
  • 网络thesaurus;thesauri
  1. 所以,在你抛开同义词典尝试给别人留下印象前,记住简洁、清晰明了的说法比华丽的辞藻更能表明你精通一门语言。

    So before you get out the thesaurus GetWord (" thesaurus "); in an attempt to impress , remember that simplicity and clarity are generally a better signal of mastery than flowery language .

  2. 系统需要情感特征词典作为基础,故本文提出一种基于词汇语义相似度的方法构建中文情感特征词典和一种基于WordNet的同义词典和近义词典的方法构建英文情感特征词典。

    This system is based on emotion characteristics dictionary . We construct Chinese emotion characteristics dictionary by means of computing semantic similarities and we inquire the synonym thesaurus and the near synonyms thesaurus of WordNet to generate English emotion characteristics dictionary .

  3. 一种基于同义词典及模糊集技术IR模型

    One IR Model Based on Fuzzy Sets and Thesauri Technology

  4. 基于同义词典的装备信息集成应用研究

    Research of Information Integration in the Field of Equipment Based on The Thesaurus

  5. 《简明同义词典》探析&兼论现代汉语同义词辨析的方法与策略

    An Analysis on Concise Chinese Synonyms Dictionary and the Methods to Differentiate Modern Chinese Synonyms

  6. 采用基于前缀树的高频词抽取算法抽取试题的内容特征,避免了对同义词典的依赖。

    High-frequency words extracting algorithm based on suffix tree is used to extract content features of items and the use of thesaurus can be avoided .

  7. 为了在检索过程中全面表达查询意愿,提出一种结合同义词典和词对共现距离的查询扩展方法。

    To fully express the intention of querying in the information retrieval , we propose a query expansion method based on thesaurus and words co-occurrence distance .

  8. 文章在模糊集理论的基础上,利用同义词典构建了一种可应用于网络搜索引擎及数字图书馆等方面的信息检索模型。

    Based on the theory of Fuzzy Sets , this paper builds a Information retrival model using the technology of Thesauri which may be used in Web Searching Engineer and Data Dictionary and so on .

  9. 本文针对高层建筑结构实例库的特点,定义了同义词典和值域词典,给出同义词典的构造算法和简化方法,实现值域规范化动态管理;

    In accordance with the data characteristics of skyscrapers'framework databases , this paper defines a synonym dictionary and a value set dictionary , and gives the creation algorithm and a simplified method for the synonym dictionary .

  10. 首先利用P2P技术与同义词词典在Internet构件库中进行构件的查找与检索,然后进行构件的组装。

    Firstly it uses P2P technology and synonym dictionary in the Internet component libraries for component search and retrieval , and then components assembly .

  11. 第二,使用OmniFind的同义词词典机制为关键字定义语义同义词。

    Second , OmniFind 's synonym dictionary mechanism is used to define semantic synonyms for keywords .

  12. 为了实现浅层语义向量空间模型中的查询扩展,基于著名的语义词典WordNet建立了模糊同义词词典。

    During the research , to complete the query expansion of shallow-semantic vector space model , a fuzzy synonym thesaurus is built up based on the famous semantic lexicon WordNet .

  13. 提出了一种基于专有名词优先的中文分词方法:利用专业词典、通用词典和同义词词典相结合的词典机制,优先切分专有名词,对粗分结果利用Trigram模型进行消歧而获取最终结果。

    Design a Chinese word segmentation algorithm based on priority special name : using dictionary mechanism which combine synonyms dictionary , general dictionary and special dictionary , cut the sentences by special name firstly , and get the segmentation result of disambiguating with Trigram mode lastly .

  14. 到纽约的同义词词典一天只有一班。

    We have only one a day for New York .

  15. 同义词词典是写好文章的一个有益助手。

    A thesaurus is a useful aid to writing well .

  16. 我需要一本同义词词典来写文章。

    I need a synonym dictionary for my essay .

  17. 为了让关键字搜索可以使用新的注释,必须扩展这个集合的同义词词典。

    To make the new annotations available with keyword search , the synonym dictionary for this collection must be extended .

  18. 缩写词必须添加到同义词词典中才能映射到索引和查询处理的完整词汇。

    Abbreviations must be added to a synonym dictionary to be mapped to the full term for index and query processing .

  19. 然而,您可以在同义词词典中定义这些词汇,并将这个同义词词典应用到文本索引。

    However , you can define the terms in a synonym dictionary and apply the synonym dictionary to the text index .

  20. 凯教授表示,这部词典与《罗格同义词词典》主要区别在于,它追溯了英语的起源。

    Professor Kay said that one of the main differences from Roget ` s Thesaurus was that the new volumes go back to the origins of English .

  21. 在检索时,利用中、英文同义词词典对查询关键词进行扩展,使用户得到更加全面的辅助翻译信息。

    When we retrieval , we expand query words make use of Chinese and English synonym dictionary , enable users to obtain more comprehensive information to translation .

  22. 手头要始终有一个同义词词典和一本字典,尤其是如果你习惯于使用你不能完全确定含义的字词。

    Have a thesaurus and a dictionary handy at all times , especially if you have the habit of using words whose meanings you are not completely sure of .

  23. 《尔雅》是我国第一部同义词词典,它对同义复合词的研究有极高的利用价值。

    On the improvement value of Er Ya in the synonym-compounds research Er Ya is the first synonym dictionary in our country , which has big improvement value to the synonym-compounds research .

  24. 同义词与反义词词典

    Dictionary of synonyms and antonyms

  25. 除了上面的同义词,这部《历时同义词词典》还首次着重介绍了一些单词变为通用语的时间。

    The historical thesaurus , the first of its kind , also highlights when words became common parlance .