
  • 网络Warrior
  1. 而现在,中国人又再一次穿起了回力鞋,以此表达他们自己的中国时尚风格。

    And now , Chinese wear Warrior shoes again to show their own fashion style of China .

  2. 20世纪70年代,回力牌运动鞋以其明朗简洁的设计,成了中国最炙手可热的运动鞋品牌。

    During the1970s , Warrior brand sneakers were the hottest shoes in China because of its bright , clean design .

  3. 它由DJ直播间以及用干净树脂和传统木板墙面打造出的回力镖形状的酒吧区杂合而成——在波浪状蓝色织物做成的天花板下,它们相安无事地共存。

    This is home to an unsettling mix of DJ booth , a boomerang-shaped bar in clear resin and traditional wooden-panelled walls - all co-existing under a ceiling of billowing blue fabric .

  4. 电热除雾双中空防爆玻璃,自动回力门。

    Electrothermal fogremoving double hollow glass , automatic back door explosion .

  5. 到时候,我就可以像丢回力镖一样打他。

    I can use it like a boomerang to keep him in line .

  6. 然而,当采用无回力助力操纵时,握杆情况是能够近似实现的。

    When irreversible power controls are fitted however , the stick-fixed condition is closely approximated .

  7. 他扔出雷神之锤后,锤子会神奇地回到他的手中,像回力镖一样。

    When he threw Mjollnir , it returned magically to his hand like a boomerang .

  8. 我们提醒你,每一个你对他人所抱持的负面感觉,都有回力棒的效果。

    We remind you that every negative feeling you hold toward another has a boomerang effect .

  9. 她的小组成员都说她的乐观态度很有感染回力,能轻易就把事情做好。

    Her team members say that her optimism is quite infectious and she can make things happen .

  10. 快看,一只大型回力棒,就躺在我国南海海中央!

    Wow , look , a boomerang , right in the middle of the South China Sea !

  11. 在北京,你能看到越来越多的年轻人身着海军衫,脚穿回力鞋。

    In Beijing , you can see more and more youth wear the navy 's shirt , and Warrior shoes .

  12. 据《人民日报》报道,中国“老”牌球鞋回力鞋近日成为欧美的畅销货。

    According to People 's Daily , sneakers by the old Chinese brand'Warrior'have recently become quite popular in Europe and America .

  13. 在全世界的潮流达人、艺术家、设计师以及崇尚复古时尚的粉丝中,回力牌运动鞋变得极为流行起来。

    The sneaker is becoming extremely popular with trend spotters , artists , designers , and retro fans around the world .

  14. 然而,随着越来越多的年轻人为突显自我而寻求属于他们自己的风格,回力再次获得了成功。

    However , as more and more young people are seeking to differentiate themselves through their style , Warrior has become successful again .

  15. 这本于近日发行的、名为《回力之书》的摄影作品集展示了中国各地区穿着回力运动鞋的人们。

    This photography book , Book of Warriors , which features people wearing Warriors in various areas of China , was released recently .

  16. 虽然任何一种运动鞋都能提供一定的反弹力,但回力运动鞋能够使这种效果最大化。

    While any kind of athletic shoe can provide a certain amount of rebound , energy-return sneakers are designed to maximize this effect .

  17. 南通回力橡胶有限公司是制造、销售再生橡胶和橡胶制品的国家中型企业,江苏省高新技术企业。

    Nantong Reverse Rubber Co. , Ltd is the national medium enterprise and Jiangsu Hi-Tech enterprise that manufactures and sells reclaimed rubber and rubber products .

  18. 回力车子.各种各样的工程车,小人儿,和路标组合.漂亮又可爱,是儿童的益智玩具!

    Back in the car . A wide range of engineering vehicles , cur infants , and signposts portfolio . Beautiful and lovely children , educational toys !

  19. 主演过《指环王》、《加勒比海盗》的男星奥兰多-布鲁姆的带领下,越来越多的好莱坞明星开始穿回力鞋。

    Many Hollywood stars are beginning to wear the Warrior sneakers , including Orlando Bloom , who played in The Lord of the Rings and Pirates of the Caribbean .