
huí lónɡ zī jīn
  • recoup funds
  1. 开发商可以及早回笼资金,分散投资风险;

    Reclaiming funds earlier and scattering the risk of investment ;

  2. 回笼资金已变得比资本回报率更重要了。

    Return of capital has become more important than return on capital .

  3. 于此同时,缓慢的销售速度意味着他们自己能够回笼资金的速度放慢。

    At the same time , sluggish sales mean much slower liquidity generation on their own .

  4. 组织整个销售团队协助项目经理回笼资金。

    To organise the whole sales team to support the project managers to achieve the collection of receivables .

  5. 在这种情况下,不少发展商都面临着政策和市场的双重考验,面临着回笼资金的压力。

    In such circumstances , many developers are faced with the dual policy and market test facing advanced funding pressures .

  6. 由于投入的自有资金少,开发商回笼资金的压力小,他们有足够的耐心哄抬房价牟取暴利。

    Due to low capital input , the funding pressure for developer is small , they have enough patience to drive up prices to get extra income .

  7. 储值卡形式日趋多样化,不仅成为商家提前回笼资金,争取客户的主要手段,还因其使用方便等特性受到了消费者的青睐。

    It not only becomes the primary means of fighting for customers and financing , but also more and more consumers favor the convenience of the cards .

  8. 在中国大陆,开发商使用借贷资金大量购地,快速建设住房,常常还未完工便开始售房回笼资金。他们凭借这一模式快速成长。

    In China , developers have been growing fast by buying land using borrowed money , building apartments quickly , and sometimes selling them even before they are completed .

  9. 面对一个机会与威胁同时存在的竞争性市场,企业要想继续存在和发展,就必须成功地进行产品营销,及时回笼资金,为企业的后续发展提供动力。

    Facing a competitive market with opportunities and threats at the same time , an enterprise should successfully conduct marketing , withdraw currency in time and provide power for its follow-up development if it wants to exist and develop .

  10. 风险投资的退出不仅使风险投资者通过一定的渠道收回前期的风险投资,而且实现了其高风险投资的高回报,同时也确保了风险投资者回笼资金进入下一轮风险投资活动。

    The exit of venture capital venture capitalists not only through certain channels to recover the pre-venture capital , but also achieved a high risk high return on investment , while also ensuring the return of funds of venture capitalists to enter the next round of venture capital activities .

  11. 随着世界经济的蓬勃发展,第三产业已经成为各个国家经济发展的主力军,它不仅有效地促进经济发展,而且在缓解就业压力,回笼货币资金等方面都有显著成效。

    Nowadays , with the vigorous development of economy , tertiary industry has become the main force of national economy for every country . In fact , it not only effectively promotes economic development , but also helps ease the employment pressure and accelerate the return of monetary capital .

  12. 如果私人投资者无法轻易地通过上市回笼自己的资金,那么私募股权行业是否还能正常运作?

    Can the private-equity industry function properly if private investors cannot easily cash out through IPOs ?

  13. 开展合理有效实际的促销活动,带动品牌影响面,积极地回笼市场销售资金。

    These are the chances to develop reasonable and effective sales promotion to expand the brand influence and actively return the investments .

  14. 企业应尽可能地采用对自身有利的结算方式和先进的结算手段,加速资金回笼、缩短资金在途时间。

    As far as possible , enterprises should use their own settlement in a favorable settlement and advanced means to return the funds to accelerate and shorten the time in-transit funds .

  15. 为了保持人民币汇率的稳定,中国央行将流入境内的外汇几乎全部兑换为人民币,然后通过发行央行票据的方式来回笼人民币,将资金抽出金融体系。

    To keep the currency stable , the central bank swaps nearly all dollars coming into the country for renminbi , which it then drains out of the financial system by issuing bank notes .

  16. 通过商品房预售,不仅能使房地产开发商尽快回笼前期投入的资金,迅速筹措后期建设资金,而且能使购房者提前获取稳定的房源。

    The developers may draw back the original capital , and collect the following construction capital , and make the housing purchasers get the steady housing resources in advance by the advance sale of commercial housing .

  17. 第三,基于资金回笼后,构成了企业资金的来源,故将资金的回笼归到资金来源中写。

    Third , based on that the enterprises funds will be withdrawn from circulation of funds , so they owned to the sources of funds .