 附近的奥尔巴尼大学纳米科学和工程学院(CNSE)——世界上第一所致力于纳米技术的学院的做法也与此类似。

    The nearby University of Albany 's College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering ( CNSE ) , the first college in the world dedicated to nanotechnology , is doing much the same .

  4. 然而,据纽约奥尔巴尼大学的研究人员介绍,他们对44名学生的实验表明,吸入空气有助于醒脑,从而使它更为有效的工作。

    However , researchers at the University of Albany in New York said their experiments on 44 students showed that drawing in air helps cool the brain and helps it work more effectively .

  5. 奥尔巴尼纽约大学的研究人员对1000名学生的接吻观进行了调查。

    Researchers at New York 's University at Albany questioned 1,000 students about their views on kissing .