
  • 网络Torsional vibration damper;DAMPER,VIBRATION
  1. 柴油机轴系扭振减振器设计计算及试验装置研究

    The Design and Experimental Device Study of Torsional Vibration Damper for Diesel Shafting

  2. 内燃机轴系扭振减振器的最优化设计

    Optimal Design of Torsional Vibration Damper in Engine Crankshaft System

  3. 目前应用的内燃机曲轴扭振减振器大多数是减振器和曲轴V带轮二合为一的产品。

    At present the crankshaft torsional damper for internal combustion engine is the combination of torsional damper and pulley .

  4. 传统的从动盘式扭振减振器(ClutchTorsionalDamper,CTD)虽对控制扭振及其噪声起着积极作用,但实践证明,该方法存在着严重的不足和缺点。

    Although traditional Clutch Torsional Damper ( CTD ) has a positive effect on controlling torsional vibration and noises , it has been proved that CTD system has serious disadvantages .

  5. DMF-CS型扭振减振器刚度匹配设计

    Match and design of torsional stiffness of the DMF-CS torsional damper

  6. 离心摆式DMF-CS扭振减振器隔振性能分析运动功能减退综合征

    Analysis of Isolation of the Torsional Vibration of DMF-CS with Centrifugal Pendulum-type Absorber

  7. 怠速状态下,CTD式扭振减振器对通过其之后的动力系统减振效果不明显,对于没有通过离合器的部分,基本不具备减振功能。

    Under idling state , traditional driven disc torsional vibration damper ( shorthand as the CTD ) has no obvious damping effect on the driveline after it and almost has no damping function on the part of driveline that before the clutch .

  8. 挤压式磁流变减摆器特性及其对直升机地面共振的影响研究离心摆式DMF-CS扭振减振器隔振性能分析

    Characteristics of Magneto-rheological Damper with Squeeze Mode and Its Effect on Helicopter " Ground Resounance " Dynamic Stability ; Analysis of Isolation of the Torsional Vibration of DMF-CS with Centrifugal Pendulum-type Absorber

  9. 本文建立了双质量飞轮一径向弹簧型DMF-RS扭振减振器的弹性特性表达式并进行了理论探讨,提出了该减振器弹性机构的设计方法,可实现理想的硬非线性弹性特性。

    This paper derived and discussed the formula of the elastic characteristic of the dual mass flywheel radial spring ( DMF-RS ) torsional damper , and proposed the design method of the elastic mechanism of the damper .

  10. 6110型柴油机扭振减振器扭振特性分析

    The Characters Analysis of Torsional Vibration of 6110 Engine Shafting Absorber

  11. 主动控制扭振减振器原理与试验研究

    Operation Principle and Experimental Study of an Active Torsional Vibration Absorber

  12. 阻尼弹性扭振减振器调谐计算的正则模型

    On normal Model of Tuning Calculation for Torsional Vibration Damper

  13. 双质量飞轮式扭振减振器扭振模型分析

    Analysis of a Dual-mass Flywheel Damper Model on Torsional Oscillation

  14. 坦克发动机扭振减振器试验装置的研究

    Investigation on a Testing Device of Torsional Vibration Dampers for Tank Engine

  15. 汽车离合器扭振减振器设计方法探讨

    A Study of the Design Method of Torsional Damper in Automobile Clutch

  16. 扭振减振器对曲轴弯曲和纵向振动的影响研究

    Influence of Torsional damper on the Bending and Axial Vibration of Crankshaft

  17. 研究一种曲轴扭振减振器特性参数的计算机检测分析系统。

    A testing system of crankshaft torsional vibration damper parameters is presented .

  18. 某矿用车橡胶式扭振减振器的优化设计研究

    Optimum Design of Rubber Torsional Damper for the Mine Truck

  19. 就曲轴扭振减振器的性能和疲劳试验的测试方法作相关探讨。

    The method of crankshaft vibration damper property and reliability experiments are discussed .

  20. 汽车动力传动系双质量飞轮式扭振减振器的结构设计与动力学特性研究

    The Structural Design and the Study on Dynamic Characteristics of Dual Mass Flywheel

  21. 曲轴扭振减振器特性参数检测系统

    A Parameters Testing System for Crankshaft Torsional Vibration Dampers

  22. 汽车离合器扭振减振器的工作特性

    On working An Experimental Study on the Torsional Vibration Damper Characteristics in Automotive Clutch

  23. 由于传统的离合器从动盘式扭振减振器受限于空间结构,减振效果有限。

    The traditional clutch damper has finite damping performance due to its space structure constraint .

  24. 考察了各个参数对分叉曲线的影响,为非线性扭振减振器的设计提供了新的分析方法。

    This paper gives us a new analytical method to the design of a nonlinear shock absorber .

  25. 离合器扭振减振器性能参数计算公式探讨及其弹性特性表达

    Research for the Calculation Formulas of the Performance Parameters of the Torsional Vibration Damper in Clutch and Expression of Its Elastic Characteristics

  26. 介绍了双质量飞轮式扭振减振器的结构特点和对汽车动力传动系统扭振的控制作用。

    The construction characteristics , advantages , and controlling effect of a dual-mass flywheel on automotive power train torsion vibration system were given .

  27. 汽车动力传动系扭振减振器对扭振固有特性影响分析双质量飞轮式扭振减振器对振动的控制分析

    Study and Analysis on the Natural Performance of Automobile Power Train with Dual Mass Flywheel DamPer Influences of a Dual-mass Flywheel Damper on Idling Vibration

  28. 合理的设计匹配扭振减振器对降低扭转振动振幅、减少扭转振动危害有着非常重要的意义。

    It has very important significance to have a reasonably design and best match for the torsional vibration damper to reduce the amplitude of torsional vibration .

  29. 建立了整车动力传动系统虚拟样机,对汽车摩擦离合器扭振减振器在汽车动力传动系统中的减振性能进行了仿真分析。

    Damping performance simulation analysis of automotive friction clutch torsional vibration damper in the automotive driveline was conducted after the virtual prototype for automotive driveline was established .

  30. 本文针对这个问题,结合国内企业实际情况,在已有的研究的基础之上,归纳总结设计出了一套双质量飞轮式扭振减振器检验规范。

    To solve this problem , this article combined with the actual situation of domestic enterprises , in the basis of existing research , design a DMF specifications .