
  • 网络SLLN;strong law of large number
  1. 关于Bernoulli大数定律、Borel强大数定律及常返性定理的推广

    Extended Bernoulli law of large numbers , Borel strong law of large numbers and recurrence theorem

  2. 随机Fuzzy集的强大数定律

    A strong law of large numbers for random fuzzy sets

  3. 变系数ARCH模型绝对值序列的强大数定律

    Strong Law of Large Numbers of Absolute Value Sequences from Varying-Coefficient ARCH Models

  4. 本文主要讨论了B值随机元序列的强大数定律与B值终鞅的强大数定律,它们是现有一些结果的补充与推广。

    In this paper , the strong , law of large numbers of B-valued random variable sequences and B-valued eventual martingales are investigated .

  5. PA序列的强大数定律

    Strong Law of Large Numbers for PA Random Variables

  6. 不同分布NA阵列加权和的收敛性与强大数定律

    Convergence and Strong Law of Large Numbers for Weighted Sums of Arrays of NA Random Variables with Different Distributions

  7. F值积分的Fubini定理和强大数定律

    Fubini theorem and strong law for large numbers

  8. 本文根据ARCH序列的相依性给出了ARCH模型绝对值序列的强大数定律。

    In this paper we get strong law of large numbers of the absolute value sequences from ARCH based on the dependence of random variables from ARCH .

  9. 关于任意Cayley树上马尔可夫链场的一类强大数定律

    Strong Large Number Law for Markov Chains Field on Arbitrary Cayley Tree

  10. 作为推论,又获得了PA列的与独立随机变量序列情形相类似的一些强大数定律;

    As corollaries , we obtain some strong laws of large numbers for PA sequences , which are similar to the case of independent sequences .

  11. 本文引入了B~X型随机Fuzzy集(B~XRF集)的独立及同分布的概念,并由此给出了它在两种不同场合下的柯尔莫哥洛夫强大数定律。

    In this paper , the concepts of independent and identically distributed sequences of random Fuzzy sets of type B ~ X are intro - duced and two kinds of strong law of large numbers for random Fuzzy sets are shown .

  12. Banach空间Teicher强大数定律的一般形式

    General Version of Teicher 's Strong Law of Large Numbers in Banach Spaces

  13. Kuczmaszewska(2005)证明了一个关于NA随机变量序列的部分和的4阶最大值矩不等式,然后利用这个不等式得到了NA随机变量序列的强大数定律。

    Kuczmaszewska ( 2005 ) proved a maximal inequality for fourth moment of negatively associated random variables , then derived the strong law of large numbers .

  14. 关于可列非齐次马氏链Cesaro平均收敛性及二元函数的强大数定律

    The Convergence of The Cesaro Averages and The Strong Law of Large Numbers for Nonhomogeneous Markov Chains

  15. 利用分段函数的方法和p型空间的一个重要性质,讨论在特殊的抽象空间Hilbert空间中的独立随机变量线性和的某些强收敛性质,在一定意义上丰富和充实了古典的强大数定律。

    We discuss some strong convergence of the linear sums of independent random variables in a special abstract space-Hilbert space using the significant properties of subsection function and p-space . To some extent , it enriches the classical strong laws of larger numbers .

  16. 非齐次马氏信源最优码率的极限定理及Cayley树上非齐次马氏链的强大数定律

    A Limit Theorem of Optimal Code Rate for Non-Homogeneous Markov Information Source and the Strong Law of Large Numbers for Non-Homogeneous Markov Chain on Cayley Trees

  17. 讨论了两两NQD列的收敛性质,独立情形的强大数定律得到推广。

    Discussed the convergence properties of pairwise NQD random sequences , extended the strong laws of large number in the independent case .

  18. 研究了在一定条件下不同分布的两两NQD列的强大数定律,得到了新的结果。

    Under certain conditions , to research the strong law of large Number for pairwise NQD series of different distributions , obtained the new results .

  19. 主要研究任意Cayley树上马尔可夫链场的状态出现频率的强大数定律以及Cayley树上任意函数的一类强大数定律。

    The strong law of large numbers for the state frequency and the strong limit theorem of arbitrary function for the Markov chain field on the arbitrary Cayley tree are investigated .

  20. 本文证明了在不完全满足Toeplitz引理条件,而满足另外一些条件时,一个有价值结论的成立并给出了它在Markov链函数强大数定律中的一个应用。

    The main purpose of this paper is to prove that a valuable conclusion holds under some conditions which do not suffice Toeplitz lemma completely . It Proposes an application of strong law of large numbers of Markov chain function .

  21. 引进整值随机变量序列相对于Poisson乘积分布的和随机比较系数的概念,并利用这一个概念给出了相依整值随机变量序列的一个强大数定律。

    The notion of random comparison coefficient of sequence of integer-valued random variables , relative to the Poisson product distribution , is introduced , and by use of this notion a strong law of large numbers of the sequence of dependent integer-valued random variables is given .

  22. 本文通过可列非齐次马氏链在Wiener概率空间中的一种实现,给出了关于状态三元序组出现频率的一类强大数定律。

    In this paper , by use of a realization of the countable non-homogeneous Markov chains in the Wiener probability space , a class of strong laws of large numbers on the frequency of occurrence of the ordered triple of states are obtained .

  23. 第四章我们主要利用非齐次马氏链二元函数的强大数定律及Cesaro平均收敛性来研究非齐次马氏链的Shannon&McMillan定理。

    In the fourth chapter , we will study the Shannon-McMillan-Breiman theorem for countable nonhomogeneous Markov chains by applying the convergence in Cesaro sense and the strong laws of large numbers of functions of two variables for countable nonhomogeneous Markov chains .

  24. 本文利用Hajek-Renyi型最大值不等式,获得了随机变量和的强大数定律和收敛速度。

    In this paper , we obtain the strong law of large numbers and the convergence rate for a sequence of random variables by using Hajek-Renyi type maximal inequality .

  25. 集值平稳过程的强大数定律

    A Strong Large Numbers Law of the Set value Stationary Processes

  26. 随机变量权和的强大数定律

    Strong law of large number for weighted averages of random variables

  27. 隐非齐次马尔可夫模型的强大数定律

    The strong law of large numbers of nonhomogeneous hidden Markov models

  28. 有限非齐次马氏链的一个强大数定律

    A Strong Law of Large Numbers of Finite Nonhomogeneous Markov Chains

  29. 混合序列强大数定律的收敛速度

    Convergence Rates of the Strong Law Large Numbers for a Mixing Sequence

  30. 混合序列加权和的强大数定律

    Strong Law of Large Number for Weighted Sums of Mixing Random Sequences