
  1. ICP加速度传感器在路基压实度测量中的应用

    Roadbed Compaction Measure Using ICP Accelerometer

  2. 有关路基压实度问题的探讨脂肪醇沸点(b.p.)

    On subgrade compactness The boiling point ( b. p. )

  3. 采用灌砂法、环刀法、核子密度仪法、落锤频谱式快速测定仪(LY-I仪)法4种方法对检测路基压实度的测试结果进行了比较分析;

    The paper determines compaction degree of subgrade making use of pumped sand , cutting ring , nuclear density instrument and drop hammer frequent mensuration methods .

  4. 根据试验结果及《铁路工程试验规程》(2003)中对路基压实度标准的规定,建立了各类填料的Evd检测路基压实质量标准。

    The standards of compaction quality of subgrade detecting by Evd of all kinds of fillings are put forward according to test results and standard rate to degree of compaction of subgrade in code for test on railway engineering ( 2003 ) .

  5. 路基压实度采用空隙率指标的科学性探讨

    Discussing the scientific feature of subgrade degree of compaction with porosity

  6. 波动测试技术在土石复合路基压实度测试中的应用

    Application of Wave Testing to Detecting Compact Degree of Soil-Stone Embankment

  7. 有关路基压实度问题的探讨挖方路基弯沉超标的分析和处理措施

    Analysis and Treatment Measurement for Over-standard of Excavated Subgrade Settlement

  8. 路基压实度动测方法的研究

    The Research on the Compactness Measure of Roadbed Using Dynamic Testing Methods

  9. 浅析室内标准击实试验与路基压实度控制问题

    Indoor Standard Compaction Test and Subgrade Degree of Compaction Control

  10. 高速公路路基压实度检测方法相关性分析

    Relativity analysis on the detection methods of compaction degree for expressway subgrade

  11. 公路路基压实度标准提高后费用变化的探讨

    Explorations of cost changes caused by higher subgrade compactness standards in highways

  12. 初探路基压实度在检测中的一些问题有关路基压实度问题的探讨

    Preliminary Approach to Some Problems in Detection of Subgrade Compactness

  13. 路基压实度管理软件的开发利用

    Development and utilization of management software for degree of compaction of roadbed

  14. 中粗粒土路基压实度快速测定方法

    Compactness Rapid Measurement Method on Middle Coarse Grained Soil Subgrade

  15. 提出了路基压实度连续检测的一种新方法。

    A new method to examine the roadbed compaction continuously is presented .

  16. 瑞利波检测路基压实度试验研究

    An experimental study on the detection of subgrade compactness by Rayleigh wave

  17. 提高路基压实度检测准确度应注意的问题

    The Notes to Raise Test Precision of Subgrade Compaction Degree

  18. 浅谈高速公路路基压实度的控制

    Simple discussion on control of degree of compaction of express highway 's roadbed

  19. 路基压实度检测的级配控制法

    Method of Grading Control for Detection of Subgrade Compactedness

  20. 高填方路基压实度不均导致路基病害机理研究

    Study on Mechanism of roadbed hazards caused by inhomogeneous high-filled roadbed compacting factor

  21. 风积砂路基压实度检测方法分析

    Analysis on the Testing Methods of Compaction Degree of the Aeolian Sand Subgrade

  22. 直达波法检测路基压实度

    Detecting the Subgrade Compaction by the Direct Wave Method

  23. 基于便携式计算机的路基压实度测定方法的实现

    Realization of Measuring Subgrade Compactness Based on Portable Computers

  24. 高填方路基压实度测试技术的研究

    Examination of Testing Technique of High Fill Subgrade Compactness

  25. 瑞雷面波法在路基压实度检测中的应用

    Application of Rayleigh Wave Method in Roadbed Compactness Detection

  26. 路基压实度的振动测试方法试验研究

    Experimental Study on Vibration Test of Subgrade Compaction Degrees

  27. 通过室内试验研究了击实功对路基压实度的影响。

    The effect of compaction energy on compactness is studied by indoor experiments .

  28. 论路基压实度与地基承载力的关系

    The relation between degree of compaction of road base and base bearing capacity

  29. 快速测量路基压实度的技术研究

    New Method for Measuring Degree of Subgrade Compaction Quickly

  30. 用瑞利波波速检测粗粒土路基压实度方法的研究

    Research on Compactness Method of Coarse Grained Soil Roadbed Examined by Rayleigh Wave