
  • 网络Path Loss;pathloss;MAPL
  1. 基于MATLAB语言的电波传播路径损耗的仿真

    Simulation of the Path Loss for Radio Wave Propagation Based on MATLAB Language

  2. UWB脉冲信号室内空旷环境路径损耗特性研究

    Path loss characteristics of UWB signals in vacancy indoor environment

  3. 研究结果表明,反向散射RFID系统的路径损耗模型和传统无线通信系统的路径损耗模型有所区别。

    The research results show that path loss models of backscatter RFID systems are differ from traditional wireless communication systems .

  4. 最后利用Matlab平台,结合路径损耗和时延扩展的实际测量数据,对它们进行拟合,并分别分析和比较各个拟合的结果。

    Ultimately , fitted the measurement data combined path loss and delay spread model with Matlab , and each of the fitting results was analyzed and compared .

  5. 从仿真结果来看,桌面LOS环境的路径损耗与两径信道模型的路径损耗基本相同。

    According to the simulation results , the path loss of LOS desktop environment is the same as that of two-path environment .

  6. 本文主要介绍由实验测量和统计分析方法得到的UWB信道模型,包括UWB系统的路径损耗模型和多径衰落模型。

    This paper will introduce the channel models for UWB , which include path loss models and multi-path fading models obtained by large measurements and statistical analysis .

  7. 通过对实际网络覆盖区场强值的进行实地测量,确定了路径损耗斜率曲线,利用GIS应用工具,绘制系统场强覆盖图。

    By measuring the intensity of its actual coverage , we determine the slope curve of path loss ; at the same time , we make the system intensity coverage figure using the GIS application tools .

  8. 在WCDMA系统中,小区的实际覆盖范围取决于移动台与NODEB之间的最大允许路径损耗和目标区域的无线传播环境。

    In the WCDMA system the real coverage of a district is decided by the biggest permitted path loss between the mobile station and the Node B and the wireless environment of the target district .

  9. 文中通过对RSSI信号值的统计分析,说明采用对数距离路径损耗模型测距较为准确。

    By statistical analysis of the RSSI signal values , got using the Logarithmic distance ranging model was more accurate .

  10. 对超宽带(UWB)室内信道模型在时域和频域进行了讨论,并介绍了在小范围衰落情况下的时域和频域的多种信道模型,以及较实用的路径损耗模型。

    In this paper , UWB indoor channel models were discussed in time and frequency domain . it 's introduced path loss channels and several indoor channel models at small-scale fading .

  11. 由于室内环境存在多径干扰,使得发射信号产生衰落,室内信号的衰落主要在路径损耗和多径损耗上,为此研究UWB的室内信道成为必要。

    There is multipath interfere in Indoor condition lead to decline and the decline mainly in path loss and multipath loss , so it 's necessary to study the channel models .

  12. 现将本文的主要工作和得到的相应结论详细叙述如下:第2章研究了相同路径损耗下OFDM系统资源分配,研究内容分为上行和下行两个方面。

    The major work and conclusions of this dissertation can be detailedly described as follows : Chapter 2 studies uplink / downlink resource allocation in the special OFDM system , where different users have equal path loss .

  13. 提出基于路径损耗差的0I指示下小区间功率控制算法。

    An overload indicator indicated inter-cell power control scheme based on path loss difference is presented .

  14. 但是,为了降低路径损耗给MIMO-OFDM系统带来的影响,提高接收的正确度,采用好的编码也是非常重要的。

    But , it is also important for MIMO-OFDM systems to adopt the good coding to decrease bad effect of MIMO-OFDM systems coming from path waste and improve accuracy of receive signals .

  15. 本文提出了一种包含路径损耗、阴影衰落与小尺度衰落的分布式MIMO信道模型,分析推导了采用该模型时的分布式MIMO信道容量。

    At the beginning of this paper , a distributed MIMO channel model taking path loss , shadow fading and small scale fading into account is established . Then the formula concerning the capacity of distributed MIMO channels is derived .

  16. 第二,通过对信道进行时域确定性建模得出信道的电波传播特性,并通过CLEAN算法得到信道的时域冲激响应,同时对信道的时延参数、多径参数和路径损耗进行了分析。

    Secondly , through modeling the channel in time domain , the characters of wave propagation are got . And the impulse response in time domain of channel is obtained by using CLEAN algorithm . Meanwhile , the delay parameter , multipath parameter and path loss are analyzed .

  17. 分析了自由空间和非自由空间的路径损耗模型,讨论了UWB衰落信道的统计特性,其中重点介绍了改进的Saleh-Valenzuela模型。

    The path-lost model of free space and the statistic of UWB multipath fading channel are analyzed , in which the revised Saleh-Valenzuela model are stressed .

  18. 在实验平台上对温室环境下节点发射功率与RSSI关系做了实验研究,求解出温室环境中的路径损耗指数,以建立虚拟MIMO的分簇网络能耗模型。

    We do experimental research on the relation between transmitting power and the RSSI to solve the path loss factor in greenhouse on the experimental platform , and then the energy model of virtual MIMO clustering network is created .

  19. 本文分析了三种最基本的基于平均信道信息的中继选择策略,即基于距离的中继选择、基于路径损耗的中继选择以及基于SINR的中继选择。

    This paper analyzes the three basic relay selection strategy that based on the average channel state information , that is distance-based relay selection , path loss-based relay selection and the SINR-based relay selection .

  20. 所提出的NLOS误差量值估计方法以路径损耗模型为理论基础,通过检测接收信号中的DP和MCP两条单径来实现。

    The proposed NLOS error estimation method is deduced from the signal propagation path loss model , and two single paths , i.e. DP and MCP , have to be detected from the received signal to implement the method .

  21. 其思想就是通过对无线电传播路径损耗模型以及大量实测数据的分析,用分段线性逼近的方法得到RSSI、LQI这2者与传播距离的衰落曲线。

    By analyzing the model of radio wave propagation loss and empirical data from real measurement , our idea is to use discrete linear lines to approximate the real attenuation of RSSI and LQI .

  22. 首先,从超宽带特有的信号及信道传播特性入手分析了路径损耗、多径延时等对测距精度的影响,并为后续的TOA估计方法研究提供了数学模型。

    Firstly , we introduce the characteristic of UWB signal and channel propagation model , and analyze the path loss , multipath delay and other effects on ranging accuracy which provide the mathematical model for the discussion of TOA estimation in the following chapters .

  23. 实验与仿真证明,不恰当地校正传播模型可给路径损耗预测带来较大误差,误差均值达30dB以上。

    Experiments and simulation results show that the inappropriate application of calibrated propagation models leads to larger errors of path loss prediction , with a mean error around 30 ?

  24. 在此信道模型基础上,对IR-UWB信号近地面传播时的路径损耗和多径效应等特性进行了研究并得出了相关结论,为IR-UWB技术的实际应用提供了依据。

    With the channel model , the path-loss properties and multi-path effect of the IR-UWB signal near-ground propagation are studied and the results are received . Finally , researches on the applications of the IR-UWB technology in the landmine are carried out .

  25. 本论文应用Cost-231传输模型计算系统的路径损耗,使用Friis公式来计算信号噪声比。

    Cost - 231 propagation model is used to calculate the path loss of the system and using the Friis formula signal to noise ratio is calculated .

  26. 本文针对无线频谱稀缺与频谱利用率低下这一矛盾,有效利用路径损耗、多径衰落、阴影衰落及穿透损耗等因子,提出了LTE-A室内中继网络上行链路的机会频谱共享机制。

    This paper considered the contradiction of wireless spectrum scarcity and low utilization of spectrum , proposed opportunistic spectrum sharing schemes in the uplink of LTE-A indoor relay network making use of path loss , multi-path fading , shadow fading and penetration loss .

  27. 并与最小路径损耗(MPOL)判决准则下的性能进行了比较,得出了RCLR准则改善了呼叫中断和溢出性能的结论。

    Compared to minimum path of loss ( MPOL ) criterion commonly used in systems , RCLR criterion considers not only POL of calls but also load balances in cells .

  28. 基于路径损耗模型参数实时估计的无线定位方法

    Wireless Localization Algorithm Based on Path Loss Model Parameter Real-time Estimate

  29. 该模型的路径损耗预测结果与实际的测量结果比较,符合较好。

    The results of prediction agree well with the measurement .

  30. 移动通信电波路径损耗的测试

    Measuring of Mobile Communications Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Path Loss