
  1. 随着移动互联时代的到来,JavaME作为而向移动信息设备开发的移动计算技术平台,获得了广泛的应用。

    As a mobile computing platform developed targeting for mobile information devices . Java ME has been widely applied with the approaching of the mobile internet era .

  2. 福特(Ford)悄悄地取消了一项能探测到心脏病的驾驶座椅开发项目,将其归因于更便宜、更精准的可穿戴设备。此举凸显出汽车厂商在汽车互联时代需要维持的快速创新步伐。

    Ford has quietly scrapped a project to develop driving seats that can detect heart attacks , blaming cheaper and more accurate wearable technology on a move that underlines the rapid pace of innovation carmakers need to maintain in the era of the connected car .

  3. 代表着无线互联时代的新商业模式&基于无线互联的电子商务正迅速成为业界关注焦点。

    Wireless-Internet-based E-business , which represents the new business mode in the wireless-Internet era , becomes the hot-point .

  4. 而无线移动网络与智能移动终端设备的融合,正逐渐颠覆着传统的网络接入模式,可以说计算机网络已进入移动互联时代。

    Smart mobile devices used in wireless mobile networks ( WMNs ) are gradually subverting the traditional mode of network access .

  5. 此外,本文的研究也对其他手机厂商在移动互联时代的营销策略具有一定的参考价值。

    Moreover , the thesis can be reference for other handset bands to make marketing strategy on the mobile connection stage .

  6. 物流效率:互联时代企业的利润源泉&现代物流管理获利机理分析之一

    The Profit Source of Enterprises in the Era of Networking : Efficient Logistics & Analysis of the Profit Mechanism of Modem Logistics Management

  7. 移动互联时代,手持设备的多样化、高智能化发展极大丰富了人们的生活。

    In the era of Mobile Internet , the development trends of variety and high intelligence of handheld devices have greatly enriched the lives of people .

  8. 第三部分是对人文关怀概念的阐述,重点分析移动互联时代产品设计中如何体现人文关怀。

    The third part , it explains the concept of humanistic care . This chapter mainly analyses how to embody humanistic care on product design in the mobile internet era .

  9. 微软从前任首席执行官史蒂夫o鲍尔默时期开始,努力统一操作系统,其起步就已经太晚。如今,这个问题的财务影响终于被认识到:微软对开发者渐渐失去吸引力,而开发者正是互联时代的经济引擎。

    Microsoft 's ongoing efforts to reunite its disparate parts - which began , arguably too late , under former CEO Steve Ballmer - have finally begun to be seen in a monetary light as the company loses traction with developers , the economic engines of the Connected Age .

  10. 我们生活在一个信息、移动和互联的时代。

    We live in an age of information , mobility and connectivity .

  11. 在这个信息互联的时代,它比以往任何时候都更加真实。

    In the online hyper-connected world , this is more true than ever .

  12. 互联网络时代的新营销理论

    New Marketing Theory of Internet Times

  13. 另一方面要研究互联网络时代教育对象的特点,遵循互联网络时代思想政治教育规律,积极开展以培养学生正确的网络观为主要内容的高校网络思想政治教育。

    On the other hand , we should cultivate students ' proper " internet moral ", according to the basic of the Ideological and Political education of universities and colleges .

  14. 虽然在重启中没有出现数据丢失的情况,但设备之间的通讯失联毕竟还是非常令人恼火的&在互联设备时代,它给人一种失信的感觉。

    Though no data is lost during a restart , the lapse of communication between devices is an irritating inconvenience – a broken promise in the era of interconnected devices .

  15. 移动互联网络时代,产业融合加快,产业的组织形态表现为企业网络组织,竞合关系成为企业之间的重要关系。

    On the era of the mobile Internet , most industry accelerates integration . Corporate network becomes the morphology of the industry . Coopetition is the key relationships between enterprises network .

  16. 而信息社会、互联网络时代的到来,也对高校人才培养提出了新的课题,要求高校思想政治教育主体、客体和内容以及方法作出改变。

    Meanwhile , the approaching of the Information and Internet era demand the innovation on Subject and Object , Contents and Methods of the Ideological and Political education of universities and colleges .

  17. 就像医疗和银行等行业一样,汽车工业也必须思考如何重构基础架构,以便适应“超互联”时代下新一代驾驶员和乘客的需求。

    Like the health care and banking industries , the car industry must rethink its fundamental structure in order to adapt to the needs of a new generation of ultra-connected drivers and passengers .

  18. 没有人质疑,这是一个全球性、背景明确的互联网络经济时代。

    No one doubts that we are in the age of global internet economy .

  19. 我们正经历着移动互联网络变革的时代。

    We are living at a time when the mobile Internet is experiencing an evolution .

  20. 随着移动互联与信息爆炸时代的到来,有限的频谱资源上需要承载越来越大的数据流量。

    With the advent of mobile internet and the information explosion , the limited spectrum resources are required to carry more and more data traffic .