
nèi cún ɡuǎn lǐ qì
  • memory manager
  1. DB2自调优内存管理器(self-tuningmemorymanager,STMM)控制这个自动过程。

    DB2 self-tuning memory manager ( STMM ) controls this automation process .

  2. 这为Linux的发行者改进自己特定发行版本的Linux的内存管理器留下了很大的空间。

    This left a lot of room for Linux distributors to improve on the memory manager for their own particular distribution of Linux .

  3. 内存管理器设计的首要原则是数据直接访问(DirectAccesstoData)。

    The primary principle of the storage manager is Direct Access to Data .

  4. 通过观察文件的访问模式,AIX的虚拟内存管理器(VirtualMemoryManager,VMM)可以预测页面需求。

    The Virtual Memory Manager ( VMM ) of AIX anticipates page requirements for observing the patterns of files that are accessed .

  5. AIX虚拟内存管理器控制机器上的所有内存,而不只是虚拟内存。

    The AIX virtual memory manager serves all memory on the box , not just virtual memory .

  6. 对于分区的环境,虚拟内存管理器(VMM)经历了较大的更改。

    The Virtual Memory Manager ( VMM ) undergoes major changes for a partitioned environment .

  7. 可以通过向虚拟内存管理器(VMM)提出分配请求,以创建这些缓冲区。

    They are created by making allocation requests to the Virtual Memory Manager ( VMM ) .

  8. vmo命令也显示和调整虚拟内存管理器参数。

    The vmo command also displays and adjusts the Virtual Memory Manager parameters .

  9. 理论上,内存管理器能足够快速的交换一些已在内存中的过程,当调度器要重新规划CPU时,准备执行。

    Ideally , the memory manager can swap processes fast enough that some processes will be in memory , ready to execute , when the CPU scheduler wants to reschedule the CPU .

  10. 因为启动了DB2的自调整内存管理器(STMM),它会连续调整一系列DB2配置参数的设置。

    Since DB2 's self-tuning memory manager ( STMM ) was active , it was continuously refining the settings of a range of DB2 configuration parameters .

  11. 典型地,内存管理器在x86系统上处理的内存页为4KB。

    Typically , the memory manager deals with memory in4 KB pages on x86 systems .

  12. svmon命令可以显示进程在虚拟内存管理器中的段ID(Vsid)。

    The svmon command can show us the segment IDs in the Virtual Memory Manager ( Vsid ) for processes .

  13. 非分页的FCB包含一个特殊的指针结构被内存管理器和缓存管理器用来操作区域对象。

    The NON_PAGED_FCB contains a structure of special pointers used by Memory Manager and Cache Manager to manipulate section objects .

  14. 了解有关AIX®虚拟内存管理器(AIXVMM)如何工作,以及如何利用可调参数来调整AIXVMM操作的详细信息。

    Go through detailed information on how the AIX ® virtual memory manager ( AIX VMM ) works and how to use tunable parameters to adjust the operation of the AIX VMM .

  15. 内存管理器的关键技术包括T树索引结构、改进的LRU内外存交换策略和影子内存工作区。

    A number of technologies had evolved with the storage manager such as T-tree index structure , approved memory exchange strategy and shadow memory working area .

  16. 不只是我们的内存管理器有缺点,基于malloc()的内存管理器仍然也有很多缺点,不管您使用的是哪个分配程序。

    Not only does our memory manager have shortcomings , there are many shortcomings of malloc () - based memory management that remain no matter which allocator you use .

  17. 从README.ZENDMM中准确地引述就是:“新内存管理器(PHP5.2以及更高版本)的目标是减少内存分配开销并加速内存管理。”

    The exact quote from README.ZEND_MM states : " The goal of the new memory manager ( PHP5.2 and later ) is reducing memory allocation overhead and speeding up memory management . "

  18. 这不是对于V5.2的特定更改,但是内存管理器及其使用的任何讨论都值得至少快速查看一次这个特性。

    This is not a specific change to V5.2 , but any discussion of the memory manager and its uses bears at least a quick look at this feature .

  19. 每个内存管理器都使用了一种基于堆的分配策略。

    Early memory managers used a heap-based allocation strategy .

  20. 它有系统服务、设备、内存管理器等等。

    It has system services , devices , memory managers , and more .

  21. 加速创建和销毁同类对象的专用内存管理器

    Specialized memory manager of accelerating to create and destroy objects of a class

  22. 数字集群运营支撑系统内存管理器的设计和实现

    Design and Implementation of Storage Manager for iDEN BOSS

  23. 操作系统内存管理器的功能差不多就要完成了。

    We pretty much perform the function of an Operating System memory manager .

  24. 使用内存管理器的语法排除该地址空间。

    Exclude this address space by using the syntax of your memory manager .

  25. 这就是我们的内存管理器。

    And that is our memory manager .

  26. 对实际编程来说,理解您的内存管理器的能力与局限性至关重要。

    Knowing the abilities and limitations of your memory manager is critical for effective programming .

  27. 内存管理器以块的形式将内存分配给线程,以最小化堆锁定争用。

    The memory manager allocates memory to threads in chunks to minimize contention on the heap lock .

  28. 它还精心地引导我使用内存管理器的最后几个新功能:环境变量。

    It also leads me nicely to the last new features of the memory manager : environment variables .

  29. 它需要太多的交换时间,并且提供太少的执行时间给内存管理器一个合理的解决方案。

    It requires too much swapping time and provides too little execution time to be a reasonable memory-management solution .

  30. 我们实现了一个内存管理器,它使用的是很好理解的计算机科学算法,还有我们专门为此实现的增强。

    We implement a Memory Manager , which leverages well-understood computer science algorithms combined with our own proprietary enhancements for doing so .