
  • 网络fulltext;Full-Text Index;Full-Text;fulltext index;full text index
  1. 本文首先对数据库创建了全文索引,同时,设计了一个Web查询表单。

    In this thesis , the full-text index of database is established and a retrieval form is designed .

  2. SqlServer的全文索引及优化

    Full-text index of SQL Server and optimization

  3. 分布式WEB文档全文索引关键技术研究

    Research on Key Technology of Distributed Full-Text Index for Web Information

  4. 基于Exchange文档数据库的全文索引技术

    The Technology of Full-Text Index Based on the Exchange Document Database

  5. 对CREATEINDEX语句的扩展使管理员能够创建全文索引,从而帮助改进这种搜索的性能。

    Extensions to the CREATE INDEX statement enable administrators to create full text indexes to help improve the performance of such searches .

  6. 以下示例返回在document表中为全文索引指定的列的信息。

    The following example returns information about the columns that have been designated for full-text indexing in the document table .

  7. 如果遇到灾难的服务器包括了任何exchange全文索引,则可能必须在想要还原的服务器上重新创建全文索引。

    If the server that experienced the disaster included any exchange full-text indexes , you might have to re-create the full-text indexes on the server that you want to restore .

  8. Pat数组是目前比较新的全文索引结构,有广阔、良好的应用前景。

    PAT array is a new full text indexing structure , which has a promising future .

  9. 然后对网络蜘蛛、移动远程信息收集Agent、中文分词和全文索引建立、个人偏好处理以及搜索引擎信息检索等相关技术进行了分析研究;

    Thirdly , it analyzes the technology of the spiders , the mobile long-distance collecting agent , the Chinese participle and the whole-text index , the personal-interest and the information search .

  10. 该搜索引擎系统基于全文索引引擎ApacheLucene构建。

    This search engine is developed based on an open source index engine called Apache Lucene .

  11. PostgreSQL中文全文索引技术研究与实现

    Research and implementation of full text index on Chinese in PostgreSQL

  12. XML结构索引用于加速XML查询中的结构关系约束;XML值索引和XML全文索引用于加速XML查询中的内容谓词约束。

    XML structural indexes are used to accelerate structural relationship constraints of an XML query , while XML value indexes and XML full-text indexes are used to accelerate content predicate constraints of an XML query .

  13. 并讨论如何使用B+-Tree这一DBMS中常用的数据结构来实现基于多倒排索引段的全文索引。

    And how to implement the multi-segments index by B + - Tree , a widely used data structure in DBMS , is also discussed .

  14. 本专栏只涉及了indexer模块和全文索引这个更广泛主题的皮毛。

    This column has only scratched the surface of the indexer module and the broader topic of full-text indexing .

  15. Lucene是一个用Java写的全文索引引擎工具包,访问索引时间快,支持多用户访问,可以跨平台使用。

    Lucene is a full text indexing engine package written in Java language . It has high access speed , supports multi-user accesses and can be used in a cross-platform way .

  16. Lucene是一个强大的开放源代码的全文索引引擎工具包,对它进行分析应用有利于研究搜索引擎的相关技术。

    We study the technique of the search engine through analyzing and applying Lucene , which is a power , open-source full-text retrieval tool .

  17. 针对这一不足,提出在DBMS中使用基于多倒排索引段的全文索引,来提高建立索引和查询索引的性能。

    Full-text index implemented by multi-segments index ( one or more inverted indexes ) is proposed by this article to improve the performance of building , updating and querying .

  18. 图形搜索平台的数据解析器利用各种CAD软件提供的应用程序接口识别图形文件的几何特征,索引引擎根据识别出的几何特征为图形文件生成图形描述子,并将图形描述子存储于全文索引中。

    The data exactors wrap up the API of CAD applications , to identify geometric features of shape files , and then index engine creates shape descriptors for shape files based on geometric features and put shape descriptor value into full-text index .

  19. 对开源全文索引库Lucene进行了研究,对Lucene的倒排序索引方法、索引建立模式、索引存储组织形式、索引的检索机制进行了剖析。

    Researches the open-source full-text indexing library Lucene , analyzes the inverted sort index method , indexing mode , index stored organization , indexing retrieval mechanisms .

  20. 此Ftp搜索引擎不仅能够自动生成标准格式的XML资源文档,而且采用基于字典的前向最大匹配中文分词法在Lucene中动态更新全文索引。

    And the new designed Ftp search engine can generate an XML resource documents by standard format automatically , thus maximally match Chinese words segmentation and update the full text index dynamically in the Lucene documents .

  21. 采用两种不同的方式实现文本串邻接矩阵,导出了两种基于邻接矩阵的新型全文索引模型,即基于邻接矩阵的倒排文件和基于邻接矩阵的PAT数组。

    Two approaches are proposed to implement the adjacency matrix of text string , which leads to two new full-text indexing models , i.e. , adjacency matrix based inverted file and adjacency matrix based PAT array .

  22. 首先从理论上分析了算法的高效性,然后用实验结果证实了分析,初步的研究表明,Pat数组用于中文文本的全文索引是可行的。

    According to the theoretical analysis it is concluded that the new algorithm has a high performance , and the experiment result proves the predication . The basic research indicates that it is feasible to apply PAT array to the Chinese full text indexing .

  23. 他们所指的网站StackOverflow将计划不再长期使用全文索引。

    StackOverflow , the site they are referring to , isn 't planning on using Full Text Search over the long run anyways .

  24. 如果允许在DPAR中使用全文索引,则不但必须考虑这些索引的管理,还要考虑在执行索引上执行的搜索。

    If you allow full-text indexes to be used on your DPARs , then you must not only account for the management of these indexes , but also the searches performed on these indexes .

  25. 搜索引擎的问世,解决了信息的定位问题,但是第一代搜索引擎例如AltaVista提供的是全文索引,排名只依据查询向量与文档向量的余弦相似度。

    But the first generation of search engines , such as AltaVista , provide full text index . Its ranking strategy is based on the cosine similarity between a query vector and a document vector .

  26. 投标人应提供其质量程序的全文索引。

    Bidder shall provide a full index of its quality procedures .

  27. 事实库、规则库的一体化全文索引算法

    The Integrative Index Algorithm Based on Fact-base and Rule - base

  28. 针对这一缺点,最有效的信息分析技术为全文索引技术。

    Study on Application of Full-text Indexing Technology in Office Automation System ;

  29. 确实想取消全文索引向导吗?

    Are you sure you want to cancel full text indexing wizard ?

  30. 您想删除该表的全文索引吗?

    Do you want to remove the full-text indexing for this table ?