
xínɡ shì yǔ yán xué
  • formal linguistics
  1. 以Saussure和Chomsky为代表的形式语言学认为语言学的研究对象应该是静态的,要剔除非语言的东西。

    It is held in formal linguistics represented by Saussure and Chomsky that the corpus of linguistics should be static and that any non-linguistic factors should be excluded in linguistic study .

  2. 形式语言学的纯科学精神

    The Spirit of Pure Science in Formal Linguistics

  3. 认知语言学与形式语言学的哲学冲突

    Philosophical conflict between cognitive linguistics and formalist linguistics

  4. 目前主导的口语教学法建立在形式语言学(传统语法)的基础上。

    Yet the prevalent pedagogy in speaking teaching is based on formal linguistics ( traditional grammar ) .

  5. 汉语比字句的研究,一直以来就是形式语言学研究的热点。

    Studies on bi comparative sentences in Mandarin Chinese have always been the hot topic in the formal linguistics fields .

  6. 从形式语言学的研究方法出发,我们对语义的描述采用的是逻辑公式的表现手段。

    Following the conventional approach adopted by the formal linguists , the analysis of semantics is by means of logic formula .

  7. 随着形式语言学理论和认知科学技术的发展,研究者们对人类语言机制的研究深入到了整体脑的水平。

    As the development of cognitive neuroscience and formal linguistics , the study of language has deepened into the level of the intact brain .

  8. 本文较系统解释了形式语言学,以及其理论观点不能区分多义词与同形同音异义词。

    This chapter gives a systematic account of the formal school , but the viewpoint can not explain the difference between polysemy and homonymy .

  9. 本文从形式语言学的逻辑式、句法层、赋格论等角度对这一现象作了深入的解析。

    Based on previous explorations , on this topic this paper further explicates this issue by means of logical representation , parse tree , and case-assigning theory .

  10. 本文首先从形式语言学和结构语言学的角度分析诗歌语境中词语语义结构的消解,然后从社会文化文本和作家个性化总文本的角度探讨被解构的词语碎片在新的参照系中语义重构的过程。

    This paper is first of all an investigation into the poetic deconstruction of the semantic structure of the word in terms of semantic feature , and proposition function .

  11. 语言学的发展已经过了古典语言学、比较语言学、形式语言学、功能语言学及认知语言学等五个发展时期。

    The development of linguistics has gone through five stages , that is , the stages of classical linguistics , comparative linguistics , formal linguistics , functional linguistics and cognitive linguistics .

  12. 有鉴于此,本文将以形式语言学理论为基础对比字句的句法语义问题进行重新分析与探讨,以求对部分基本问题提出一些看法。

    Therefore , this thesis will reanalyze the syntactic and semantic issues of bi comparative sentences within the framework of formal linguistics theories , aiming to provide our own views on some basic problems .

  13. 另外,当代类型学还极大地推动了功能主义语言学的发展,并与形式主义语言学以及优选论等不断交织。

    Besides , typological studies are often integrated with functional and even formalistic approaches .

  14. 洪堡特语词内部形式的语言学理论可解释音译外来词现象及其理据成因。

    Based on the internal relation notion of Humboldt s linguistic theory , this paper seeks to analyze the phenomenon of phonetically-translated foreign words and its formative mechanism .

  15. 分析文本或论述的形式结构的语言学。

    Linguistics defined as the analysis of formal structures in a text or discourse .

  16. 作为一种对抗性陈述,在隐藏的话语中,我们可以认为,表达的形式通常不受语言学的形式和规则的制约。

    Such as it is a counter-narrative ; the form of expression in the hidden discourse can said to be frequently outside linguistic norms and regulations .

  17. 电视脱口秀的蓬勃发展使得其成为一种广受欢迎的交际形式,并且引起语言学界众多学者的关注。

    As they spring up in such a variety , TV talk shows have become a highly popular form of communication and aroused the attention of many researchers in the linguistic field .

  18. 俄国形式主义深受索绪尔语言学影响,以一种实际的科学精神将注意力转向文学作品本身,成为西方文论史上一个重要的转折;

    Russian formalism was deeply influenced by Saussure 's structuralism in linguistics , which , in the spirit of science , shifted the emphasis to literary text proper - marking a historical turning point in western literary criticism .

  19. 经验主义和理性主义作为西方哲学认识论中的两大理论阵营伴随着整个语言学的发展过程,以不同的形式贯穿了整个语言学史,它们之间的斗争和妥协反映了西方语言学研究发展的一个侧面。

    Rationalism and empiricism as the two great theories of Western epistemology are following the whole linguistics all the time . They have run through the whole linguistics history in different forms , the struggle and compromise between them have reflect that study a side of development in western linguistics .