
  1. 利用三引物PCR和同尾酶连接的策略实现多基因片段的重组

    Multi-gene fragments recombination by TP-PCR and isocaudamer ligation

  2. 本研究在反向PCR基础上,建立了一种新型染色体步移技术:同尾酶反向PCR。

    A novel technique , isocaudarners inverse PCR ( II-PCR ), has been established for chromosome walking .

  3. 方法以牵引丝蛋白基因单体为基础,利用同尾酶聚合法构建含牵引丝蛋白基因单体六聚物的重组克隆质粒pUC18-6S和重组原核表达质粒pET-28a(+)-6S。

    Methods Based on the monomer of the gene of spider dragline silk protein , the recombinant plasmids pUC-6S and pET-28a ( + ) - 6S were cloned by isocaudarner enzymatic polymerization .

  4. 同鼠尾胶原来源的皮肤替代物相比较,在长期的培养过程中人成纤维来源的的模型包含更多的数量的细胞层。

    In contrast to rat-tail collagen-based HSEs , the present fibroblast-derived matrix-based HSEs contain more continuity in the number of viable cell layers in long-term cultures .

  5. 分组给药同小鼠悬尾实验,隔日进行小鼠强迫游泳实验。比较给药组及对照组小鼠在后4min内的不动时间。

    Forced swimming test was made every other day and compared in 4 minutes of rats in the administration and control group .

  6. 与同类型的尾平衡技术对比可知,该技术可实现滚动动态平衡,从而降低电机负载突变波动,使系统平稳运行。

    Compared with the same kind of tail balance technology , this technology can realize the dynamic balance , which decreases the motor load mutation and undulation , and makes the system run smoothly .

  7. 发现在台风后部沿轨迹右侧留有强的、稳定的、与台风同方向的尾流。在尾流右侧还伴有一个绕水堆的顺时针方向的涡旋。

    It is noteworthy that along the track a strong sustained wake current in the same direction with the typhoon is left behind the typhoon centre and on the right of the wake current is a clockwise vortex around a water pile .

  8. 前人关于小尾寒羊、滩羊由蒙古羊分化而来的考证得到遗传学实验的进一步证明,湖羊、同羊、小尾寒羊和滩羊受蒙古羊血统的影响递减。

    Hu sheep , Tong sheep , Small Tailed Han sheep and Tan sheep were decreasingly affected by the bloodline of Mongolian sheep .