
  • 网络Content Distribution;Content Delivery;CDN
  1. 内容分发网络的研究

    Research on the CDN System

  2. 内容分发网络叠加在现有网络架构上,通过将用户请求重定向至离用户最近的内容节点提供就近数据服务,从而更快响应用户请求,有效改善用户体验促进数据业务的发展。

    CDN is deployed on the existing network architecture , by redirecting the user request to the closest content node to supply faster response to user requests , effectively promotes the development of data services and improves the user experience .

  3. 在安全内容分发时对于Web客户方的威胁模型是什么?

    What is the thread model of secure content distribution ?

  4. Web正从一种内容分发机制转变成为一种服务平台,大量的服务和应用都围绕着Web进行。

    Web is changing from a content distribution mechanism to a service platform .

  5. 基于软件Agent技术的内容分发网络研究

    Research on Content Delivery Network Based on Software Agent Technology

  6. IP网络内容分发技术

    Content Distribution Technologies for IP Based Network

  7. 在INTERNET中,链路带宽的测量技术对内容分发网络优化、覆盖网络路由选择、流量工程等应用都极为重要。

    In INTERNET , bandwidth measurement techniques are important for optimizing content distribute network 、 overlay network routing and traffic engineering .

  8. 音频、视频内容分发代表了Internet中一类重要的应用,但目前还没有满意的解决方案。

    Audio and video stream distribution is a kind of important application in Internet , there is however no efficient solution .

  9. rlncBT:随机线性网络编码的P2P内容分发系统

    RlncBT : Based on random linear network coding P2P content distribution system

  10. 内容分发网络(ContentDistributed/DeliveryNetwork,简称CDN)和流媒体技术就是这种有用的工具。

    The Content Distributed / Delivery Network ( CDN ) and Streaming Media technique are these powerful tools .

  11. 因此,出现了内容分发网络(CDNContentDeliveryNetwork)架构来适应这种需求。

    Therefore , we need the CDN ( Content Delivery Network ) to fits this kind of demand .

  12. CDN(ContentDeliveryNetwork)即内容分发网络,是通过在现有的Internet中增加一层新的网络架构。

    Content Delivery Network ( CDN ) is available via adding a new layer in the existing network architecture of Internet .

  13. CDN(ContentDistributionNetwork&内容分发网络)的出现极大改善了Internet的访问速度和服务质量。

    The emergence of CDN ( Content Distribution Network ) conduces maximum improvement over accessing speed and service quality of Internet .

  14. IPTV内容分发网络端到端QoS的部署研究

    Setting End to End Quality of Service in IPTV Content Distributing Network

  15. 如何在Internet网络上提供大规模的流媒体内容分发一直是过去十多年里流媒体研究领域的核心问题。

    How to provide large scale streaming media content distribution on internet has been the core of the streaming media research in last 10 years .

  16. 基于内容分发的Cache集群系统

    Cache cluster of content-based request distribution

  17. 文中重点讨论了以下几个关键问题:①流媒体内容分发网络CDN(ContentDistributionNetwork)中的代理缓存技术。

    This dissertation emphasize on discussing these important problems : ① Proxy cache technology of Content Distribution Network ( CDN ) for streaming media .

  18. 基于DRM和P2P技术的内容分发模式

    A Content Delivery Mode Based On DRM and P2P Technology

  19. 基于随机网络拓扑的P2P流媒体内容分发模型,是目前比较流行的内容分发模式。

    The P2P streaming media content delivery model based on random network topology is very popular nowadays .

  20. 围绕内容分发网络内容路由技术,给出了两种基于网络拓扑的算法&“简单算法”和“拓扑分割算法”,确保用户的Web请求被指向距离其最近的和最可用的高速缓存服务器。

    The paper presents two algorithms about CDN content routing algorithm : " the Simple Algorithm " and " the Segment Algorithm ", which can achieve network proximity .

  21. 随着流媒体技术在互联网上的广泛应用,原有用于加速Web内容分发的代理缓存技术也被应用于流媒体内容分发领域。

    With the widespread uses of the streaming technology over Internet , proxy caching has been introduced to the area of media streaming from that of Web content distribution .

  22. 基于动态簇的MANETBT内容分发系统的研究与设计

    The Research and Design of MANET BT Content Distribution System Based on Dynamic Cluster

  23. 该方案将P2P技术引入内容分发网络,利用各自优点,构建一个新型资源下载服务系统。

    It combines P2P and CDN and takes advantage of their merits to construct a new resource download service system .

  24. P2P(Peer-to-Peer)内容分发技术已发展成为当今互联网上最具影响力的技术之一。

    Nowadays peer-to-peer ( P2P ) content distribution has become one of the most influential technologies on Internet .

  25. 在流媒体内容分发中,资源定位以及传输是任何P2P系统都需要解决的问题。

    In the distribution of streaming media content , indexing and transport are needed to be solved in any P2P system .

  26. 纯调度模型是主流P2P内容分发系统的简化,纯编码模型对源文件所有文件片段进行网络编码。

    The pure-scheduling model is simplification of practical P2P content distribution system and in the pure-coding model all segments are coded .

  27. P2P作为一种新型的流媒体内容分发方法,对服务提供商和用户都具有较强的吸引力。

    As a new type of streaming media content distribution method , P2P has a strong appeal to service providers and users .

  28. 与流媒体内容分发的相关技术(内容分发网络、IP组播和端到端下载)为构建大规模的视频点播业务提供了可能。

    Correlate with what the content distributed technology ( content deliver network , IP multicast and peer-to-peer ) offer the large scale Video-on-Demand ( VOD ) possible .

  29. 该系统从当前基于Web界面的应用系统设计共性出发,在系统架构,电信级并发处理,内容分发和安全四个方面进行了一定的研究。

    This paper focused on four aspects : system construction , telecommunication level concurrent processing , content distribution and the safety based on general character of the Web contact surface application system design .

  30. 内容分发系统能够在多用户之间快速的传输大型文件,已经成为应用最为广泛的P2P技术。

    Content distribution system can transmit large files rapidly between multiple users , and it has become the most widely used in internat .