
  • 网络dual mass flywheel;dMF;DMFW
  1. 诞生于上世纪八十年代中期的双质量飞轮减振器(DualMassFlywheel,DMF)由于克服了CTD的不足,有效地降低传动系扭转振动,使得汽车减振降噪技术发生了质的飞跃。

    Dual Mass Flywheel ( DMF ) was invented in 1980s . As it can effectively overcome the shortcomings of CTD and reduce the torsional vibration of transmission agent , the automotive damping and noise reduction techniques was greatly enhanced .

  2. 本文建立了双质量飞轮一径向弹簧型DMF-RS扭振减振器的弹性特性表达式并进行了理论探讨,提出了该减振器弹性机构的设计方法,可实现理想的硬非线性弹性特性。

    This paper derived and discussed the formula of the elastic characteristic of the dual mass flywheel radial spring ( DMF-RS ) torsional damper , and proposed the design method of the elastic mechanism of the damper .

  3. 周向弧形弹簧双质量飞轮设计方法研究

    Study on the Design Method of Circumferential Arc Spring Dual Mass Flywheel

  4. 双质量飞轮式扭振减振器扭振模型分析

    Analysis of a Dual-mass Flywheel Damper Model on Torsional Oscillation

  5. 双质量飞轮性能测试试验台可靠性设计分析

    Reliability Design and Analysis on Test-bed of Performance Test of Dual-mass Flywheel

  6. 双质量飞轮的弧形弹簧设计及仿真分析

    Design and Simulation Analysis on Arc Helix Spring of Dual Mass Flywheel

  7. 双质量飞轮设计与制造的关键技术研究

    Research on the Key Technology of Dual Mass Flywheel Design and Manufacturing

  8. 汽车双质量飞轮扭振系统结构分析与性能研究

    Structure Analysis and Performance Study of Dual Mass Flywheel Torsional Vibration System

  9. 汽车动力传动系双质量飞轮式扭振减振器的结构设计与动力学特性研究

    The Structural Design and the Study on Dynamic Characteristics of Dual Mass Flywheel

  10. 双质量飞轮的汽车动力传动系扭振特性分析

    Analysis of the Torsion Vibration of the Vehicle Powertrain with the Dual-mass Flywheel

  11. 双质量飞轮扭转减振器运动学仿真及力学分析

    Performance and Mechanics Analysis of Dual-mass Flywheel Torsion Spring

  12. 发动机扭矩通过双质量飞轮导入离合器。

    The engine torque is routed into the clutches via a dual-mass flywheel .

  13. 安装双质量飞轮拆卸和安装双质量飞轮-“安装”部分。

    Install double-mass flywheel removing and installing double-mass flywheel-section on " installing " .

  14. 在配有手动变速器的车辆上安装双质量飞轮。

    Install dual-mass flywheel on vehicles with manual transmission .

  15. 双质量飞轮的作用和特性

    The Function and Characteristic of Double Mass Flywheel

  16. 汽车发动机双质量飞轮激光焊接机及其工艺研究

    Research on Laser Welding Machine and Processing for Double Mass Flywheel in Automobile Engine

  17. 人们称它为双质量飞轮。

    It is known as a double-mass flywheel .

  18. 用单质量飞轮更换双质量飞轮。

    Replacing dual-mass flywheel with single-mass flywheel .

  19. 引入摩擦的周向短弹簧汽车双质量飞轮分析模型及扭振固有特性

    Analysis Model and Inherent Characteristics of Torsional Vibration of the Dual Mass Flywheel-circumferential Short Spring Introduced Friction

  20. 第三章主要目的是设计双质量飞轮减振器。

    The main object of the third chapter is to design the dual mass flywheel ( DMFW ) .

  21. 双质量飞轮作为减小当代汽车动力传动系统扭振的核心部件,其应用日益广泛。

    The dual-mass flywheel used as a core unit of dynamic transmission system of modern automobiles is widespread increasingly .

  22. 汽车传动系用双质量飞轮的设计方法与扭振隔振特性研究

    Research on the Method and the Performance of Isolation of Torsional Vibration of DMF-CS Based on the Vehicle Power Train

  23. 为防止出现这种情况,车辆下次送到车间时必须更换双质量飞轮。

    To prevent this , the dual-mass flywheel must be replaced the next time the vehicle is in the workshop .

  24. 基于双质量飞轮作为多动力耦合器的基础部件,以混合动力传动系统的匹配性作为本文的研究内容。

    The basic components of the dual mass flywheel as a multi-power coupler , the matching of the hybrid power train .

  25. 双质量飞轮的设计就是为了在发动机振动传送到汽车传动系统之前吸收和衰减他们。

    The dual-mass flywheel is designed to absorb engine vibrations before they are transmitted to the driveline where they can create gear rattle .

  26. 介绍了双质量飞轮式扭振减振器的结构特点和对汽车动力传动系统扭振的控制作用。

    The construction characteristics , advantages , and controlling effect of a dual-mass flywheel on automotive power train torsion vibration system were given .

  27. 减振弹簧作为双质量飞轮的核心部件,其弹性特性直接影响双质量飞轮的性能。

    The damping spring is a major component of the dual-mass flywheel , whose elastic property directly determines the performance of the dual-mass flywheel .

  28. 汽车动力传动系扭振减振器对扭振固有特性影响分析双质量飞轮式扭振减振器对振动的控制分析

    Study and Analysis on the Natural Performance of Automobile Power Train with Dual Mass Flywheel DamPer Influences of a Dual-mass Flywheel Damper on Idling Vibration

  29. 同时,以此为依据,还可以为双质量飞轮的进一步研究和开发提供可靠数据。

    At the same time , as a basis , but also that the dual-mass flywheel for further research and development to provide reliable data .

  30. 进而,提出了双质量飞轮转动惯量系数、第1级扭转刚度的设计方法以及双质量飞轮与变速器匹配的方法。

    Furthermore , a design method of rotary inertia coefficient and the first level torsional stiffness and the matching method of DMF and transmission gearbox are proposed .