
  • 网络intermodulation product
  1. 无杂散动态范围被定义为用dB表示的,接收机噪声和两个相等杂散信号的电平的差,这两个杂散信号的互调产物与接收机噪声相等。

    It is defined as the difference in dB between receiver noise and the level of two equal spurious signals whose intermodulation products are equal to the receiver noise .

  2. 基于傅立叶级数法的互调产物一般特性分析

    Analysis of general nature of intermodulation products based on Fourier series method

  3. 文中还给出了用计算机编程计算出的不会在VHF各频道范围内产生互调产物的可选三信号组合的结果。

    Beside the selectable 3 signal combination results that produce no mutual modulation products in every VHF channel are programmed and calculated with computer .

  4. 分析了光栅色散抖动对有线电视信号的影响,估计出落在信号50MHz~550MHz范围内互调产物功率约占所有互调产物功率的10%~50%。

    The influence of fiber grating dispersion ripple on CATV signals is analyzed and the power of intermodulation terms fallen into the range of 50 MHz ~ 550 MHz is estimated about 10 % ~ 50 % of the total power of all the intermodulation terms .

  5. 电缆电视系统中放大器的交调及互调产物

    Crossmodulation and Intermodulation products in CATV Amplifiers hank of cable

  6. 卫星转发器中三阶互调产物数量的精确计算

    On the accurate counting of third-order intermodulation products in a satellite transponder

  7. 讨论了互调产物的一般行为特性。

    The general nature of intermodulation products is discussed .

  8. 分析和讨论了非线性器件互调产物的一般行为特性。

    The general nature of intermodulation products produced by nonlinear devices is analyzed and discussed .

  9. 在大功率多通道通信系统中的无源互调产物,一旦落入接收通频带之内,就会成为通信系统中的寄生干扰之一。

    In high power multichannel communications systems , once PIM product falls within receiving frequency band , it can become one of the spurious interference .

  10. 在已知传递函数的情况下,采用傅立叶级数法,推导了二载波情况下互调产物的幅度及其随阶数变化的一般表达式。

    General formulas of the amplitude of intermodulation products as a function of intermodulation orders in two-carrier case are derived by applying Fourier series method .

  11. 其中,由于预失真法结构简单、成本低和线性化好,本论文根据预失真法的基本原理,设计了一个基于低频偶次项互调产物的射频预失真器。

    This paper proposes a RF predistorter based on low-frequency even-order intermodulation components due to the simplicity , low cost and moderate distortion improvement of predistortion linearization .

  12. 降低通讯设备无源互调产物的功率对提高移动通信系统接收机的灵敏度,增加通信系统容量和稳定度具有重要意义。

    Reducing the power of passive intermodulation produced by the communication equipments will improve the sensitivity of the receiver and increase the capacity and stability of communication systems .

  13. 假设传递函数为无记忆瞬时传递函数,并将它分解为奇次项和偶次项,以便计算各阶互调产物的具体形式。

    A general instantaneous transfer function for a nonlinear device is assumed and it is decomposed into odd and even terms in order to calculate the concrete forms of intermodulation products .

  14. 认为无源互调产物是多载波通信系统的重要干扰源,包括接触非线性和材料非线性在内的无源非线性是这种干扰的根本起因。

    It is indicated that PIM products are important interference source in multi-carrier communication systems and passive nonlinearity including contact nonlinearity and material nonlinearity is the essential origin of such interference .

  15. 由于这些线性调制技术具有非恒定包络的特点,当调制信号通过射频功率放大器后将产生互调信号失真,而这种互调产物无法用滤波去除。

    Modulated signals with varying envelop will generate intermodulation distortion which can not be eliminated by filter when those signal pass the RF power amplifiers .

  16. 其中无源互调的测试是降低通讯设备无源互调产物的功率一个重要环节。

    The test of passive intermodulation is an important component in the work of reducing passive intermodulation products of communication systems .

  17. 交扰调制比CM和载波互调比IM是电缆电视系统非线性的两项主要指标,本文主要讨论电缆电视系统中放大器变调、互调产物的分布及各种产物的内在联系和积累规律。

    This peper describes the distribution of crossmodulation and intermodulation originated along the CATV System , as well as the interrelation and accumulation of those nonlinear products .