
  1. 他们计算出,滚动木块所需的力与沿着光滑的路径移动木块所需的力差不多。

    They calculated that rolling the block required about as much force as moving it along a slippery path .

  2. 不仅如此,SVG的标记还可用于动态改变这些属性,因此可以沿着路径移动图形对象或者实现淡入淡出效果。

    But why stop there ? SVG also has tags that you can use to animate these properties , so you can move a graphics object along a path or fade it in or out .

  3. 以上例子中的按钮在5000毫秒内沿着从x=0到x=450的路径移动。

    The button in the above example cruises from x = 0 to x = 450 in5000 milliseconds .

  4. 而气旋以U型路径移动,入渤海后迅速发展;

    Cyclones moved along the path as the letter " U ", got into Bohai sea and developed quickly .

  5. 从语义上来看,这种构式暗指主语指称沿着介词短语所指的路径移动。

    Semantically , the Construction implies that the subject referent moves along the path designated by the prepositional phrase .

  6. 在查看该运动时,您会发现矩形在沿着路径移动的过程中其方向不会发生变化。

    When it 's viewed , the orientation of the square doesn 't change as it moves through the path .

  7. 因为它把空间对象限制在道路上,且查询点和空间对象只能按照路径移动。

    This is because it limits the objects on the road , and query points and spatial objects can only move on the path .

  8. 矩形的左上角始终沿着路径移动,这是因为矩形的长边和短边是从左上角开始绘制的。

    The top left-hand corner of the rectangle follows the path , since that is where the rectangle 's width and height are drawn from .

  9. 此论文提出了一个允许机器人在室内环境中沿规划好的路径移动的决策和控制结构。

    A strategy and a control architecture to allow a mobile robot to navigate in indoor environment on a planned path is described in the paper .

  10. 在解决叶片与上冠或下环之间的热传导问题以及焊接热源沿任意空间路径移动的加载问题的基础上,对混流式水轮机转轮焊接过程的温度场与应力场进行了数值模拟。

    Francis turbine runner 's welding temperature field and stress field are simulated on basis of realizing the welding thermal source 's movement along any complicated spatial route and solving the problem of heat conduction between blade and crown or band .

  11. 结果显示不仅该系统记录的图形与从真正的鱼身上的神经细胞所记录的图形相似,而且配套的电脑程序还能通过对记录图形的解读来追踪沿着不同路径移动的脉冲水波的源头。

    Not only was the pattern of recordings along the artificial lateral line similar to the pattern recorded from the nerve cells of a real fish , but the computer could also decipher it to follow the source of the pulse as it moved along different paths .

  12. 多路径和移动预测的adhoc网络单播路由协议

    An Ad Hoc Network Unicast Routing Protocol Based on Multi-path and Mobility Prediction

  13. 多路径为移动自组网络提供的容错、负载均衡与QoS支持较单路径更有效可行,所以在战术无线自组网等类似系统中采用多径路由策略更能满足系统的实际需求。

    Multipath Routing is more suitable than single route for systems such as tactical radio networks because it can efficiently support fault-tolerance , load balancing and QoS .

  14. 然后绘制矩形,并且矩形沿着该路径进行移动。

    The rectangle is then drawn and moved through the path .

  15. 那是在两个相似的目录路径之间移动的一个简单方法。

    It 's a simple way of moving between two similar directory paths .

  16. 一种累计多路径的移动自组网络路由策略

    An Aggregated Multipath Routing Scheme for Ad Hoc Networks

  17. 这个工具是如果你决定改变影格数目或者哪一个群组在路径上移动。

    This tool is if you decide to change the number of frames or what group is animating on the path .

  18. 基于最优路径函数的移动adhoc网络路由算法研究

    A Novel Routing Algorithm in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Based on Optimal Routing Function

  19. 迁移策略为移动Agent规划出最佳迁移路径,保证移动Agent正确、高效地完成任务。

    Migration strategy is responsible for planning out an optimal migration path , which ensures that mobile agent can complete its task correctly and efficiently .

  20. 通过将相关的计算分散到簇头节点上,ADC实现了分布式数据处理,具有良好的可扩展性。(3)提出基于环状移动路径的多移动节点路径规划算法。

    ADC archives distributed data processing and excellent scalability by distributing the correlated computation to each cluster header . ( 3 ) We propose a multiple mobile nodes path planning algorithm based on loop-like travel path .

  21. 一种基于路径代价的移动机器人目标分配方法

    A Method of Mobile Robot Target Assignment Based on Path Cost

  22. 基于多路径路由的移动自组网可靠数据传输

    Dependable data transmission in ad hoc networks using multi-path routing

  23. 基于路径识别的移动机器人视觉导航

    Visual Navigation of a Mobile Robot Based on Path Recognition

  24. 移动平台路径规划是移动机械臂运动规划的基础之一。

    Path planning for mobile platform is the foundation of motion planning for mobile manipulator .

  25. 路径规划作为移动机器人领域里的经典难题,其发展和研究一直受到人们的关注。

    As a difficult problem for many years , the research and development of it had always been concerned by people .

  26. 数据融合和局部路径规划是移动机器人中高层智能行为的体现。

    Data fusion and local path planning is the embodiment of mobile robot intelligent behaviors on the middle and high level .

  27. 路径规划是移动机器人的一个重要问题,它使得机器人在环境中根据相应的策略到达目标点。

    Path planning is an important issue for mobile robot , which makes mobile robot to achieve destination according to set strategy .

  28. 地图构建和路径规划是移动机器人研究中的两个基础问题,针对室内环境的研究已经取得阶段性的成果。

    Map building and path planning are two essential problems for mobile robot , and there are many research results towards indoor environment .

  29. 避障路径规划是移动机器人、虚拟仿真、超大规模集成电路、地理信息系统等诸多领域的基本问题。

    Obstacle avoidance path planning is a basic problem in mobile robot , virtual simulation , very large scale integrated circuit , geographic information system and many other fields .

  30. 西太平洋副热带高压强大而稳定、对流层中层存在暖区是该台风路径稳定、移动迅速的主要原因;

    The strong and stable west Pacific high pressure and the warm zones in the middle troposphere are the major causes of the stable track and quick movement of the typhoon .