
  • 网络subgrade settlement;roadbed subsidence
  1. 压浆技术在处理高填方路基沉陷中的应用

    The Application of Grouting Technology in the Treatment of High-filled Roadbed Subsidence

  2. 桥台背路基沉陷病害原因及防治措施

    The Reason and Preventative Measures for Abutment Roadbed Subsidence

  3. 地震后路基沉陷了。

    The earthquake made the roadbed cave in .

  4. 大兴安岭北部多年冻土地区路基沉陷研究差分干涉SAR冻土形变检测方法研究

    Study on Thaw Settlement of Subgrade in Permafrost Regions in the Northern Part of Da Hinggan Mountains Detecting the Displacement Field of Thaw Settlement by Means of SAR Interferometry

  5. 解决路基沉陷变形的核心是提高路基土的压实密度。

    Improving the compacting density is the key to solve this question .

  6. 高压旋喷法在填石路基沉陷处理中的应用

    Application of High Pressure Rotation Dusting Method in Rock-filling Subgrade Settlement Treatment

  7. 山区公路路基沉陷注浆加固施工技术

    Grouting Strengthening Technique for Subgrade Settlement of Mountainous Highway

  8. 高填土路基沉陷成因及防治

    On the formation and prevention of the sedimentation of high filling earthwork subgrade

  9. 公路路基沉陷的成因分析及对策黄土地区公路路堤沉陷问题浅析

    The Cause and Countermeasures of Highway Subgrade Settlement Analysis on the Settlement of Highway Embankment

  10. 黄土在我国广泛分布,黄土路基沉陷变形是黄土地区公路的主要病害之一。

    Loess widely distributes in China and the subsidence deformation of loess roadbed is one of the common highway disasters in loess areas .

  11. 从设计、施工和养护阶段分析了高填土路基沉陷产生的主要原因,并根据具体情况提出了防治措施和方法。

    From the aspects of design , construction and maintenance of roads analysis is made on the formation of the sedimentation of high filling earthwork subgrade , and given the prevention .

  12. 阐述山区公路路基沉陷注浆加固的机理,注浆机具的选择,注浆材料的选定以及主要注浆施工工艺及效果检查等施工技术。

    The mechanism of grouting strengthening for subgrade settlement of mountainous highway , selection of grouting machinery and grouting materials , main construction technology of grouting , as well as the strengthening effect , etc. are presented .

  13. 大多数路基沉陷、冲刷、坍塌、翻浆,沥青路面松散、剥落、龟裂、车辙等,都不同程度地与地表水和地下水的侵蚀有关。

    The majority of subgrade subsidence , erosion , collapse , pumping , asphalt pavement ravelling , peeling , cracking and so on , are relevant to the erosion of surface water and underground water at varying degrees .

  14. 但由于黄土特殊的工程特性,常使修建在其上的公路路基沉陷、路基路面变形开裂、公路边坡塌陷等,严重影响了公路的正常运营和公路效益的发挥。

    But due to special engineering properties of loess , which makes roadbed sink , roadbed and road-surface distort and craze , side slope of road subside and so on , these diseases affect seriously natural manage and benefit exert of road .

  15. 由于公路是带状构造物,往往要穿越不同的地形地质单元,有时还要通过一些不良的地质环境,经常会发生崩塌、滑坡、泥石流和路基沉陷等地质灾害。

    Because highway is a strip structure , it often needs passing through different terrain units , and some cacoethes geological environment sometimes . Collapse , landslide , debris flow and subgrade settlement of geological hazards and so on occur frequently , especially in the west mountainous area in China .

  16. 该成果成功应用于湖南省常吉高速公路沅陵大桥台背的回填土处理及贵州省都匀公路路基塌方沉陷快速处治中。

    The achievement has been successfully applied in some engineering practices , for instance , the filling soil treatment of abutment back of Yuanling Bridge of Changji Expressway in Hunan Province and roadbed subsidence rapid treatment of Duyun highway in Guizhou Province .

  17. 工程应用表明,使用该新技术处理如桥台台背、路基塌方沉陷的应急抢修等无法用常规碾压技术进行处理的地段非常有效。

    The engineering applications show that the application of this kind of new technology on the treatments with respect to bridge abutment , roadbed subsidence emergency repairs , which issues cannot be dealt with by conventional rolling techniques , is very effective .

  18. 分析西宝高速公路路基主要病害的产生原因是路基沉陷、桥头跳车,提出用石灰土桩挤密法和干拌水泥碎石桩挤密法作为病害处治方案。

    The paper analyzed the main reason of the subgrade disease of Xi'an-Baoji Freeway , proposed its treatment plan .

  19. 在深长挖方路段中,地下水的存在状态和输移会严重影响路基路面结构层功能,常常造成边坡垮塌、路基沉陷、路面结构层破坏。

    At the long and deep-cut road-chasm section of a highway , the storage and seepage of groundwater may influence the function of roadbed and road surface structure deeply .