
  • 网络bidirectional;Bi-Directional;bi-direction
  1. 双方向进化优化方法(BESO法)是进化优化方法(ESO法)的重要发展方向。

    Bi-directional Evolutionary Structural Optimization ( BESO ) is the new development of Evolutionary Structural Optimization method ( ESO ) .

  2. 并通过对宽带随机载荷激励下结构动响应和灵敏度的推导,初步探索了宽带随机载荷激励下的双方向结构渐进优化(BESO)优化准则及算法。

    Third , by use of deriving the dynamic response and its formula for the structure under wide-band random excitation , a new bi-directional evolutionary structural optimization criteria considering static loads and wide-band dynamic excitations , and its algorithm are researched .

  3. TV图像插值的双方向扩散改进算法

    Modified Algorithm with Bidirectional Diffusion for TV Image Interpolation

  4. (θ,n)对手策略下的双方向外汇兑换问题及其竞争策略分析

    Competitive Analysis on Two-way Trading Problem in Foreign Exchange Transactions with (θ, n ) Adversary

  5. 规则格网上双方向性插值DEM精度研究

    Research on DEM error of double orientation interpolation on grid

  6. 单个SSH连接可以并行承载多个通道,每个都可双方向传输数据。

    A single SSH connection can host multiple channels concurrently , each transferring data in both directions .

  7. 审美与人格&中学文言教学的双重指向规则格网上双方向性插值DEM精度研究

    Aesthetic and Personality & The Two Dimension of the Classical Chinese Teaching in Middle School ; Research on DEM error of double orientation interpolation on grid

  8. 然后,结合基于人工材料的结构渐进优化(ESO)方法,构建了基于应变能的双方向结构渐进优化(BESO)方法的优化准则及算法。

    Then , Bi-directional Evolutionary Structural Optimization ( BESO ) criteria and its arithmetic are given , combining ESO method with man-made material elements .

  9. 一种基于主应力的双方向渐进结构拓扑优化方法基于ESO(EvolutionaryStructuralOptimization)的拓扑优化方法,本文提出了一种适应于桥梁结构的拓扑优化方法。

    Based on ESO ( Evolutionary Structural Optimization ) method , a structural topology optimization method for bridge structures is presented in this paper . Two types of bridges including arch and cable-stayed bridges are optimized under various loading conditions with both stress and displacement constraints .

  10. 其次讨论了超分辨预处理过程,提出了基于Radon变换的双方向多分辨率运动估计方法,算法可以稳健、精确的在较大范围内实现亚象素运动估计;

    Secondly , we study the preprocessing part of system , a method of bidirectional multi-resolution motion estimation via radon transform is proposed , which can be used to estimate both pixel and subpixel motion vectors with robustly accurately and efficiently .

  11. 方法用聚合酶链式反应(PCR)方法从人类胎肝cDNA基因文库中分离出全长cDNA克隆,用DNA自动测序仪双方向测序,体外酵母细胞中表达蛋白质。

    Methods A cDNA was isolated by touchdown PCR from a cDNA library of human fetal liver using specific primers . The DNA sequencing was done by an auto-sequence machine through forward and reverse directions . The expression of cDNA encoded protein was tested in yeast cells .

  12. 目前在实验室里已经制备出来了多种硅纳米线纳米电子器件,如场效应晶体管(FET)、单电子探测器、单电子存储元件、双方向电子泵等。

    Currently , researchers have already produced several silicon nanowire nano-electronic devices in the laboratory , such as field-effect transistor ( FET ), single-electron detectors , single-electron memory devices , the two sides to electronic pumps .

  13. 这是用于起重机的双方向固定流量马达。

    The thing is the Bi-directional fixed displacement motor of crane .

  14. 环城高速公路双方向交通模型与自校正控制

    Two Way Traffic Model and Self Tuning Controller for Freeway Around City

  15. 重型计量单位,双方向盘,住宿杆安装。

    Heavy duty measuring unit , twin wheel , stay rod mounted .

  16. 基于应变能的双方向结构渐进优化方法

    Bi-direction evolutionary structural optimization method based on strain energy

  17. 单线双方向运行自动闭塞存在的问题及改进方案

    The Problem and Improvement of Single Track Automatic Block With Double Direction Running

  18. 尽管这样,我仍要强调那个时期的移民是双方向的。

    I should stress , though , that immigration during that period went in both directions .

  19. 在公路中间高速行驶会使双方向行驶的司机都受到惊吓。

    Driving at high speeds in the median of a highway will terrify drivers in both lanes .

  20. 另外,还可选择双向差压传感器,从而测量气流双方向流动时的正负流量。

    In addition , two-way differential pressure sensor can measure plus-minus flow when air flow in both directions .

  21. 介绍了双方向搜索技术特点和改进演化规划的运行步骤及特点。

    The features of the two-way searching technique and the operation steps of the improved evolution programming are introduced .

  22. 以辽宁省高速公路问题为实际背景,建立了环城高速公路入口匝道处双方向放行交通模型;

    On the background of Liaoning province freeway , a two way traffic model of freeway entrance around city was established .

  23. 采用动态保压注塑技术,在单方向剪切应力场中制得了双方向自增强的聚丙烯试样。

    By using oscillating injection molding , biaxially self reinforced polypropylene ( PP ) specimens were achieved in uniaxial shear stress field .

  24. 尽管流动的规模从不透明,但有证据显示,双方向的流动都有所减弱。

    While the dimensions of the flows are never transparent , evidence points to a reduced level of activity in both directions .

  25. 第四,完善外部运行机制,为双方互动创造良好的外部环境,激励、控制、协调与引导双方向良性互动方向发展。

    Fourthly the exterior interactive mechanism is consummated in order to drive , control , coordinate and guide both sides to the benign interaction .

  26. 在任何不采用案卷移送制度和实行控辩双方向法庭举证的诉讼结构中,证据开示具有不容忽视的重要意义。

    Evidence discovery is of accountable significance in any criminal proceeding structure in which the charge-statement-only doctrine is practiced and the judge 's burden of proof is forbidden .

  27. 针对传统的渐进结构优化方法的奇异性问题,提出一种基于收敛性的双方向渐进结构优化方法。该方法不仅能保证迭代收敛到最优解,而且收敛速度快,程序编制简单。

    The main contents are as follows : ( 1 ) A kind of astringency-based Bi-directional Evolutionary Structural Optimization method is proposed which can assure the topology optimization converging fast to the best solution and be easy to program .

  28. 实验结果表明,音圈马达寻迹单方向的线性范围大约为300μm,双方向运动为600μm,从实验曲线数据处理得到线性范围内存在的磁滞误差,并对磁滞误差进行了分析。

    The measurement results show the linear range of VCM for single tracing direction is about 300 μ m , and 600 μ m for double direction . After processing the experimental data , the hysteresis error within the linear curve was obtained and analyzed .

  29. 为了克服标准演化规划的不足,在建立暴雨公式参数优化的数学模型的基础上,结合模型特点提出了演化规划的改进性措施,其核心在于使用基于概率的双方向搜索技术。

    In order to overcome the deficit of standard evolution planning , an improved evolution programming is proposed on the basis of the math model of storm formula parameter optimization through integrating the properties of the model . The pith of the model is based on two-way probability searching .

  30. 主要内容如下:1.结合MSK基本原理与方向调制技术,提出了一种基于异频激励的双波束方向调制信号。

    The main contents are as follows : 1 . Combining the principle of MSK and directional information modulation technology , a signal with dual-beam carrying directional information is proposed .