
  • 网络form transformation;Formwechsel
  1. 抽象数据类型形式变换系统

    A form transformation system for abstract data types

  2. 介绍结构形状处理的各种方法,包括类型简化、细节简化、形式变换、局部结构和利用对称性等。

    The processing method is introduced in the paper , including type simplification 、 details simplification 、 form transformation 、 local structure and symmetry utilization .

  3. B加速方法;加速收敛的非正则形式变换方法及其应用

    The method of the accelerated convergence transformation of non-Hamiltonian systems and its application

  4. 对该规则进行了形式变换,分解了归一化因子,把Dempster-Shafer分为两项之合,其中第二项含有未知项。

    The combination of evidence in Dempster-Shafer theory was transformed formally that the formula was disassembled into two terms and the normalized constant was also disassembled . The second term contains an unknown .

  5. 将信息从一种形式变换为另一种形式所需要的活动。

    The activities necessary to transform information from one form to another .

  6. 非正则形式变换方法的应用

    On the application of the transformation method of non-Hamiltonian systems

  7. 通过建立数学模型及其形式变换,给出了两种不同的运算结果,并根据综合指标分别对结果进行了分析和评价。

    An analysis and evaluation of the results is made according to the integrated criteria .

  8. 因此翻译中的形式变换是难以避免的,有时甚至是必要的。

    Therefore , transformation of form in the course of translation is inevitable and sometimes necessary .

  9. 雕塑是如此的真实,它似乎在任何时刻,用坚硬的大理石形式变换立场,回视观众。

    The sculpture was so realistic that it seemed that at any moment the indurate marble form .

  10. 如果没有对婚姻本质的解答,不同的婚姻解说不过是在旧有理论平台或框架内的形式变换而已,所以对婚姻本质的追问有其不可替代的重要性。

    If there is no answer on the nature of marriage , the marriage of different explanation is the old theory in the framework of the platform or in the form of transform it , questioning the nature of marriage has its irreplaceable importance .

  11. 离散信号和图象的实数形式Gabor变换

    Real Discrete Gabor Transform for Finite Discrete Signal and Image Representation

  12. 提出基于实数形式Gabor变换(RGT)的虹膜识别算法。

    An approach of iris identification based on real Gabor transform ( RGT ) was proposed .

  13. 目前,存在多种形式UT变换采样策略,而对这些采样策略缺乏比较分析。

    Now , multiple sampling strategies for the UT method has been developed while their comparison and analysis is absent .

  14. 并根据自适应辩识原理,对变量形式进行变换,导出可变窗口自适应辩识方法,建立了联碱碳酸化塔中CO2浓度估计器。

    According to the principle of adaptive identification , the variable format is transform and the method of adaptive identification in variable window is derived , and an estimator for the CO2 concentration is developed .

  15. 而线性正则变换(LCT)是Fourier变换(FT)、分数阶Fourier变换(FRFT)的进一步推广,是更一般形式的变换。

    At the same time , the linear canonical transform ( LCT ) is the generalized form of Fourier transform and the fractional Fourier transform , it can be considered as a general linear transform .

  16. 电流驱动型变换器电源是一种新形式的变换器电源。

    A power supply with a current-driven converter is presented in this paper .

  17. 三维矢量的复指数形式坐标变换及其应用

    The complex index number formed coordinate transformation and its application of 3-dimensional vectors

  18. 高阶奇异积分的闭形式和变换权形式的求积公式

    The quadrature formulae of closed and transformation weight type for singular integrals of higher order

  19. 而第一个真正提出这个问题的是黎曼,他的n维流形的构想,具体地提出了弯曲空间中二次微分形式的变换问题,这是通向张量分析的起点。

    But Riemann is actually the first person advance this problem . His ideas of n-dimensions manifold advance quadratic differential form change problem of curved space in detail . This is the source toward tensor analysis .

  20. 在求飞机的大气紊流响应时,如果不考虑大气紊流交叉谱效应,可把问题归结为一维问题,通过对双侧德莱顿谱形式加以变换,使其符合一定的求解形式来求其精确解;

    If the cross-spectrum effect of atmospheric turbulence is omitted , the problem can be regarded as one-dimensional problem and the exact solution can be obtained by transforming two-sided Dryden model into certain solvable mathematical equation .

  21. 高功率密度、高可靠性和高稳定性是现代电力电子功率变换器不断追求的目标。随着开关电源技术的迅猛发展,研制出了多种不同形式的变换器。

    High power density , high reliability and high stability is the goal the modern power electronic power converters continuous pursuit , with the rapid development of switch power technology , they developed a variety of different forms of converter .

  22. 电力系统数学模型的各种表示形式及其相互变换

    Expressions of Mathematical Models for Power Systems and Their Transformations

  23. 在包和电路形式之间来回变换语音的装置叫因特网电话网关。

    The devices that transform voice back and forth between circuit and packet forms are called Internet telephony gateways .

  24. 洛仑兹以假设的形式提出洛仑兹变换;而爱因斯坦以狭义相对论的必然结论的形式导出洛仑兹变换。

    Lorentz promoted the Loredtz transformation in a form of hypothesis while Einstein deduced it from the necessitarianism of restricted theory of relativity .

  25. 这个方法是根据周期函数的傅里叶级数的性质和利用数学的抽象性质,直接推导出另外三种形式的傅里叶变换。

    According the basic properties of Fourier series of period function and using of the abstract nature of mathematics , the method directly derives other 3 kinds of Fourier transform .

  26. 锅炉是国民经济中供应蒸汽和热水,实现能量的形式及载体变换的重要装备,是工业生产应用中不可或缺的。

    Boiler is functional important and widespread utilized in industry . It is a kind of important equipment which is used to supply steam or hot water by changing energy form and energy carrier .

  27. 在很多信号处理应用中,经常需要将原始信号变换为更便于处理或更期望的形式,这些变换大多为线性变换,例如褶积或匹配滤波等。

    In many signal processing applications the original signals are usually transformed to some other forms which are more appropriate for processing or are otherwise more desirable . Most of them are linear transforms , such as convolution and matched filtering .

  28. 具有中心形式的模糊Fourier变换算法

    Fuzzy Fourier transform algorithm of central form

  29. 基于C++STL技术实现Z形式规格说明求精变换的研究

    C + + STL-based Technology to Achieve Refinement and Transformation of Z Formal Specification

  30. 当指定Z为复数变元时,就有了形式幂级数的变换函数,即闭合形式的问题。

    When Z is assigned the meaning of a complex variable , problem of " closed form " of formal power series emerges .