
  • 网络torsional moment;torque;leverage
  1. 固体发动机主推力和扭转力矩同时测量法

    A method for synchronous measurement of thrust and torque of solid rocket motor

  2. 提醒你们,假设力场中有一固体,可以由力对固体的作用测量出其扭转力矩。

    I want to remind you that if we have a solid in a force field , we can measure the torque exerted by the force on the solid .

  3. 本文还对储药药囊受到的扭转力矩做了理论推导,最后利用ansys分析软件对机器人永磁体和药囊做了有限元应力分析。

    The paper also conducted a theoretical derivation about the torsional moment applied on drugs storage containers . Finally , we analyzed the stress in permanent magnets and drug containers with the finite element analysis software-Ansys .

  4. 或许我应该说明,空间中的扭转力矩是什么。

    Maybe first I should remind you about what torque is in space .

  5. 圆榫接合刨花板构件扭转力矩探讨

    The principle study of torsional strength of dowel joints in the particleboard members

  6. 扭转力矩是度量力对旋转的影响的。

    What the torque measures again is the rotation effects of the force .

  7. 力场的旋度是,描述扭转力矩与转动惯量比值的量。

    The curl of a force field measures the torque per unit moment of inertia .

  8. 基于散斑跟踪技术的左心室扭转力矩计算

    Measurement of Ventricular Torsion with Speckle Tracking

  9. 圆轴体同圆盘形孔体的联结,越来越多地采用过盈配合,传递扭转力矩,高速地旋转。

    Cylinder shaft body is connected to its hole body more and more by pinch fit so as to transmit torsional moment at high speed of revolution .

  10. 这是固体力学的研究重点之一,就是力的扭转力矩与转动惯量之比。

    Well , it is one of the important things of solid mechanics , which is the torque of a force divided by the moment of inertia .

  11. 通过对三组刨花板进行实验结果可以看出,刨花板构件扭转力矩与刨花板内部强度、尺寸规格和节点结构有关。

    Three group of particleboard were tested that showed the torsional forces in the member related to the internal strength , the size and the joint constructions .

  12. 对普通单层股钢丝绳和多股钢丝绳工作时内部受力进行分析,推导出多股钢丝绳加载时扭转力矩的计算公式。

    The calculation formula of torsion moment of multi-strands wire rope as loaded are deducted by internal force analysis of single-strand wire rope and multi-strands wire rope while working .

  13. 结果表明:螺栓断裂是由于其制造时产生了严重的带状组织,降低了螺栓的许可扭转力矩,导致螺栓在安装过程中发生扭转断裂。

    The results show that the fracture was caused by the banded structure which decreased the permitted rotational moment and resulted in the torsional fracture of the bolts during installation process .

  14. 管道失稳是由于管道周围土体提供的抵抗力矩小于偏心顶推力而产生的扭转力矩,造成管节偏离设计轴线。

    When the resistive moment of surrounding soil is less than the torsional moment of eccentric jacking force , stability failure of pipeline occurs and pipes deviates from the designed axes .

  15. 实际应用:通过电网络的成熟理论来分析和求解周转轮系中各个构件的角速度,构件之间的切向力以及构件的扭转力矩。

    Practical application : through sophisticated electric network theory to analyze and solve planetary gear train of the angular velocity of each component , component between the shear force and torque components .

  16. 2.2生物力学检测:将标本置于力学测试机的夹具上固定进行扭转力矩。

    Repeat measurements to three times and take average . 2.2 Biomechanical test : The callus specimens are placed on a mechanical testing machine fixture fixed to the torsional stiffness and failure torque test .

  17. 针对导弹长期储存升力面扭片刚度衰减问题,用损伤力学的方法给出了扭转力矩随时间变化的解析解,并对解析解进行了数值模拟。

    To solve the problem of stiffness attenuation of torsion slip in view of missile long time storage , the theoretical model which the variety of torsion moment vs time are obtained by using damage mechanics method , at the same time the theoretical model were simulated by numerical method .

  18. 通过测试,证明体扭转力和体扭转角度有关,一般男子向左扭转力大于向右,扭转力矩为50~140N。

    The twisting force toward left of men is greater than that toward right ; the twisting force moment for men is from 50 to 140 N.

  19. 当机器扭转加载速度以外旋10°/min的速率加载致标本骨折,从载荷角度位移曲线上由计算机软件自动计算每厘米长度的扭转力矩。

    When the machine other than the loading speed reverse rotation ten min rate of load-induced fracture of specimens , from the load point displacement curve by the computer software automatically calculates the length of the torsional stiffness per centimeter , the damage is caused by fractures of torque .