
  • 网络bilingual lexicography
  1. 本研究的发现对翻译、外语教学以及双语词典学都有一定的启示意义。

    The results of the present study are expected to shed light on translation , foreign language pedagogy , as well as bilingual lexicography .

  2. 双语词典学与翻译学是两门不同的学科,但他们都涉及到了两种语言之间的转换,所以这两者之间是有可能相互借鉴的。

    Bilingual lexicography and translation are two different disciplines . The fact that both of them work with two languages implies the possibility that they can benefit each other .

  3. 词典学界非常重视双语词典编纂学的理论研究。

    The dictionary educational world extremely takes the bilingual dictionary compiling study theory research .